North Korea Launches Propaganda Balloons With Used Toilet Paper In Them

Leave it to the North Koreans to come up with propaganda balloons this crude:

north korea balloon image

North Korea has been floating balloons over the border with a cargo of propaganda leaflets denouncing the United States as well as South Korean leader Park Geun-hye, calling her “political filth.”

Recently, the leaflets have been accompanied by genuine filth: cigarette butts and used toilet paper.

According to military and police sources Monday, Pyongyang began sending the balloons carrying leaflets starting from Jan. 12 to retaliate for South Korea’s resumption of propaganda broadcasts at the border earlier that week.  [Joong Ang Ilbo]

You can read the rest at the link.

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9 years ago

“North Korea Launches Propaganda Balloons With Used Toilet Paper In Them”


That should give some insight into diet, nutrition, environmental contamination, stress levels, DNA profiles, etc.

Tagum City Tim
9 years ago

Hold on ! The North was just being neighborly and passing some food over to their southern brothers….what?….they don’t eat cigarette butts and used toilet paper in the South?…. Our bad!

Tagum City Tim
9 years ago

#1 – So the South will have new intel on what the NK elite had for dinner huh? You know that toilet paper is a commodity closely guarded in NK and reserved only for the select few! Hehehe.

9 years ago

It probably means the sewer system in Pyongyang is busted.

9 years ago

They probably think it’s a sign of opulence.
“See these rolls and rolls of paper? We have all of this! And see what we do with it? We actually wipe our arses with this paper!”

9 years ago

Well, it is less offensive than their propaganda… But it doesn’t seem to indicate a “Sunshine Policy”… In fact, it seems a bit anally-fixated…

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