Korea Finder 16-02
|Welcome to Korea Finder. The way this contest works is that each week a new image is posted and the first reader to accurately describe or locate the image gets a point. At the end of the year the reader with the highest amount of points will win a Korea related book of their choice.
For this week’s Korea Finder who knows what the location of the below image is?:
2016 Korea Finder Leaders Board
- Dd – 1
Korea finder is back!!!! YES!!!
Pyungye-ri, North Korea.
41.278 N, 129.087 E
Nuclear test site
comfortable.chairs is back, too… 😀
@1: That was quick and welcome back! You did get the correct answer, this is where North Korea’s nuclear test site is located at.
What I think of when I have to compete with comfy chairs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkelV2WUNdw
Not that I think of him or I as super hero or super villain, just that comfy chairs reigns supreme… unless I start looking at ROK Drop earlier every day…