Picture of the Day: Remembering Lost Legs
A leg-shaped sculpture is seen at a park in Imjingak near the demilitarized zone (DMZ) separating the two Koreas on Dec. 23, 2013, as the Army holds an event to unveil the structure symbolizing the legs that the two soldiers — Ssg. Kim Jung-won and Ssg. Hah Jae-hun — lost in a landmine blast blamed on North Korea in August. At the event, the two soldiers were awarded national orders for their “bravery and contributions” to national security. Kim is walking again with a prosthetic leg while Ha, who lost both legs, is continuing his rehabilitation. (Yonhap)
Is that in memory of Mr. Shin?
Puns are indeed the lowest form of humor; but you avoided stepping in all the way…
I was trying to think of something to add, but you both have a leg up on me.
This monument shows somebody can’t stand landmine injuries.
They want to stomp them out.
The artist wanted to make the statue bigger, but he was told he only had one foot to work with.
Did the taxpayer foot the bill for this thing?
…because it seems like a kneedless expense.
It was on sale, the original price would have cost an arm and a leg… (Now that’s as far as I can throw off-balance)…
Was it made in Soul?
Sole-sourced, you meant?
This is a serious monument and, with all the undignified comments, were I a landmine victim, I would be hopping mad.
Seems a lot of you have foot-in-mouth syndrome.
Good thing they didn’t lose a penis. lol
When making this monument, the artist had to ask himself, “Tibia or not tibia, that is the question.”
Did you ever hear the one about the one legged Korean in the ass-kicking contest?
He was a shoo-in for the win.