Tweet of the Day: Unwed Women Fired for Being Pregnant in Korea?

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9 years ago

“many view unwed mothers as someone who is promiscuous; had an affair with a married man; or someone who doesn’t know how to properly take care of herself.”

Probably, maybe, and YES.

Women love to scream about the freedom to do what they want to with their bodies… but a lot of them sure don’t like the responsibility… especially if they can get welfare, child support, or both… as there is no responsibility necessary.

The social stigma of being a single mother in Korea is probably one of the major reasons there aren’t a bunch of single Korean girls bragging about their baby-apas.

This results in all sorts of fewer social problems.

Good for Korea.

Make single mothers so miserable that other girls don’t want to be single mothers… instead of the policy in the USA which makes it something to aspire to… perpetuating generations of single mothers.

After watching a number of hogwon/teacher conflicts, I have yet to see one where the innocent teacher was screwed over by the predatory hogwon looking for trouble (except in the cases of going out of business).

In this case, if a teacher can’t be responsible for herself, how can she serve as a good example for students. Word gets out. This is death for a hogwon in a competitive market where mommy can send her snowflake down the street when an irresponsible knocked-up slut is not working.

This teacher should have put the word out that she was married… but seemingly was proud of her ability to be a single mother.

…a foreign action and attitude as shocking and inappropriate in Korea as 38 Asians living in a one-bedroom apartment is in America.

…and, as a bonus, the Korean insurance system paid for it all.


9 years ago

“The social stigma of being a single mother in Korea is probably one of the major reasons there aren’t a bunch of single Korean girls bragging about their baby-apas.

This results in all sorts of fewer social problems.

Good for Korea.”

Yes, yes, and yes.

No probably or maybe about it.

9 years ago

Wait, wait…
I just thought about it (reminded when reading through the topics)
It might actually be the lack of sex ed classes that don’t talk about abstinence!?
(I don’t know, but that seems reasonable….because absinence causes pregnancy, right? Right!)

9 years ago
9 years ago

It is not the ideal first-line action… but, technically, abortion does fall into the catagory of “properly take care of herself”…

…at least in result.

Korea has this sick idea that the answer to all long-term problems is “more babies”…

…and doesn’t seem to realize there is a difference between wanted and unwanted babies.

Healthy societies are not composed of single mothers, forced marriages, or untimely children.

Abortion is tragic and distasteful… but the lack of abortion results in something even worse.

9 years ago

It’s never been hard to tell who the pathetic misogynists are here. When in Korea I guess.

What of the man that got her pregnant? No repercussions for him? Just her? If that’s the case then why? Please, please explain why it’s ok to punish her and not him.

I wonder why her partner in crime hasn’t stepped up and made an honest woman of her? Any theories on that? Anyone?

Does it not take two? Why is she the only one to suffer?

Abortion is an option I guess. Ah Korea, the land where birth control and lack of sex ed equal abortion.

I’m going to guess the classy love motel the guy treated her to had inferior condoms, if that is where it all went down.

9 years ago


“It’s never been hard to tell who the pathetic misogynists are here. When in Korea I guess.”

One has to wonder if the complaint against her is due to her being a woman or due to her actions…

…but if one considers that the complaints were all against irresponsibility and not against her possession of a vaagina, one does not have to wonder, does one.

“What of the man that got her pregnant?”

What of him? Is it some mystery that his peniis puts out this juice that makes women pregnant? Did she not know this before she let it near her body with none-to-few lines of defense?

If she had giggled and played with a snake and been filled with venom, would everyone be saying, “What of the snake that bit her? It takes two to get snakebit.”

A woman has MANY options to protect her body from pregnancy… if she is responsible. These include MANY forms of hormonal and mechanical birth control, knowledge of her cycle to greatly reduce the odds, insistence on condom use (which should be a given anyway), and even (OMG!) abstinence…

…or more of that pregnancy-safe oral and anal, baby!


