South Korea Tops OECD With High Suicide Rate

I am sure this news is probably not surprising to most people who are familiar with South Korea.  I am also sure most people in Korea know the hyper competitiveness is what is causing the high suicide rate, but little will probably be done to correct it:

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An average of 29.1 people per 100,000 in South Korea committed suicides in 2012, exceeding the OECD average of 12, according to the OECD Health Data 2015.

The countries of Hungary followed next with 19.4 people per 100,000 taking their own lives and then Japan with 18.7 percent.

Korea has been posting a sharp increase in its suicide rate since 2000. While suicide rate in Japan remains high, it has been on the decline since 2010.

Suicide is a major concern in the nation; it is also cited as the top cause of death among teens and young people in 2013. [Korea Times]

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