Korea Finder 16-05
|Welcome to Korea Finder. The way this contest works is that each week a new image is posted and the first reader to accurately describe or locate the image gets a point. At the end of the year the reader with the highest amount of points will win a Korea related book of their choice.
Who knows the name of this building?
2016 Korea Finder Leaders Board
- Comfortable Chairs – 2
- Dd – 1, MTB Rider – 1
판문 역, 개성 공단 북한
Panmun Station in Kaesong, North Korea
Good one!!
Yes, Smokes some how beat out Comfortable Chairs in time to get the correct answer. This is Panmun Station outside the Kaesong Industrial Complex in North Korea.
It is not obvious that almost every Korea Finder consists of someone simply using an image search? images.google.com!
Finder photos are rarely found via a Google image search. You seem to know what you’re talking about though so would you mind posting the URL to the image search you used to find the above photo?
What do you mean “some how beat out”?
So quickly we forget who last year’s Finder Overlord is. Even though I missed the first four, I’m calling it now, time to fold up those comfy chairs and get to smoking cause I’m doing a repeat! 😈
That is not a train station.
It is actually the quarter-scale model of the main terminal at the fictitious Dear Leader International Airport which was used to film the final scenes of Glorious Victory March of the Industrious Air Hostess.
@Ruthers, I do not see how a Google image search can turn up a screen capture from Google Earth? If you are able to do that I would love to see it.
@Smokes, I am glad you are back to give @comfortable.chairs some competition. The last Korea Finder contest that got cut short when the site crashed 😡 , he was answering the questions within minutes of me posting them.
The venerable Comfortable.Chairs was bowling when the latest Korea Finder was posted and he could not get away from the Lovely Ladies he was with.
But don’t worry, the year is still young…