A man has… has… has… a condom.

And maybe pulling out and cumming on her tits.

About the only thing he can do is buy a good condom and use it responsibly… which he should be doing anyway for his own protection.

…or he could sweet-talk her into more of that pregnancy-safe oral and anal, baby!


A woman’s body is 100% her responsibility… just as it is 100% her right to do what she wants with it… as men are so frequently reminded.

So, ladies, take that responsibility along with that freedom and quit blaming the man for your own screw-ups.

Did I mention there is a bit of gender imbalance with the old line, “Don’t worry, I’m on birth control.”

“No repercussions for him? Just her? If that’s the case then why? Please, please explain why it’s ok to punish her and not him.”

He was not irresponsible with his body. Why should he be punished?

If they drink together and he drives drunk and gets into an accident, should she be punished because she does not own a car?

It takes two to drink together, right?

“I wonder why her partner in crime hasn’t stepped up and made an honest woman of her? Any theories on that? Anyone?”

Theory: Whiny, blaming, irresponsible, unskilled, not street smart, too stupid to protect the school/her job with an easy cover story including an imaginary husband, relies on ignorant Facebook friends to answer legal questions that are easy to find on Korean government websites in English…

Who the fukk would want to marry that?

Though perhaps someone did… as she said, ” I was a single woman at the time”… with “at the time” indicating she is not single now.

“Does it not take two? Why is she the only one to suffer?”

OK. Deal. It takes two. Equal responsibility, equal rights. Here are the options…

Traditional Options:

1. The man and the woman agree to get married and raise the child.
2. The man and the woman agree not to get married but share responsibility for the child.
3. The man and the woman agree to an abortion.
4. The woman decides she does not want the child and has an abortion regardless of the man’s wishes.

New Option (under the theory of equal responsibility, equal rights):

5. The man decides he does not want the child and the woman is required to have an abortion regardless of her wishes.

Good? No? But it is equality! Both the woman and the man may choose if they wish to “suffer”.

It seems so clear.

Now you know why she is the “only one to suffer”… because she has 100% rights, but only wants 50% responsibility… even less if whores herself to the welfare/child support industry back in the States.

Which is a major reason why the States is full of single mothers raising dysfunctional children who grow up to be dysfunctional single parents of dysfunctional children.

Anybody else have any questions? Anybody?

9 years ago

“Anybody else have any questions? Anybody?”

Yes. Why did you imply ‘pull out’ was a birth control option above?
My first two kids are named ‘Pullout’ and ‘Notagain’
(followed in quick succession by ‘Dirtytoiletseat’ and ‘Naughtythought’)

Then we figured it out.

9 years ago

South Korea is begging for Korean pure-blooded babies so its citizens and idealists here should shut up.

9 years ago

“Why did you imply ‘pull out’ was a birth control option above?”

Hell, I don’t know.

I don’t think it always works… but I tell the ladies that anyway so the “responsible” ones will let me cum on their faces thinking it’ll keep ’em safe or something.

Of course some of them get all snooty and “won’t do that”.

Fukk ’em.

Those prude biitches deserve to get knocked up.

9 years ago

If people keep thinking sex has no consequences, Korea will end up like Sweden or Denmark. Overtaxed and full of Muslims.

Yeah, think about it… It shouldn’t follow but it does…

9 years ago

Do Koreans go over to Western countries, and demand that the West change their system to suite Korean’s way of life and match Korean values? No. Then why do white people expect Korea to change their system to match the West? Korea is a country that culturally does not accept unwed mothers for a good reason. They are expensive to support financially, and they are one of the biggest reasons for poverty, not to mention crime. Children need both parents as role models and for parental/financial support that you simply can’t get from single mothers with a high school degree. Arrogant Westerners on the other hand, can’t accept other cultures and their values the way they are. Simply arrogant.

But the reality is different. Have a look at these ugly statistics. Over half of Americans born in 2013 are bastards.

