Christian Group Mobilizing to Protest Queer Festival In Korea

It will be interesting to see what kind of turn out this Christian group has against the queer festival:

Non-affirming Christian groups are circulating a text message requesting support for a protest against the opening ceremony of the Queer Cultural Festival to show the world how “moral” Korea is.

“By filling Chunggye Square and the pedestrian way with protestors we show our Korean morals to the world,“ Professor Gil Won-Pyoung said in text message that he is encouraging people to circulate on Kakao, Facebook and other social media channels.

“We have a duty as Koreans to do our utmost best to show our morals, as Korea is the only country to prevent the trending flow of homosexuality,” he said.

The Korea Observer translated this message in full for our readers:  [Korea Observer]

You can read the message at the link, but this guy is obviously delusional if he thinks Korea is stopping the trend of homosexuality.  The openness of gays in Korea has shifted dramatically for the positive in the past two decades.  Does this guy want Korea to be like Iran that hangs gays?  If the participants are not bothering anyone with their festival then this Christian group should show some respect and just leave them alone.

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9 years ago

The topic is Christian Group!!!
How on earth did I beat you to this one?
Are you okay? In the hospital. I hope you’re okay!!!
(praying for your health right now…)

9 years ago

This Christian group has the right idea.

They SHOULD hate the fags… then they SHOULD hang them… you know… just like Jesus said.

…nonetheless, “when that day comes” average people won’t really care…

…as long as the ghays aren’t pushing it in eveyone’s face by being all faggoty in public in uniform.

I gotta say, that poster would make one hot cover for some homoerotic fiction.

“When That Day Comes – A recently divorced cop skilled at wielding his hard nightstick and a idealistic priest secretly longing for forbidden fruit work together to solve a crime of passion… but the passion was not just in the crime… and tension builds until they make the bust… but did they bust the real criminal or just a nut? They will find out… When That Day Comes.”

Would Leon be a good name for the cop? Setnaffa for the priest? Tbone for the glory hole snitch?

9 years ago

Not entirely certain any of y’all actually read the Bible; but Old Testament laws were meant for Israel before they had kings and the New Testament brings up the rather terrifying point that it isn’t a “choice” it’s a manifestation of the wrath of God…

biblegateway dot com has more details, if you want them…

9 years ago


It seems in Christianity, compassion and standing up for the oppressed are required default behaviors… while biblical references to homosexuality are very much open to interpretation in content, context, and translation.

There are unusual sins far more clearly defined than homosexuality in the Bible which all but fringe Christian sects do frequently as a lifestyle. This is done intentionally and rationalized away.

There are also many normal sins clearly defined in the Bible that average Christians do daily and then ask for forgiveness… sometimes as a calculated strategy to get by with sinning while still going to Heaven.

Somehow, homosexuality is treated differently… as a sin that cannot be forgiven… or something… and it makes Christians demonstrate very un-Christian behavior. Christians, at the least, should pity homosexuals and offer inclusiveness in the hopes of helping them change their “lifestyle choice” and enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Instead, “God Hates Fags”… either openly on a billboard or indirectly through more socially-acceptable speaking and action.

Christians should feel shamed by this. Open rejection and hatefulness instead of love and inclusiveness goes against everything Christians claim to believe… especially when prohibitions against homosexuality are far more vague than clear instructions to be loving and inclusive.

When That Day Comes seems more like fear-mongering followed by a cash grab than an attempt to spread Christ’s love and Christian values.

9 years ago

CH, one of my sons told me that the last Percy Jackson book introduced a homosexual character. My fifth grader was forced to read a book that included dykes and advocacy for the vagina monologues. Remember what you said about conspiracy?

There was a time when tolerance actually meant tolerance. That is no longer the case. I’m not going to get into a “I know homosexuals! They like me!” shpeal (though I do, and I couldn’t care less what they do in private). The last location I was at, a friend of mine told me she her daughter left the highschool vollyball team because bisexuality was so ubiquitous and the girls were pressuring her to be a lesbian.

Tolerance actually begins with the assertion that something (X) is wrong, flawed, erroneous, evil, or mistaken. It then proceeds to a place where it chooses to overlook, let pass, etc, X because of a higher priority. Tolerance does not “accept”, celebrate, or otherwise affirm that X is good, right or beneficial. We aren’t being asked to tolerate homosexuality, we’re expected to accept it, and endorse it, and use little PC caveats (“not that there’s anything wrong with that” “I find that acceptable” and so forth, kind of like what I did in the paragraph above). As a parent this bothers me, because I believe that sexuality has a social component. Dykery is very de rigueur now.

Consider if smokers adopted the same tactics as gay activists. If you were to claim that smoking is dangerous, you’d be branded smokophobic. If you were to oppose allowing smokers to light up in public, you’d be branded narrow-minded. Any discussion of the merits of smoking would be treated as an attack on smokers. The only outcome smokers would accept is that you “tolerate” them, without the foundation of recognition that smoking is bad. How is that version of “tolerance” any different than acceptance?

9 years ago

FWIW, the above is also true for slut marches, the “rape culture” meme, and so forth. There’s a lot of social conditioning going on and it’s placing pressure on our youth to make very bad life decisions.

