Picture of the Day: Korean Americans Protest Jeb Bush
|Protestors, including Korean-American groups, demand in New York on Aug. 28, 2015, that Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush apologize for accusing Asian people of abusing the birthright citizenship law. (Yonhap)
Didn’t they get the memo that it is OK to make fun of Asians and their flied lice…
…but everything that might be offensive to a small segment of blacks or Hispanics needs to be removed from conversation and debate.
Of course this doesn’t change the fact that Asians ARE abusing the birthright citizenship law.
…though, for the most part, they are taking their little Americans back to Asia for a life of hard study in preparation for admission to a top American school. It is hard to have a real problem with this… as America NEEDS more of these kind of Americans.
…while Hispanics generally just go to the emergency room for their taxpayer funded baby who then goes on welfare and keeps the parents from being deported… hence it anchors them in America… ergo, anchor baby.
The Asians aren’t having anchor babies… despite intentional media confusion.
The media does all it can to protect blacks and Hispanics and so little for Asians.
Oh, well. The joke is on the blacks and Hispanics who will be picking up trash and mowing the lawn for the Asian engineer in the nice house while they complain about racism and whatever the media tells them to be angry about.
When all the angst-ridden crackers are driven out of the suburbs, the blacks and hispanics will fall to the tender mercies of the Indians and Chinese. They should see how the poor and lower-caste are treated there.