Homeless Man Found Living In 3rd Special Forces Group Barracks Was Holding Formations and Conducting Room Inspections

This story from Ft. Bragg is well worth spending a few minutes to read because it is hilarious:

The civilian found living in the barracks of Fort Bragg’s 3rd Special Forces Group was a “con-artist” who had never served in the armed forces, but had enough knowledge of the military to dupe others into believing he was a soldier, according to an investigation obtained by The Fayetteville Observer.

The report does not name the civilian, citing personal privacy, but according to public arrest records that match the circumstances described by the military, the civilian in the barracks was Triston Marquell Chase, 20.

U.S. Army Special Operations Command public affairs officers declined to say what name the civilian was known by to 3rd Group soldiers.

According to the investigative report, the civilian posed as an explosive ordnance disposal specialist for A Company, 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group. He was discovered after a drunken driving arrest on Fort Bragg in December. The civilian — and Chase, according to state court records — has six felony charges from 2014, including identity theft and larceny of a firearm, pending in Harnett County.

In the days following Chase’s arrest, military officials unraveled the story of how he exploited the lack of oversight in the barracks to obtain a room key, access the barracks and live there for months.  [Fayetteville Observer]

This guy must have been quiet the personality considering he had people loaning him their cars, and women regularly stopping by:

The person said he felt sorry for the man and provided him a key to his barracks room on the third floor, according to the investigation.

Investigators learned multiple women had visited the civilian in his barracks room and brought him food. One person told investigators that the man said he never had any money because he used his funds to take care of his family.

Heck this guy was even holding room inspections and holding his own formations!:

The fact-finding soldiers went to the barracks where they saw the man outside with six soldiers standing in formation with no Army combat uniform tops, just brown T-shirts, according to the investigation.

The officer told the man he needed to speak with him. The man said he was busy because “my supervisor told me to get these guys straight.”  (……..)

The man had become such a staple around the barracks that several soldiers said they had seen him conducting room inspections and assigning rooms to new soldiers, according to the investigation.

Sounds like the Army should get this guy to enlist and serve as the barracks manager.


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8 years ago

That’s a twist on the stolen valor scams and proves it’s not just civilians with no knowledge of the military who can be taken in.

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