Korea Finder 16-10

Welcome to Korea Finder.  The way this contest works is that each week a new image is posted and the first reader to accurately describe or locate the image gets a point.  At the end of the year the reader with the highest amount of points will win a Korea related book of their choice.

Who knows where the below image is located and its significance?

2016 Korea Finder Leaders Board

  1. Comfortable Chairs – 3
  2. Smokes – 2
  3. Dd – 1, MTB Rider – 1, JoeC – 1
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8 years ago

This is Hungnam Port, North Korea. It’s significant in that there is a big fertilizer plant there? And that it’s where loads of people evacuated from North Korea in December 1950 and the US/UN forces destroyed the whole port.

8 years ago

So! I’m off the leaderboard? 😮

8 years ago

Drag and drop the pic into Google Images isn’t much of a challenge.

8 years ago


That only works for pictures that already exist somewhere, not for new pictures like screen captures from Google Earth.

8 years ago

Well. Try it for this pic. Save from rok to desktop. Open google images. Drag from desktop to images search bar. About halfway down the results is ko.wikimap clearly naming the port. If you dont read korean a google translate getz darn close.

8 years ago

Well. Try it for this image. Results clearly identify the port..sure its in korean but google has a tool to help with that too….

Smokes (snuck on at work)
Smokes (snuck on at work)
8 years ago

Usually GI rotates the view or otherwise presents the image in a way so as to not easily be found via a quick search. It doesn’t matter because all the Finders, mislabeled Ski resorts aside 😆 *cough cough* 😆 , shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to track down if you pay attention to the weekly content. This is supposed to be a fun thing on the side of the `Drop not a cut throat BravoTV competition show! 😕

Now if you want to boo-hoo about something, concentrate your tears towards a certain someone that has their cellphone glued to their ear and a perma-notification set to notify on new Finders. 😈

…back to work for real this time.

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