Korean Lawmaker Wants Environmental & Safety Concerns Addressed Before THAAD Deployment

It looks like the ruling Saenuri party in South Korea is trying to get out ahead of the Korean left by addressing any environmental concerns with THAAD early in the deployment decision making cycle.  This is actually a good play by the ruling party because like I predicted before environmental and safety concerns is a typical left wing tactic in Korea to attack the US military with and the THAAD issue is a perfect time to use it again:

Lee Cheol-woo, also a Saenuri lawmaker, agreed with Kim Jae-won although he underscored a need to settle public concerns on health and security risks associated with THAAD.

“The villagers living in the neighborhoods cited as the sites for THAAD deployment are worried about possible exposure to strong electromagnetic radiation emitted from THAAD radar as well as environmental pollution,” Lee said. “It will be important to settle such concerns before setting up a THAAD battery.”  [Korea Times]

You can read more at the link.

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9 years ago

Those who refuse to allow others to defend their homeland are not displaying traditional Korean values of filial piety.

Maybe he thinks the wreckage of nork missiles will provide a cleaner environment?

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