Picture of the Day: Syria Refugee Protest In Korea
|Syrian refugees living in South Korea hold a press conference in front of the state-run human rights commission in central Seoul on Sept. 13, 2015, urging people to help refugees from Syria. (Yonhap)
Dear Syrians at the Protest,
You guys all look young and healthy.
Why don’t you go back and fight to make Syria a nice place like Korea… or let it go and start worrying more about what you can do for Korea instead of trying to push your self-created problems off on everyone else.
Someone Who Doesn’t Want Any Part of Your Shyt
BTW, the dead kid was killed by his dad driving the boat… Look it up… He and his sister both…
Q: Why do Syrians stink?
A: Few of them take baths…
…and not enough of them wash up on the shore.
This whole thing has to be an American right-wing plot to use European liberalism as a tool to destroy European stability and competition… as idealistic liberalism is generally little more than a tool used to destroy any possible accomplishments of pragmatic liberalism… even when wielded by “liberals”… maybe ESPECIALLY when wielded by “liberals”.
Europeans must have crack in their water supply to stand by and watch (or encourage) an influx of troublesome immigrants who wish to contribute nothing, ghettoize the cities, drain social services, and then violently demand changes in the successful social order that has been painfully created since WWII.
The best that can be done is to sit back and nervously laugh at Europe as they eat themselves faster than America.
Guess it’s good for the American dollar, all things being relative.
Koreans aren’t going to help anyone but themselves-despite the fact that Western countries in particular have let Korean refugees (economic, or otherwise) into their countries for decades.
Look at Korea’s track record on this topic, but I’m sure Koreans and their apologists will have the same excuses for such things as they ususally do. Funny how Koreans are the first to defend their right to have anchor babies in other places that allow them to.
Sadly, Koreans and others will ask, expect and probably even demand the US do something all the while doing nothing and hating the US for doing somtheing. The former Yugoslavia situation comes to mind.
Remember people, love her, or hate her, Oprah donated the same amount of money to Haiti back in the day as did the Korean gov’t. What’s that tell you about Korea?
@6, you may want to find something other than the Haitian aid issue to support your argument because the waste, fraud, and corruption involving money donated for Haitian earthquake relief is well documented:
LOL at Jikogu. If EU and the west want to commit suicide then it’s none of Korea’s fault. Because just because the west want to import terrorism into the West, doesn’t mean Korea is dumb enough to do so. Just wait ten or twenty years when suicide bombs start going off everywhere in western cities because of some Muslim kids who never got adjusted to the life in the west, tries to blow up the western cities in mad retaliation. We’ll see who was right.
South Korea has its own problems housing and feeding flood of refugees from North Korea, not to mention over 10,000 refugees who do have have safe refuge in South Korea. These are people who are in South Korea with what is called the G1 Visa’s. The only thing different between a G1 Visa status and a refugee status is the fact that these people with G1 Visa’s don’t get welfare. They don’t get free state supported funds, so they have to go and actually work for their living and survive, just like the vast majority number of Koreans. Other then that, these people are defacto refugees because they are not sent back. They remain in South Korea for years and years, so how can they not be considered refugees? Why? Because they aren’t given free handouts? LOL… only the west has this kind of concept that immigrants need handouts, and expect others to follow the bad examples. Sorry people, in Korea, everyone is expected to work, pull their own fair share, and handouts are not something to be proud of. How about the West learn from Korea instead?
Seriously, what are those Syrians doing in middle of Seoul demanding and demanding and demanding?
So they can just walk into any country, setup their homes, and demand away?
Like these people who just walked into France, broke into apartments, and started living there without paying for anything.
I’m sorry, but this would never fly in South Korea. Those “refugees” should watch out, they better not try not to pull something, or else they’ll be rounded up in a heart beat and shipped back to where they came from, Jikogu included.
“Refugees” refuses food aid because they don’t like the Red Cross. It’s not Halal.
What kind of future is Germany facing now (they’ve really f’ed themselves)? Look at Sweden to get a clue.
Why the Greeks and Hungarians don’t welcome these ‘refugees’ that are mostly young males (there are few women and children).
“Why the Greeks and Hungarians don’t welcome these ‘refugees’ that are mostly young males (there are few women and children).”
The Greeks have let in twice as many refugees as any other country in europe (over 88,000)
They are in very deep trouble. Per Muslim nations, Turkey has taken in over 2 million, more than any other country. But Lebanon as a demographic has taken on the most of all. Over 1 million refugees, in a country with a population of 4.4 million (but they were occupied by Syrian troops for decades so they’d pretty much taken over anyway). Jordan is next most fooked with over a million refugees and a population of 8 million.
