ROK Drop Open Thread – February 14, 2016

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MTB Rider
9 years ago

ROK Helicopter down near Chuncheon:

SEOUL, South Korea — A South Korean military helicopter crashed in an eastern province on Monday, killing three of the four soldiers on board, officials said.

The helicopter went down in a farming field in the city of Chuncheon in the eastern province of Gangwon during a checkout flight, defense and army officials said.

No work on the cause of the accident, but three of the four soldiers on-board died at the hospital afterwards.

9 years ago

“Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop”?

Yep. That’s the guy…

9 years ago

Manny Pacquiao: gay people are “worse than animals”

9 years ago

Shocking image depicting the ‘white woman of Europe’ being grabbed and assaulted by dark-skinned men on cover of Polish magazine sparks fury

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
9 years ago

New, Empty Slogans Roll Out!

Now with less substance, but more exclamation points! This changes everything!

9 years ago


The key sentence in the article…

“South Korea’s Presidential office said this latest NIS assessment highlights how important it is to pass an anti-terrorism bill they have been pushing for for some time.”

I would like to think the Korean government is more benevolent that what the American government has become…

…but this sure does sound like an echo of all the Patriot Act shytbaggery.

9 years ago

That’s right. No one in Democrat-controlled areas sticks up for anyone outside of their group. Marquez wasn’t “one of them” which is why he was selected for victim-hood…

Best to remember to bring backup.

9 years ago

I play the Glockout Game…

…because Black Lives Splatter.

9 years ago

Trump is a real card. (heh)
He’s responsible for both of these. Pretty funny stuff:

9 years ago

My oldest son turns 18 before the election so he’s taken a big interest in politics.
He’s thoroughly disillusioned now.

9 years ago

Liz, that’s what the Bureaucrats want.

9 years ago

True. But I’m not sure how it’s avoidable.
It isn’t lost with him that the only candidate talking about balancing the budget (and he had actually balanced a budget in practical reality) doesn’t have a snowball’s chance of winning. He’s also (almost) the only one behaving as an adult in the debates. Carson is another “adult” candidate, but he isn’t charismatic enough for the presidency…I’d like to see him in some other high position in office though. The top runners are a comedic cast and they’re doing all the damage to themselves that the Democrats will ever need.
Hillary should be in prison. If anyone else on earth had done what she has with classified material, he or she would be in prison. But, she might just be elected to the highest office in the land.

9 years ago

Well, we could always try turning back to God. Sometimes the answer to prayer is yes, no, or wait. Sometimes the only way to end corruption is to change the system. But as long as we can, we should pray for a spirit of repentance, revival, forgiveness of our sins, national healing, and peace. I don’t know if we can claim 2 Chronicles 7:14; but a lot of people think we can save America if we ask humbly.

Our politicians are just a reflection of the rest of us.

9 years ago

And Carson is a really nice guy.

9 years ago

Wise words, setnaffa.

9 years ago

While I recognize Donald Trump runs off at the mouth quite a bit, I fear he may be the only one who will make some of the changes I want to see. Namely building a no shiit wall on the southern border. I feel that this one thing could make the situation for the average person much better. If he wins the race and doesn’t have a substantial portion of the wall complete by the end of his first term, then a second term would be unlikely.

I feel that many of the other candidates, including Kasich, may be in the pocket of the GOP. I am sick of getting the candidates that the GOP wants. They really only differ from the Democrats on social issues once they get in the White House. I am not much interested in social issues anymore.

9 years ago

Kasich is nowhere near in the pocket of the GOP. That’s why he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance.
If Trump gets the nomination I will probably vote for him over Sanders (and I’d vote for…pretty much anyone, I don’t even want to think how low I would go, over Hillary)

9 years ago

“Cultural enrichment” at our military bases in Afghanistan
(I know this is from September, but i just read it…don’t know if anyone else has):

When I read stuff like that, I do want Trump to win.

