Should Mixed Race Couples Visiting Korea Take Precautions?

Below is a post I thought some of you may find of interest from Reddit Korea in regards to a man visiting Korea for the first time with his Korean fiance’.  I think his concerns of confrontations with other Koreans due to being with a Korean female is overstated.  10 years ago I think this is more of a concern, but no longer.  It doesn’t mean however that it won’t happen.  If something was going to happen it would more than likely be on the subway with some older drunk ajeosi.  It is best just to walk away and not get into a confrontation with one of these people which is best advice I can give.  Something that may take some getting used to though is the stares.  I get this even when not with my wife, but it is even worse when I am with my wife.  Anyone else have an opinion on this?

One of my favorite Anti-English Spectrum cartoons from 2005.
One of my favorite Anti-English Spectrum cartoons from 2005.

My Korean fiance and I are going to Korea soon and she is freaking out as she heard stories about locals (usually (old) men) expressing hate towards Korean girls that date foreigners.

She left Korea when she was very young, but still speaks perfect Korean and understands the culture fairly well.

The things she is scared of are…. 1. her extended family judging her for dating a white male as it is considered “prostitute-like” 2. Strangers on the street verbally abusing/staring at/swearing at her for being with a white guy. 3. People assuming that I am a white-trashy dude who is with her for cheap sex.

She says that every single one of her Korean friends (all three of them :p)that visited Korea with her Caucasian husband/bf got verbally abused on the train/bus by total strangers and apparently one of them has been physically attacked by an old man on the train in Seoul.

I find it hard to believe that it is that bad and want to know how true this is.

  • Do they really hate Korean girls dating outside their own nationality? If so, why is that?

  • What are the chances of noticing/experiencing the hate towards us when we visit Korea?

  • What can we do to minimise the chance of getting physically/verbally abused?  [Reddit Korea]

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9 years ago

Maybe it depends on who you hang out with and where? When I travel with my Korean wife; her family treats me better than my own and the only “abuse” I’ve seen is a couple of guys selling shoes in Namdemun making fun of my waistline (to which I replied “Everything’s bigger in Texas”).

I have no trouble in stores or restaurants; but I do have Koreans with me most of the time…

9 years ago

It happens….

9 years ago

GI Korea should use an anti-servicethemselfmember cartoon rather than an English teacher cartoon, DUH ❗ Show me a(male) servicethemselfmember cartoon with such a stylish hairdo, DUH ❗ What’s wrong Gi Korea? Are you like Samsung not wanting anyone to know who you really are ❓ You better hide down the dark alley 😮

John McCrarey
9 years ago

I’m married to a Korean and had several Korean girlfriends before that and I’ve never had any problems. Granted I spend most of my time in Seoul, but I’ve taken road trips to the countryside without incident.

Things are changing for the better I think (I’ve been here 10 years now). I see lots of mixed race couples (including Korean men with Western women) and no one appears bothered as far as I can tell. Yeah, we all encounter the occasional drunk ajushhi now and then, but ignoring them is the best course of action.

9 years ago

The first time I was in Korea (86-89) we would run into it from time to time but when we came back (1997-2011) I can’t remember one incident.

Mr. Lawrence
9 years ago

I have been dating my Korean girlfriend for 3 years. I have gotten a couple of stares from ajeossis and ajummas. However, I think my 6ft 2in 245 pound body scares them from trying any funny business. The size 14 shoes (330 in Korea) probably helps too.

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