Just horrendous. As the article says, most of these women are lower class less educated ignorant, and probably many of them are poor White Trash, Negrotis, Apache Indians, or Mexicans. The welfare money spent on these garbage people runs to hundreds of billions of dollars each year which is adding to America’s debt bomb. This is what these goody two shoes Western activists want for South Korea too.

9 years ago

Tom is pretty much right… Wow.

Well, except for pointing the finger at the people who pushed this filth. And we all know who it was.

Free sex isn’t free. There are moral and psychological costs that some debate. And there are tangible costs when one considers how well single-parent families have worked out for black culture.

9 years ago

“probably many of them are poor White Trash, Negrotis, Apache Indians, or Mexicans.”

Probably? You mean your single source doesn’t tell you? Love the labels for the people you talk about. It’s ok you’re Korean, at the very least Asian, you’re excused,

“Korea is a country that culturally does not accept unwed mothers for a good reason.”

Not to mention half blooded Koreans, orphans, adoptees, all others who aren’t ethnically Korean etc….

“They are expensive to support financially, and they are one of the biggest reasons for poverty, not to mention crime.”

Ironic, considering the same could be said about Korea depending on the US and it’s military for it’s very survival, Korean black markets filled with stolen products from US bases and so on. Only Koreans are excused for this behavoir.

Also Tom, if abortion were as easily accessesable and cheap as it is in Korea, maybe these folks could sparkle like Koreans.

These women are HUMAN beings and plenty of these PEOPLE have dug themselves out of poverty, gone off welfare and made a better life for themselves. Well, maybe not in Korea because Korean society doesn’t allow for it.

Why doesn’t Korean society punish the men for knocking these women up Tom? Please tell us.

As usual it’s only Korean women who are stigmatized in Korean society, only women are to blame.

KOREAN men are famous for going to SE Asian contries, knocking up local women and then leaving them to be single parent, impoverished families, but as usual the excuses Koreans make for this are only acceptable for Koreans to make! Koreans would never do such a thing because they are morally superior… right Tom?

“Do Koreans go over to Western countries, and demand that the West change their system to suite Korean’s way of life and match Korean values?”

The answer is yes, yes they do Tom, and not just Western countries and not just Koreans.

One of many examples is that despite Canada having two official languages, there are Chinese store owners in Vancouver that use only their native language on shop/business signs, refusing to use English and/or French. Doesn’t sound like a Canadian value to me.

Then there’s the case of Korean restaunt owners in the Philippines trying to refuse service to natives. Because it’s fine to do this in Korea, Koreans go to other counties with the same mentality. Spreading Korean values didn’t work that time though did it Tom?

And what of Muslims being allowed to practice Sharia Law in the “white people” country of the UK Tom? Does Korea allow this Tom? It’s not a UK value is it Tom?

Again, as usual, Koreans in particular will have pathetic excuses that justify these types of things all the while never accepting the same excuses from non Koreans for the same. Korea sparkle!

There are Muslim countries in which women have more rights than women in Korea do. Seeing how the Toms and others like him here talk about women and react to topics like this one, it’s not shocking. Way to go Korea, way to sparkle.

If men were stigmatised in societies like these women are, you can bet things would change, would they not?

9 years ago

Welcome back, Teadrinker.

Now don’t let the door hit your azz on the way back out.

9 years ago

This thread has inspired me to make a ‘Tap A Ho’ baby mama series of chick romantic literature novels.
They will be picture books (with pop ups, and prizes!).
Each book will contain a plastic baby at the end (sort of like a king cake at Mardi Gras).

9 years ago

The only problem with Korea’s lack of single mothers is it takes a big bite out of the stripper demographic.

…and without widespread crack use, it is really hard to find a five dollar blowjob from a streetperson in this miserable country, as well.

Korea needs to get globalized and encourage more unwed mothers.

And more Nigerians.

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