9 years ago

Just to add, per the hypocrisy you mention, that’s certainly nothing new. People very often seem to pick and choose the “rules” they want to accept depending on the impact to them, personally. The staunchest “life begins at conception” person can turn into a “I didn’t know a condom could rip! Go get the day after pill!”

My ex boyfriend was a church Deacon, and he turned out to be homosexual. I credit him with my very very good marriage to the first and only hetero guy I have ever had sex with. “This is what it’s supposed to be like? WOW!!!”

9 years ago

“It seems in Christianity, compassion and standing up for the oppressed are required default behaviors…”

I’d need to see the Bible verses behind this. And I’d refer you to (in order) Romans 1:18-32, Galatians 1:8, Ephesians 2:8-9, and Romans 8:1.

Christians are supposed to spread the Good News (Matthew 28:16-20). Taking sides in political debates isn’t part of that. And defending things that God says he hates might be a bit of a stretch, too. But everyone has an opinion on everything.

Christians are _not_ supposed to be burning people at the stake for being sinners (we all are, Romans 3:23). Those who do so and claim the Bible as their justification are no different than those who claimed the Bible supported their “right” to own slaves. And they’re missing the point that we’re all either slaves of sin or made free in Christ by His efforts not our own.

It’s funny to see people who reject the Bible try to use it to call other people hypocrites. We all are. Every day. But some folks still think their mess don’t stink. They should read more.

9 years ago

“It seems in Christianity, compassion and standing up for the oppressed are required default behaviors…”
“I’d need to see the Bible verses behind this. ”

Isaiah 1:17 – “Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.”

…not exactly “succor the faggot”… but it sounds suspiciously like compassion and standing up for the oppressed.

Zechariah 7:10 – “Do not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the sojourner, or the poor, and let none of you devise evil against another in your heart.”

God Hates Fags sound a bit like an evil heart.

Are you arguing that compassion is not an official Christian trait? Are you trying to say that standing up for the oppressed is not a reoccurring theme from Moses to Jesus?

I’m not trolling you here… but more curious.

Christians cannot be expected to approve of homosexuality… or like it… or accept it… but it seems it could be ignored. Homosexuality generates true hate in the Christian community and brings out very un-Christian thought, speaking, and action like nothing else.

“Taking sides in political debates isn’t part of that.”

Forced tolerance is a political issue… and Christians should take a side in that if it is forced upon them against their wishes. As a moral issue, Christians may voice their distaste. But it shouldn’t generate the level of true hate that it does.

“It’s funny to see people who reject the Bible try to use it to call other people hypocrites. ”

You are looking at it backwards. People who reject the Bible are pointing out hypocrisy by those who are pushing the Bible… a very valid construct.

A non-believer using the Bible to call another non-believer a hypocrite would be funny.

What do you think? Should Christianity accept, ignore, or actively pursue homosexuals with hatefuness?

9 years ago

EGGHEAD and setnaffa spreading the word of HATE once again…

9 years ago

Since we’re all sinners, Christians are to spreads the Gospel. You must not have read Romans 8:1. And yes, Galatians 5 goes into even more detail on what Christians are to look like.

I am obviously not defending Westwood. And the bits about poor and needy are not directly related. Some folks need to stop making bad choices before anyone can help them. 😉

Leon LaPorte
Leon LaPorte
9 years ago

17″Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18″For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19″Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.… Matthew 5:18

Psalm 111:8
They are established for ever and ever, enacted in faithfulness and uprightness.

Isaiah 40:8
The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.”

Isaiah 44:26
who carries out the words of his servants and fulfills the predictions of his messengers, who says of Jerusalem, ‘It shall be inhabited,’ of the towns of Judah, ‘They shall be rebuilt,’ and of their ruins, ‘I will restore them,’

Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

Luke 16:17
It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law.

Luke 21:33
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

“Christians” conveniently ignore these passages when they wish to order a shrimp cocktail but while pealing those shrimp will invoke these same passages to justify lynching gays. Interesting how their minds work. Were I a believer, I’d probably take the WORD OF GOD a bit more seriously than the way I see most self labelled Christians doing so. I also doubt their god(s) would be amused by their legalistic justifications for skirting its laws.

As far as the protests, keep up the good work Christians. It isn’t atheists or the devil that is driving people away from your despicable cult, it is YOU! Just keep being yourselves. 😉

9 years ago

“Were I a believer, I’d probably take the WORD OF GOD a bit more seriously than the way I see most self labelled Christians doing so. I also doubt their god(s) would be amused by their legalistic justifications for skirting its laws.”

Hmmm. That Deuteronomic Code (Deuteronomy 12 to 26) is very Sharia-like. And the rules of war in Deuteronomy 20 reads like ISIS’s marching orders. Thank goodness Jesus came along and rescinded all of that, didn’t he?

9 years ago

Deuteronomy setnaffa and EGGHEAD fall under the code below…

Bizzare death penalties:
If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die. Deuteronomy 21:18-21…

9 years ago

The New Testament (Paul in particular, Colossians) changed the Old Testament food and circumcision rulz.

9 years ago

There really is no Christianity without Christ’s grace, brought to us in the New Testament.
I’m not going to proselytize though, which I find tedious (when Christians do it, when atheists do it, when PC warriors do it). Believe what you want.

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