ROK Drop Open Thread – December 20, 2015

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9 years ago

GOP Racist HUUUGE Leading presidential candidate on FoxNOTnews – Hannity & Trump like two peas in a pod –

Trump Vows To ‘Get Rid’ Of Obama’s Immigration Executive Order; but…Misstates What It Does – Video

In reality, President Obama has not signed any orders calling for people to “come on in through our southern border.”

GOPer Fantasy Island below…
“During an interview, Fox News host Sean Hannity asked Trump how fast he would “turn things around” if he is elected president.

“One of the first things I’m going to do is get rid of the executive order that Obama says, ‘Just come on in through our southern border,’” Trump replied.
“Now, we’ve had some pretty good luck in court, which is interesting because that’s unusual, and they’ve done a good job on that,” Trump added. “But I would end the court case. I will knock out that executive order so fast your head will spin.”

9 years ago

Your Holiday Guide to Dealing with Uncle Bob

How To Deal With Your Right-Wing Radical Insurgency GOPer Uncle EGGHEAD At Christmas

Must See Video ~

9 years ago

Kasich Trolls Trump For Love Of Putin

Kasich Trolls Trump With Trump-Putin 2016 Mock Campaign Website
Governor John Kasich came out swinging this morning after the Trump-Putin love fest, putting it all in perspective.

It started with this(via twitter):

“Putin is a thug & a bully. Candidates should know it & say it. Our next President needs to stand up to him, not befriend him.” -John

And escalated to this:

“Just saw this-good fit: A Trump-Putin ticket “Make Tyranny Great Again, SignUp @ yr own risk.” -John

In a mock press release this morning, Kasich poured it on.

Kasich campaign also out with a press release: “TRUMP NAMES PUTIN AS HIS RUNNING MATE”

Liz & Gi Korea’s TROLL LOVER ~ John Kasich

9 years ago

Are you a wife beater or battered wife ❓ Most here are supporters of someone in the GOP congress so which group do you fall in or is it both ❓

I agree with Palin here, it could be the first time ever ❗

“The Democrats are gloating”
Correction: The Democrats are WINNING 😎

I’m an Independent but anyone is better than a GOPer ❗

Palin Compares Republican Congress To Wife-Beaters And Tea Party To ‘Battered Wife’
Following the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill passing with bipartisan support on Friday, half-term Governor of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin wrote, “The GOP establishment in Congress is our abuser.” Palin compared tea partiers to the abused while likening the GOP to wife-beaters.
“They did it again. But like a battered wife, we keep going back because every four years they bring us flowers, beg our forgiveness, and swear they’ll never hit us again,” Palin wrote dramatically in an op-ed in Breitbart on Saturday.
“The GOP establishment in Congress is our abuser, we can’t hide the black eyes any more. The whole neighborhood knows. The Democrats are gloating. Obama thanked Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) effusively – and why shouldn’t he? Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) couldn’t have given him more.”
Palin called Republicans “Obama’s accomplices.”
The former reality star continued…”

9 years ago

Palin is sharp as a marble. I’m kind of surprised you don’t agree with her more often.

9 years ago

@5, You must fall into the “battered wife/tea partier” category 😎

9 years ago

Death Rates Rising for Middle-Aged White Americans, Study Finds

White men with no completed higher education have…“lost the narrative of their lives.” – Angus Deaton

That would include most servicethemselfmembers ❗
Something startling is happening to middle-aged white Americans. Unlike every other age group, unlike every other racial and ethnic group, unlike their counterparts in other rich countries, death rates in this group have been rising, not falling.

That finding was reported Monday by two Princeton economists, Angus Deaton, who last month won the 2015 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science, and Anne Case. Analyzing health and mortality data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and from other sources, they concluded that rising annual death rates among this group are being driven not by the big killers like heart disease and diabetes but by an epidemic of suicides and afflictions stemming from substance abuse:alcoholic liver disease and overdoses of heroin and prescription opioids.”

9 years ago

Palin is sharp as a marble. I’m kind of surprised you don’t agree with her more often.

9 years ago
9 years ago


9 years ago

Strangulation Hating GOPer Guilty of more i.e. assault and unlawful imprisonment
Former ‘Opie and Anthony’ shock jock Anthony Cumia arrested for strangling 26-year-old woman: police

Just like the numerous GOPers, he’s known for making “racially-charged and hate-filled tweets” 🙁

Anthony Cumia, founder of the Opie and Anthony radio show, was arrested over the weekend for allegedly assaulting a 26-year-old woman.
WPIX reported that the shock jock was taken into custody on Sunday after an altercation with the victim at his home in Roslyn Heights, New York.
“Charges included “strangulation, criminal mischief, assault and unlawful imprisonment,” according to the station.
It was not immediately clear if the woman was Cumia’s girlfriend.
Cumia was fired from the show bearing his name in 1998 after pretending to die in a car accident as an April Fool’s Day joke. He was fired by SiriusXM in 2014 for “racially-charged and hate-filled” tweets at a black woman who he claimed assaulted him in Central Park.

