Tweet of the Day: How Trump Would Lead the Military?

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9 years ago

Well… that is a painfully bullshyt hit piece.

Through mischaracterization, omission, and lack of context, it has tried its best to make Trump look like he has no plan… though it did not do a good job.

On the contrary, Trump intends to have a stronger yet cheaper military through promoting efficiency… something that should he possible by anyone with even a passing interest.

Strength and uninvolvement are not contradictory when good choices are made on when to get involved… and that involvement is decisive.

Fighting to win clear objectives instead of floundering in perpetual directionless war is also a reasonable goal.

Encouraging contries like Russia to further American goals by doing the expensive dirty work seems like good business.

Every point on this turd of an article was bullshyt.

It is hard to know if Trump would make a good CiC… but compared to the speaking and history of everyone else, he can’t be worse.

9 years ago

He sounded a bit like Lemay in the NH debate…

9 years ago

That article presumes Trump’s low information fans should care much for details. I think sanity will prevail and Kasich will be the GOP candidate.

Trump, and almost all the other candidates, generate excitement by promising to unilaterally do things they can’t possibly do without a cooperating Congress. I can’t see Trump’s bullying ways creating any cooperation and consensus among them.

9 years ago

“I think sanity will prevail and Kasich will be the GOP candidate.”

I only wish. What makes you think that?
He did great in the debate last night, as I knew he would.

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