MTB Rider
9 years ago

And that’s it for Jeb! (The exclamation point is his, not mine. I was, like apparently everyone else, was neutral towards Jeb)–election.html

So that leaves two Latinos and a Black Guy, plus Whatshisface still in it against Trump. And Whatshisface isn’t going to press forward long and hard enough to get the win.

As a guess, I’m thinking this election is about how much people are tired of the Establishment. If it comes down to Trump vs. Sanders, that should shake up the Establishment into realizing they have been in the pockets of the corporations a little too long.

9 years ago

“So that leaves two Latinos”

More accurately, it leaves a Canadian and an anchor baby.

Obama’s pseudo-American upbringing didn’t demonstrate great patriotism or promotion of proven successful American values… everything Cruz and Rubio seem to say and do fits the same pattern… more interested in everybody but Americans and more interested in everything but America.

9 years ago

Trump calls for boycott of Apple products

9 years ago
9 years ago

Well, with the landslide Trump just received in Nevada I think his candidacy is virtually assured. Voters like to say they picked the winner…when in doubt they will do what everyone else is doing.

But…Sarah Hoyt for Vice President!

9 years ago

Rubio will make a nice, controllable Establishment biitch.

As it seems Trump’s support is now greater than all the other candidates combined, someone in the Establishment must be working out what kind of accident Trump can have, how those who question it will be rabidly branded conspiracy nuts and reality deniers, and if a conspiracy cannot be denied due to a mistake i operations how to manage the narrative so that gun-owning right-wing libertarian Christian conservative constitutionalists are obviously to blame.

Trump appears to have the large majority American votes… and there are a lot of people looking at how “democracy” is being perverted for a predetermined outcome for both Republicans and Democrats to deny the will of the people.

A percentage of them will vent their displeasure at this corruption through violence… hopefully correctly targeted violence that serves as a deterrent in future elections.

Bernie is an big idiot. Hillary is a professional crook. The Republican are fielding a losing team of bigger idiots and amateur crooks.

Who knows if Trump will make a good president… but he certainly can’t do worse than all these other slags who speak pure nonsense.

9 years ago

Not actually being a Republican, I hope the party makes choices I can vote for. Otherwise, well, re-read Romans 1:18-32…

Trump could be better than Reagan or worse than Obama. Or both. Or neither. But it’s up to the GOP to pick someone who can make America proud again. Asuming, that is, if the dhimmicrats and their “Smart Diplomacy” haven’t already sealed the deal with our enemies.

9 years ago

Well I for one am very much wishing now that I had registered democrat so I could vote for the idiot over the professional crook.

9 years ago

I’d forgotten about the superdelegates. So…never mind. It will be Trump against the professional crook.

9 years ago

Trump’s popularity has been viewed, pretty much, through the lens of the GOP primary so far. But while his net favorability has been +27 within the GOP, it was -27 among Independents.

We’ll have to wait and see how well his show plays in the general election.

9 years ago

I have been talking to a lot of English teachers recently about the election… real Socraticly… just asking question… very clear to point out that I am rather uninformed but want sone answers so I can make a wise vote… and would like to hear their thoughts.

Boy do they want to give them… except it seems they live on another planet full of slogans and unrealistic ideals and misreported facts… etc.

The nonsensical facts and wishful interpretations are astounding… likely becoming increasingly unbelievable to themselves.

At some point, as they becone more tangled in their words and thought, they outright lie. Very innocently, I say, “Gosh, for some reason, I thought I read the opposite somewhere. Let’s consult the oracle.” I then google the FBI or Trump’s actual quotes or congressional testimony or whatever.

They get really frustrated, even angry, when they back themselves into a corner with clear contradictory thinking based on established bullshyt.

“Come on, man, I’m on your side here. You aren’t arguing with me, you are arguing with the FBI. Don’t be angry with me.”

It probably makes them more angry at me.

While there are a number of avenues, my favorite is the refugee/illegal alien issue.

…in fact, I would like an honest answer… that nobody will give… possibly because it does not exist.

