Picture of the Day: Korea’s Jacked Jesus Statue
|Graphic depiction and recreations of Jesus Christ have always portrayed the son of God as a thin but shredded deity.
In this depiction of God on Earth, Jesus is swole as HELL. Art is up for interpretation but it’s easy to interpret that this statue’s creator imaged that Jesus spent his time pumping iron as preaching.
As one IMGUR commentor put it — “And verily did Jesus lift on every day; and lo, he skippeth not leg day. And there was much rejoicing and yelling of ‘bro!’.” [Brobible via reader tip]
Where is it?
@setnaffa, unfortunately the linked article did not provide a location.
Leave the location unknown for a future Korea Finder!
Obviously the work of Greg Glassman.
Its like the owner of that statue went up to a stonesmith and was like
“yo, i need a statue of Jesus for my congregation”
“no worries bro, i have just the statue for you”
It is much more convincing when he says…
…”I’ll be back.”
“I’ll be back”
gets my vote for best caption of this imagine. 🙂
Since it’s got Chinese characters, not Korean, and there is no location given…
Can anyone here read/translate?
Actually, my wife says that is Korean… 😳 😳 😳
I found the location, but I don’t know if I should give it away. I’d like to win a Korea Finder for once, and keeping this is my pocket might seal a win for me…
The 3 words on the right in Korean are…
Or… my sin
“Believe in me if you want to live.”
Nobody got my Greg Glassman joke.
He invented CrossFit…
…’cause Jesus is all ripped and fits on a cross. It all ties together so pefectly.
What? Too soon?
He puts the arms in Armageddon, also known as the “A-Pec-alypse.”
He puts the abs in absolution.
He puts the tone in atonement.
Eternity must have a bitching weight room.
James 2:19 (ESV): “You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!” 💡