11th Korean Murdered in the Philippines this Year

All the more reason why I have no urge to ever holiday in the Philippines:

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Investigators returned from the Philippines on Friday after looking into the recent shooting death of a South Korean man, adding they have found key evidence to narrow down the suspects.

A 57-year-old South Korean, identified only by his surname Cho, was shot to death by four unidentified, armed assailants on Sunday at his house in Batangas, some 100km south of Manila.

The incident raised the number of South Koreans killed in the Southeast Asian country to 11 this year.  [Yonhap]

You can read the rest at the link.

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9 years ago

“Police added they will expand the scope of the investigation as it could be a contract murder rather than just a robbery”

Of course it was.

Everyone I have known who has been killed in the Philippines over the last 18 years completely had it coming… either by ripping off other foreigners or infringing on the native drug trade (despite repeated warnings). Also, not a single one of them was a decent human being regardless of the tear-jerking websites their relatives put up offering rewards for information.

In fact, I smiled at the most recent foreigner I know who got killed… as that shytbag ripped me off for a hundred bucks once… though, technically, we were square… since I screwed his wife a year later just because I could.

Protip: if you marry a whore, take care of her

If one looks at the Koreans killed in the Philippines, almost all of them:

– had a dispute with powerful locals

– had a dispute with local Korean gangsters

– had kids who wanted their inheritance faster than nature was providing

The few Koreans who don’t seem to fit into these categories may just have been into something less obvious.

I say this because it is easy to get ripped off in the PI but not easy to get killed… as there is a lot of heat when innocent foreigners are killed… and nobody wants that unless the payoff is bigger than a standard robbery (sich as with greedy heirs).

There is almost no heat when everyone knows the foreigner had it coming… and it is marked up as an unsolved robery… even when there are suspects with clear method, motive, and opportunity.

There is little danger traveling in the PI and it is a wonderful place to visit.

…especially with a bit of common sense.

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