Nut Rage Executive Acqitted Of Charges On Appeal
|It was only a matter of time before Heather Cho would be acquitted. She was publicly shamed and the media attention has long since moved along so the time was right to let her walk:
A Seoul appeals court Friday acquitted a former Korean Air Lines vice president of charges of changing the route of a flight in the so-called “nut rage” case.
The Seoul High Court sentenced Cho Hyun-ah to 10 months in prison, but suspended the prison term for two years, freeing her several months after she was put behind bars in December.
A lower court delivered a one-year sentence in December, convicting her of the flight route change to endanger flight safety as she forced the chief steward off a taxiing flight because she was served nuts in an unopened bag instead of on a plate. [Yonhap]
What was the Over-Under on Buddha’s Birthday? That is when I was betting she would be released.
Was something lost in the translation? Acquitted means she was found not guilty, but she was found guilty of something since the court maintained and suspended her 10 month sentence. Was she only acquitted of one of the charges and had her sentence reduced?
Yonhap doesn’t know what “acquitted” means.
No, I read the same thing here in the States: She was acquitted by the High Court of the “Diverting a Flight” charge, but convicted and received a 10 month sentence for Assault, which was then suspended. As long as she stays out of trouble for the term of her suspension, she is free to terrorize her household staff.