This is all the fault of the US, UK, and Nato for backing, meddling, and supporting regime changes in the Middle East. It was the West that’s behind all the wars that have created power vacuums for all these groups to fight over.
The West has fooked itself, it only has itself to blame for causing these conflicts. Europe is now going to be dominated Muslim immigrants and the western countries in Europe are going to turn into a huge third world dump. All thanks to Uncle Sam’s stubborn insistence attacking Iraq in 2003. Now ISIS boasts “just wait, we’ve smuggled 4000 Jihadists with the refugees into Western Europe”.
This was ISIS plan for the Western Europe, revealed back over 6 months ago.
Why should South Korea or any other country for that matter, follow Western Europe and commit suicide just for political correctness?
Pottery Barn Rule
We broke it. We own it.
In fact, the US (because of Jimmy Carter and pressure on the UN) owns the starvation and corruption in Zimbabwe and surrounding nations. “We” chose to support an obviously fraudulent election that installed Pyongyang-trained Robert Mugabe as President for life a la Uganda’s Idi Amin instead of influencing the slower, more democratic process to Majority Rule already underway.
And there are others, too. Carter also deposed Nicaragua’s Samoza (whose family was installed by Woodrow Wilson) for Daniel Ortega (who brought the Soviets into Nicaraguan and Venezuelan politics).
“Pottery Barn Rule
We broke it. We own it.”
What about the ChickenHead Rule?
We are displeased. You will all suffer under our airstrike-fueled regime change . Now you can rise up as a population and do things correctly and build a nation… or you can sit back and empower even greater shytbags… at which point you will again suffer under our airstrike-fueled regime change. We can keep doing this until there are few people and fewer things to airstrike against. But we don’t own you… so there’s that!
That’s the LeMay Rule:
1. “There are no innocent civilians. It is their government and you are fighting a people, you are not trying to fight an armed force anymore. So it doesn’t bother me so much to be killing the so-called innocent bystanders.”
2. “I’ll tell you what war is about, you’ve got to kill people, and when you’ve killed enough they stop fighting.”
3. “As far as casualties were concerned I think there were more casualties in the first attack on Tokyo with incendiaries than there were with the first use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The fact that it’s done instantaneously, maybe that’s more humane than incendiary attacks, if you can call any war act humane. I don’t, particularly, so to me there wasn’t much difference. A weapon is a weapon and it really doesn’t make much difference how you kill a man. If you have to kill him, well, that’s the evil to start with and how you do it becomes pretty secondary. I think your choice should be which weapon is the most efficient and most likely to get the whole mess over with as early as possible.”
” Jikogu included.”
Would not bother me a bit, fake Korean boy! God knows there are plenty of your type that should be sent back to Korea.
Ever notice when you call most Koreans out on their behaviour, they start pointing fingers at others and don’t answer your questions? They never accept this from others however. Tom is one of the best examples ever!!!
Koreans just can’t take it when you show they are just as hypocritical-more so really- as anyone else.
The fact is, Koreans expect the world to come running to its aid in the event of crisis, expect everyone else but themselves to help others, yet do the bare minimum to help the rest of the world because of racism and selfishness. It’s not hard to see, well it’s hard for Koreans. “Please understand our culture!” “Korea is a poor country!”
God only knows how many Korean refugees the world has accepted. (There are many types of refugees Tom.)
If the scientist are correct and there is a mini-ice age, Korea will stop getting grain and other food stuff shipments as suppliers supply such items to their own, then we are going to see some refugees!
On a positive note, China will get it’s peninisula back! 😉
So Tom, since you Koreans are morally superior to the rest of the world, why don’t you take over from the US when it comes providing humanitarian assistance etc..? The way your kind talk, you Koreans are the leaders in this kind of thing anyway, so lead. Show the world how it’s done.
Once again Tom, I do not expect you to actually answer any questions, and yes Tom, we know everyone else is racist and evil and these are your answers to all questions when it comes to calling out Koreans.
I have a solution. If someone wants to allow refugees, sponsor them. With their money, their home, their legal and fiscal responsibility for the refugees’ actions.
They need to just STOP telling other people to do what they won’t and stealing from other to ease their conscience.
All this “the Government should pay…” is contemptible BS. Where does the Government get their money from? Yes, all of us who pay taxes. So let those who want to do something pay for it themselves.