Watch the video report below…”

9 years ago

@10, You must laugh at almost anything if you think a Canadian Cruz advert. is funny 🙁 But what should anyone expect from unfunny GOPers ❓

Name 1 funny GOPer ❓ You CAN’T 😆 I just made a funny funnier than the typical GOPer Wannabee comedian 😎

‘Saturday Night Live’ Skewers GOP Debate
“Saturday Night Live” satirized this week’s Republican candidates’ debate, finding humor in some of the more caustic exchanges.

The sketch introduces the nine candidates appearing on the stage in Las Vegas — “five who actually have a chance … the rest of you, just wave so your parents know you’re here.” The segment lampoons former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s obvious desperation and his repeated attacks on front-runner Donald Trump.

“Wolf, may I take a desperate swing at Donald now?” asks Beck Bennett as Bush, launching into a comedic rendition of one of the most memorable moments of the CNN debate. “He says these offensive things. Then he bullies anyone who challenges him. Well guess what, you can’t insult your way into the presidency.”

“Oh really, jughead,” deadpans Trump, as portrayed by Darrell Hammond. “Because I’m at 43 (percent) and you’re at three. Jeb, you’re a nice guy, but you’re a lightweight, and I know for a fact that you pee sitting down.”

SNL spares none of the GOP presidential candidates. It satirizes Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s likability issues — “I can promise ISIS will hate me. And how do I know? Everyone who knows me hates me.” — and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s numerous debate references to terrorist attacks — “I’d like to answer that with a series of fear-mongering statements.”

Even former Hewlett-Packard Chief Executive Carly Fiorina gets a shot, in a question about Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin.

“I sold him an HP printer personally, and now he hates my guts,” says faux Fiorina, played by Cecily Strong. “It doesn’t work. It never worked. And when he calls me to complain, I just smile that classic Carly Fiorina smile” (cue toothy grimace).

Check out the video here:

9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago

13 & 14,
It’s going to take more than that for me to click you DUMB SOB

9 years ago


Were those links for general consumption or were you targeting anyone specifically?

If you intended those for tbone, I think you may have failed in your efforts. Just the impression that I get.

9 years ago

Four Thai ladyboy prostitutes arrested after Brit businessman fell to his death from fourth floor window during ‘argument over payment for sex’

9 years ago

For those of you who thought someone was jumping on the bed at 4:31am…

It was a 3.5 earthquake with the epicenter near Iksan.

9 years ago

Johnnyboy, I’m aiming at being entertaining… Not really interested in tilting at windmills…

9 years ago

Setnaffa, I just read Player of Games.

…a nice little lote sci-fi read.

9 years ago

StarWars and Harry Potter what do they have in common ❓

Racists Cry White Tears Over Black Actress Being Cast As Harry Potter’s Hermione
“On Monday(Dec. 21st), the producers for the play “Harry Potter and The Cursed Child,” announced that a black South African woman named Noma Dumezweni,who has a lengthy acting resume, was cast in the role of Hermione.

Previously in the Harry Potter films, Hermione was played by Emma Watson who is white but in her description of the character in her books, her race is not mentioned except perhaps in a vague sense.”

White Twitter users aren’t happy, they seem to think the role was meant for a white woman 🙁

“Ghostbusters with all women? Hermione turned black? Why? Can’t we just leave good casting alone?

…of the Harry Potter books, why has Hermione, a described white character, been cast as black? It makes no sense.

why cast someone who completely differs to the description depicted in books that created characters we know so well?

why would they make Hermione black?! So damn stupid.”

etc… etc… etc…”

9 years ago

Even though you GOPers and I are so different than each other at least I’m beginning to understand you or your English education level preference more…Shall I dumb-down my English for ya’ll ❓

Donald Trump’s speeches are at a fourth-grade level, study finds
The secret to a successful presidential campaign might lie on the simplicity of speech. Case in point: Donald Trump. Trump has been leading in the polls for months now and, according to a Flesch-Kincaid readability test that ranks speech by grade level, he’s been making speeches at a fourth-grade level. The two candidates speaking at the highest grade levels — Mike Huckabee and Jim Gilmore — are struggling in the polls. The Boston Globe reports:

Donald Trump Speaks At A 4th Grade Level

9 years ago

“Player of Games” looks interesting, thanks!

