A Profile of US Military Bases In South Korea Series Archive

“A Profile” is a continuing series of articles here on the ROK Drop that describes each of the different US military installations in Korea and the corresponding “villes” outside of the gate.  You can learn more about these locations at the below links:


Note: If anyone wants to contribute an article to this series feel free to send it to me using the “Contact” link above.  If it is of high enough quality I will publish it here on the ROK Drop.  I would particularly like to publish articles about camps that are now closed.  If you have served on a now closed camp and would like to share your thoughts and pictures of your time on the camp please write an article and send it to me or post it in the Forums.

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Tagum City Tim
9 years ago

I noticed that in your catalog of listed bases that you did not mention Camp Pelham near Munsan. I spent one wild night in the ville outside there in the late 80’s. The name I always subscribed to the place was Sonyo-ri(sp?). I am wondering if any of the readers of this have any stories about that place they would like to share? Hold it, I just saw the posting above that talked about Western Corridor camps. Perhaps my question will be answered there? I will check and get back to this thread.

Bruce K. Nivens
Bruce K. Nivens
9 years ago

Thanks for the list of links, GIKorea. 😎

5 years ago

Don’t see Camp Market up until 1973 is where all troops coming into country process and found out where they were going to assigned. If going to 2nd INF were sent to 2nd AG. I understand that when Yongsan closed 121 Evac Hospital moved there. I was assigned to 199th PSC, 6th P&A BN

5 years ago

Curtis, CP Market is closing and being returned to the Korean government. 121 moves to CP Humphreys (first patient date is scheduled for November of this year). Last activities on CP Market is some AAFEES warehousing and bakery.

Bob niebrzydowski
Bob niebrzydowski
4 years ago

I was at 199th PSC Camp Walker. I miss the Hilltop Club. Mr.Moon was the manager. I was in country ’73-’75. I had a great time!

4 years ago

The Hilltop was closed in the mid 1990’s. It was just a vacant space and then it was rebuilt. now it is closed for renovation.

Reply to  Bob niebrzydowski
4 years ago

with 199th PSC 72 to 73 Cp Market, then 73 to 76 when we moved to Yongsan

4 years ago

To all interested, please review and update as needed the following Wikipedia list:

* “List of United States Army installations in South Korea”. Wikipedia.

tom sandee
tom sandee
3 years ago

2nd med 2inf div 8th army

tom sandee
tom sandee
3 years ago

does any rember 1967 in korea 8th army 2nd inf 2nd med

The Old Sarge
The Old Sarge
1 year ago

Assigned to the 1 Corps NCO Academy in 1955. TDY from 74th Engineer BN. Spent my whole 16 months as Cadre at the Academy. Little village outside the camp was Pup Tong Ni. Anybody serve there?

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