Without all the clever talk and subtle verbal traps that encourage honesty up until the inevitable conclusion that shatters their idealistic yet unrealistic world view, here is my question…

All candidates (except for Trump) want Amnesty and degrees of open borders for refugees, illegal aliens, and low-wage legal alien workers.

Many candidates (especially Bernie) are talking about redistribution of wealth to save the middle class.

How are these two compatible?

How does the introduction of a surplus of below market wage workers who are willing to live a third world lifestyle encourage companies to pay a living wage for low/no skill American workers?

(This doesn’t even take into account the coming robotics revolution)

Despite talk of liberalism and socialism, illegals are simply a hookup for big business to maintain cheap labor… with taxpayers picking up the slack through various forms of welfare. Hillary and Sanders are full of shyt.

The Republican side doesn’t even hide itheir corporate hookups behind lofty liberal ideals… but do talk of jobs, as if they create themselves out of good intentions. The only jobs they want to create is more nannies and yardcare workers for the elite classes.

There are a million ways to go in and out over this… none of them explain why illegals are necessary… or even beneficial.

After it all settles, the final question is…

“Give me one way illegal aliens are beneficial to America?”

There are lots of easily countered bullshyt answers. There is no good answer.

Anybody got one?

(Other than it keeping the prices of pot and blowjobs affordable).

9 years ago

Is it my imagination or does Rubio have a bit of teh ghey in him?

9 years ago
MTB Rider
9 years ago

If Fatty Kim kills all of his military leaders, who will be left to lead his armies?

Hwang Pyong So of the Korean People’s Army, known also as Pyongyang’s third most powerful official, was not included in a list of names for state events in recent days.

What are these guys saying to Kim? “Sir, we can’t just wish the U.S. Army and the ROK Army to lay down their weapons and surrender to your greatness. We have to actually fight them, and we have no chance with our retro tanks and bold action rifles.”
“What?!?! You dare question me? Off with his head!”

The News is a terrible place to get information. Is there anything really going on over there?

9 years ago

@38, It’s all about Borders, Language, and Culture. While I have stolen that line from a popular radio personality, I do not fully subscribe to his philosophy. I think we’re “in deep kimchi.”

In 1893, my maternal grandfather and his brother immigrated to America. They had to follow the rules and spent the requisite time on Ellis Island.

In 1911, my maternal grandmother’s family arrived (from another country). They had to follow the rules and spent the requisite time on Ellis Island.

My father’s family was mostly here before the Revolution; but not everyone was a free citizen. Several arrived in Georgia aboard prison ships. A few others were adopted by local whites rather than being sent to a reservation in Indian Territory.

When my family came, they had to learn English in order to assimilate. Now that is considered WrongThink. Now we have government forms in a bewildering assortment of languages and refuse to incentivize people to assimilate. We now have pockets of foreigners who never need to speak English, even to the Government. How can these people be part of America? They don’t want to be.

I appreciate that life is hard in many countries; but I am not a fan of governments robbing workers to pay non-workers. Period. We used to have a nation where people were proud to have a job. Then we started importing H1B workers, sending factories and call-centers overseas, and selling our food production to foreigners.

The government estimates there are roughly 1.68 Million illegals living in Texas, not counting the day laborers who travel back and forth and don’t answer Census surveys. There are at least that many unemployed citizens able to work (over 600K on enemployment alone, not counting the folks the government ignores who are either “no longer looking” or “underemployed”). The illegals wouldn’t be here if they couldn’t work and were not rewarded for their lawbreaking by welfare, free housing, and free medical care.

People used to form Associations, Unions, and Insurance companies to provide for their retirement and care for their families. These and faith-based groups had homes for seniors and orphans. There was a real sense of community. Americans identified as Americans.

LBJ’s “Great Society” changed that. Now people are more like Scrooge. “My taxes pay for that. I don’t need to support charities.” Our culture is relegated to small pockets existing mostly in “flyover country.”


