Satellite Imagery Suggests North Korea May Be Preparing for Nuclear Test

It seems like every few months we hear a report of the North Koreans getting ready for a nuclear test so no one really knows for sure:

North Korea is believed to be excavating a new tunnel at its nuclear test site located in Punggye-ri, according to a U.S. research center that specializes in North Korea affairs, Wednesday.

The conclusions reached by the center’s analysis have prompted speculation that Pyongyang is preparing for a forth nuclear test.

Citing satellite imagery taken from October to November, 38 North have said that Pyongyang is excavating a new tunnel in a new area of the site in addition to the three others where the repressive state has either conducted nuclear tests or excavated tunnels in the past.

“While there are no indications that a nuclear test is imminent, the new tunnel adds to North Korea’s ability to conduct additional detonations at Punggye-ri in the coming years if it chooses to do so,” said the institute. [Korea Times]

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Tagum City Tim
9 years ago

Isn’t Russia upwind from this test site? GOOD!

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