Picture of the Day: Ailee Photo Event
|South Korean singer Ailee poses for a photo during a publicity event in Seoul on Sept. 30, 2015, to promote her first album “Vivid.” (Yonhap)
South Korean singer Ailee poses for a photo during a publicity event in Seoul on Sept. 30, 2015, to promote her first album “Vivid.” (Yonhap)
Hey Ailee,
The 1980s called and wants their high school glamour shot back.
P.S. A Duran Duran jacket does not go with Road Warrior boots.
The 80s would have used more Aqua-Net. That’s a 90s Glamour Shot.
But yeah, those boots gotta go. Unless she is coming over to wear those, and nothing else.
MTB RIder is correct. That’s 90s. No “big hair”. 🙂
Also, no shoulder pads. That jacket would totally have shoulder pads in the eighties (watch Working GIrl). 🙂
See? Shoulder pads.
(and wow this was a bad time for music)
Hey Ailee,
The 1980s called and wants their high school glamour shot back.
P.S. Your lack of shoulder pads and frumpy hair really makes you look SOOOOO unfashionable.
P.P.S. Even when the ChickenHead suspects he might be wrong about something, he twists it to not be completely wrong.