When a government does not protect Borders, Language, and Culture, it falls. Either it develops a strong bureaucracy and rots from within, or it is conquered by more agile neighbors.

Read Romans 1:18-32, Kipling’s “Danegeld” and “The Gods of the Copybook Headings” for more info.

9 years ago

Anecdote: I spoke to a friend this morning about Trump. She is actually acquainted with him from a few years back when she was a nurse (a family member was under her care). She said he was the nicest man, very humble and helpful. He was at the facility for a couple of weeks, according to her. She said it was startling because of the persona she had associated with him, but more than that even if he wasn’t famous (she had worked with many famous people then) she would have thought he was an unusually helpful and nice person.
Weird eh? Of maybe not so weird.
Anyway, just throwing that out there.

9 years ago

Liz, they have been trying to dig up shyt on Trump for months… yet nothing has come out. He seems to have a normal family, happy employees, respectful associates…

They have been obscuring obvious shyt on the other idiots for months… yet it still comes out… making Cruz and Rubio somewhere between creepy and toxic.

Best that can be told, Trump is a clever businessman who has no trouble taking advantage of those who want to run with the big dogs but are too stupid/lazy to do due diligence in their business.

(Side note: advice i read in a Trump book in the late 80s has made me thousands of dollars and has been a foundation of my success… and this was advice on how to be better, not how to screw people… i only considered the importance of this recently.)

Soooo… it is easy to believe Trump is pretty sincere and straightforward in his speaking and action.

Who knows. Whatever the case, at least Trump is saying the right things. The other idiots are promising things that would destroy America.

9 years ago

Like I said. Trump could be better than Reagan… Or not… At least he says things about immigration that are more reasonable than anyone (except maybe Cruz).

Meanwhile at the Gates of Vienna:

9 years ago

“they have been trying to dig up shyt on Trump for months… yet nothing has come out. “

I don’t know, CH. Does Trump run out to hug the garbage man?
Or, perhaps he didn’t immediately offer to shake the hand of an Asian masseuse in Liberty city Miami?
There’s always something.

9 years ago

It sounds good, but in practical reality I have to disagree with Sommers.
Faux problem: Everyone majoring in feminist dance therapy should major in electrical engineering instead!
Real problem: Feminist dance therapy studies should not be an option for anyone to major in.
No one majoring in feminist dance studies is smart enough to major in engineering. They really shouldn’t be wasting money in college.

9 years ago

Liz, you’re right. But folks who express outrage about college loan debts and income equality conveniently forget (ignore?) facts like “not all majors offer the same income potential.”

9 years ago
9 years ago

You guys are a hateful bunch.

Feminist Dance Therapy, and the closely-related Comparative Feminist Dance Therapy Studies, offer a sound alternative to trailer park housewife and streetwalker.

MTB Rider
9 years ago

And lo, the Lord of Lords, and King of Hosts, skippith not leg day:

When people ask “What would Jesus Do?” remember that flipping over tables and chasing people with whips is not outside the realms of possibility.

“Lo, I come to lay the smacketh down upon thy candy-asses!”

9 years ago

MTB Rider, read the context… the shops were set up to cheat people and they were set up in the area supposed to be for Gentiles to pray. And Jesus was a carpenter and walked alot and commanded demons to come out of people so he was probably not a wimp. Not sure I’d trust the Conan lookalike representation, though…

But yes, 50+ Million abortions are a lot of debt to carry… And that’s just that… 😮

9 years ago

If Zika becomes endemic this summer, elective abortions may become a major presidential campaign issue.

9 years ago

No, JoeC…

Jesus said every pinhead has a right to life…

…or whatever one defines the existence of a pinhead.

Abortion is a dirty business… but it is so much better than the alternative in every aspect.

…but it will likely not be an issue if it is Trump vs Shrillery.

Trump has not been rabit anti-abortion. The Hildabeast has no problem killing adults or babies to get whatever is all about her at the moment.

In the end, America has some real problems (many of which MORE abortion would solve). If this becomes an issue, America deserves what it elects.

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