Korean Research Agency Says Affluent People More Likely to Have 2nd Child

I just can’t believe they actually had to do research to figure this out.  Maybe I should start my own “ROK Drop Institute of Common Sense” and get in on some these research dollars?:

A state-run research agency says the more affluent and intimate married couples are, the more likely it is for them to have a second child.

The Korea Institute of Child Care and Education under the Prime Minister’s Office released the conclusion in a report after analyzing the 2012 Panel Study on Korean Children conducted on around 400 couples with a single child.

According to the analysis, the higher the income of the couple, the more likely they planned to have a second baby.

Other factors raising the likelihood of having a second child were a high level of marital satisfaction on the part of the wife and a good relationship between the spouses. [KBS Global]

You can read more at the link.

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9 years ago

Korea has gone through some cultural changes on this.

It wasn’t too long ago when the first son was everything. If the first child was a girl they would have to keep trying until they had a boy, even low income families. It was especially true in more rural areas.

9 years ago

I once saw a government funded university study that indicated placing algae eating fish into a pond full of algae with decrease the amount of algae in the pond. Maybe the ROK has taken to creating government “studies” for unemployed social science majors?

9 years ago

I think you’re right, Liz.

That first line reads to me as:

People that have money and still give a $hit about each other are more likely to have another kid……

Huge news.

9 years ago

I once saw a government funded university study that indicated placing algae eating fish into a pond full of algae would INCREASE the amount of algae in the pond.

…as long as the fish were on some form of public assistance, had qualified for affirmative action positions, or had illegally entered the pond from a filthy adjacent waterway.

9 years ago

My first study would be “Why does Big Government’s nameless faceless bureaucracy make taxpayers sad?”

9 years ago

“nameless faceless bureaucracy”

It is neither nameless nor faceless.

There is a shytbag behind every decision.

The myth of namelessness and facelessness is promoted to discourage the targeted use of sharpened pitchforks from promoting personal responsibility and accountability.

9 years ago

CH: “The myth of namelessness and facelessness is promoted to discourage the targeted use of sharpened pitchforks from promoting personal responsibility and accountability.”

Which makes the use of sharpened pitchforks (plus occasional torches and gibbets) inevitable. 😈

There will be blood… As a mostly innocent bystander, I expect much of it will be mine… 😳

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