Picture of the Day: Ah Ri Promotes New Movie
South Korean actress Ah Ri, who stars in the new movie “Black Idols,” poses for a photo during a publicity event in Seoul on June 15, 2015. The movie will be released in South Korea on June 25. (Yonhap)
ROK Drop’s coverage of Korean female entertainment stars is creepy. It undermines the legitimacy you’re seeking.
“ROK Drop’s coverage of Korean female entertainment stars is creepy.”
I agree, Bart. You are quite brilliant to notice this.
GI Korea’s consistent choices of the skankiest, most rugged, hobgoblin-kneed photos of Korean female entertainment stars in shockingly ugly fashions and foolishly stupid poses fails to aggressively promote overt heterosexuality as it should…
….and actually seems to serve as a form of conditioning which encourages negative attitudes and represses traditional interests in normally attractive Korean female entertainment stars.
This IS very, very creepy.
“It undermines the legitimacy you’re seeking.”
I agree with this, too.
Traditionally, members of America’s armed forces have had little interest in women… and almost no interest in Asian women. Even acknowledging they exist is a big hit on creditability, especially in today’s increasingly “non-traditional” military.
Legitimacy would be better earned though the promotion of inclusive tolerance and diversity with more pictures of entertainment stars who are Agender, Androgyne, Androgynous, Bigender, Cisgender, Gender Fluid, Gender Nonconforming, Gender Questioning, Gender Variant, Genderqueer, Intersex, Neutrois, Non-binary, Pangender, Transfeminine, Transgender, Transsexual, and/or Two-Spirit.
Together, Bart, perhaps we can remove a bit of the creep factor from ROK Drop and all these Korean female entertainment stars .
We need more pictures of Lana Wachowski and Harisu.
@1- Please define the “legitimacy” I am supposedly seeking?
Bart’s post is a cisgender microaggresion?
Setnaffa wins the Internets today.