Picture of the Day: North Korean Filmed Financed By Western Partners Airs
|This image, captured from North Korea’s Korean Central Television on Jan. 4, 2016, shows a scene from a North Korean film, “Comrade Kim Goes Flying,” that the broadcaster aired for the first time on the previous day. The romantic comedy, the first North Korean film co-produced with British and Belgian partners in 2012, is a tale of a young woman coal miner who dreams of becoming a trapeze artist. (Yonhap)
“North Korean Film Financed By Western Partners Airs”
I’m not a TV studio head… but it seems before financing a TV show, it is good business to line up advertizers.
Comrade Kim goes flying… brought to you by the People’s Liberation Army… raining fire on imperialist Yankee war gangsters and their bellicose South Korean puppet lackey running dogs since 1950… and by Dear Leader’s Tree Nursery… feeding the Revolution with quality bark since the 1990s… and by the Great Leader’s School of Coal Mining… where dreams always come true.
….and by the People’s National Turtle Farm. Now under new management!