Korea Finder 16-12
|Welcome to Korea Finder. The way this contest works is that each week a new image is posted and the first reader to accurately describe or locate the image gets a point. At the end of the year the reader with the highest amount of points will win a Korea related book of their choice.
For this week who can tell me where the below village is located at?:
2016 Korea Finder Leaders Board
- Comfortable Chairs – 5
- Smokes – 2
- Dd – 1, MTB Rider – 1, JoeC – 1, Setnaffa – 1
It’s immediately east of Rodriguez range.
I think it is one of the MOUT ranges inside the KTC.
I think Dd is correct: https://www.google.com/maps/place/38%C2%B001'35.8%22N+127%C2%B012'35.3%22E/@38.0266272,127.2076133,522m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0
Are there any bonus points for calling it part of Yeongpyeong-ri, Yeongjung-myeon, Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do?
Dd, great job! That is the MOUT site at the KTC which has been a major training site this week.