North Korea Shows On CNN That They Are Holding Yet Another US Citizen

Once again if you are an American and willingly go into North Korea I believe the US government does not have an obligation to come and rescue you.  I says this every time another American gets detained by the regime, do not go to North Korea.  This guy, Kim Dong-chul claims to be a spy for South Korea, but who knows if anything he says is true considering the treatment he has likely received while detained in North Korea:

Is North Korea holding an American prisoner? That’s what a man CNN spoke to in Pyongyang claims. As tensions on the Korean peninsula continued to rise and Seoul and Washington officials discussed the potential deployment of more troops to South Korea, officials in Pyongyang gave CNN exclusive access to a man North Korea claims is a U.S. citizen arrested on espionage charges. Speaking to CNN’s Will Ripley, the man identified himself as Kim Dong Chul, a naturalized American, who said he used to live in Fairfax, Virginia. “I’m asking the U.S. or South Korean government to rescue me,” Kim said during an interview at a hotel in the North Korean capital.  [CNN]

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9 years ago

“Once again if you are an American and willingly go into North Korea I believe the US government does not have an obligation to come and rescue you.”

Remember Mission Impossible? “As always, should you or any of your IM force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Good luck, Jim.”

If he went there to spy for the ROK, they need to be the ones rescuing him. I feel for him and his family; but he should not be willing to help the Norks at the cost of anyone else’s blood or treasure. Going to a commie dictatorship is always a rough ride.

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