9 years ago

In Modern American History no presidential wannabee this/that party candidate with a lead in polls at this time and of 20 or more points has ever lost for thine own party which means Trump will be the GOP candidate 😆

Trump supporter charged in plot to bomb Muslims: ‘I’ll follow this MAN to the end of the world’
“A vocal supporter of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump was arrested on Sunday after police found and detonated an explosive device at his home in Richmond, California.

William Celli was taken into custody by authorities and charged with making explosive devices which police say Celli intended to use against Muslims.

Though police have not yet been able to determine if the device they found was active or harmless, it was disposed of out of safety concerns…”

9 years ago

Setnaffa, be sure to read the foundations of cyberpunk… that influenced so much after.

Necromancer… written like beautiful poetry that is a pleasure to read… but which makes following the story more difficult

Snowcrash… written in simple, almost high school level writing which clearly tells an amazing story. (Snow refers to TV set snow rather than cold snow)

9 years ago

I remember reading Necromancer back in the ’70s because I enjoyed the author’s Dorsai novels.

Snowcrash I never quite finished (seems like I bought it at an airport in Texas and left it in a hotel in Rhode Island by accident); but I seem to remember it was about “Evil Corporations” and made me think about Rollerball….

MTB Rider
9 years ago

That’s why I bought a Kindle. Once you buy an ebook, you can download it whenever you switch devices. No more lost books, as long as you remember your Amazon password.

9 years ago

Yeah, I have the Kindle app on my phone, my wife’s tablet, and my laptop… Still like reading “real” books; but have a lot of ebooks, too…

9 years ago

I just finished reading Ender’s Game. Before that I read the Brilliance trilogy (the first two books, the last isn’t out yet but I have it in my Kindle queue).
I haven’t read much other Science fiction genre, except Starship Troopers (which I also liked).

9 years ago

The good thing about the e book is you don’t have to use a light at night, since the pad is illuminated. 🙂
It’s probably bad for my eyes, and sleep cycle, but I like it.

9 years ago

Glad this never happened…

9 years ago

“but I seem to remember it was about “Evil Corporations””

Hmmm… not evil… just looking out for their own interests… and, with the government marginalized, finding it easier to do so…

…not unlike what corporations are doing now as they marginalize the government with lobbyists and super PACs.

Corporations were not the villains, however. As I recall, it was more of an individual using a cult as a front for gaining control of society through the discovery of a fundamental and universal linguistic construct that allowed low-level access and manipulation of human thinking… allowing the creation of mind viruses spread through language…

…which it not so far from the truth… as we see linguistically-spread self-destructive mind viruses which irrationally overcome clear reason all the time.

Liberalism would be a fine example.

9 years ago

@34, “Liberalism would be a fine example.”

As long as we understand that word as it is used now (i.e., a code word for socialism), not as it was used by folks when Thomas Jefferson was penning the Declaration, I completely agree…

Kids are being raised to be selfish, narrow-necked, sunken-chested, pot-bellied, swivel-hipped, knocked-kneed, stompy-footed weaklings who expect an award for showing up… They’ve got nothing to say and they’re saying it too loud… They unknowingly reenact bits from Orwell’s “Animal Farm”, and blindly follow whomever is set forward as the leader who will “fill their gas tank”, “pay their mortgage”, or end some non-existent “emergency”…

Lots of books on the subject; but you know which one I prefer

9 years ago

An amusing story about the dangers of not ignoring clowns:


“Sir, are you the front end of an ass?”

The stupid man sat there wishing that he hadn’t come, wishing that the clown would go away and pick on someone else. He knew he wasn’t very intelligent, and he knew he would come out of this looking very foolish. But he spoke up. “No,” he said.

“Sir, are you the back end of an ass?” the clown continued.

“No, I’m not,” the stupid man replied.

“Then, sir,” the clown said slowly, letting the audience savor the moment, “you are no end of an ass!”


9 years ago

Saw this on the Chive yesterday:
Hot dogs were invented in 1936 by Larry Hotdogs when he accidentally dropped a bag of prize-winning pig @ssholes in his D1ck Shaper Machine

Hee hee hee. 🙂

9 years ago
9 years ago

How does this increase combat effectiveness? Or is that no longer a concern?

9 years ago

@39, Yeah it’s discriminatory that they weren’t ever allowed to wear their hair as they normally do ❗

9 years ago

@34 & 35, What is this? Some kind of secret B.F. session you’re both conducting ❓ Typical GOPers ❗

9 years ago

“Now that it’s gone, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, the group behind the display, says it’s considering its legal options.”

Hopefully they sue and win.

Christmas trees with non-religious ornamentation are perfectly acceptable on public property. Displays promoting any particular religion are not.

9 years ago

When I got to the barber in Basic, the guy in front of me had golden blond hair down the middle of his back. The barber tied it up with a ru ber band and handed it back to him after he got the standard cut.

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