Korea Finder 16-16

Welcome to Korea Finder.  The way this contest works is that each week a new image is posted and the first reader to accurately describe or locate the image gets a point.  At the end of the year the reader with the highest amount of points will win a Korea related book of their choice.

Who knows what the building in the center of this picture is?

2016 Korea Finder Leaders Board

  1. Comfortable Chairs – 6
  2. Smokes – 3
  3. Dd – 2, Setnaffa – 2
  4. MTB Rider – 1, JoeC – 1
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8 years ago

37° 4’57.36″N
127° 2’8.01″E
It’s at Osan Air Base. According to a map I found, https://www.shopmyexchange.com/assets/map/map_osan.pdf

it’s the library, or right next to the library? I’ve never been on the base, so that’s my best guess.

8 years ago

A second map I found says that the one in the middle is the ITT travel office.


MTB Rider
8 years ago

As a guess, it’s the building where U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Daniel Raimondo and Sgt. Melanie Scott work at. Don’t know the base either, but I think that’s why you picked it.

35th Aircraft Maintenance HQ

MTB Rider
8 years ago

Master Sgt. Raimondo works at 8th Civil Engineer Squadron, so if not 35th Aircraft Maintenance, then 8th CES HQ.

8 years ago

Well the bus is parked outside Checkertails, the BX upper parking lot is to the NW, the Library is NE and the Rec Center/USO is East. One of the first ones I knew at first sight.

8 years ago

Man I’m falling behind… Looks to be Building 924 the Information Tickets and Travel (ITT) office so Chairs got another, I’m wondering though what the tie-in is as I’ve not read anything on here recently regarding that office. 😕 ❓

Smokes (snuck on at work)
Smokes (snuck on at work)
8 years ago

Bah dirty pool… only time I’ve ever been at Osan AB was briefly the very first day in the RoK back in 03.

So is that Bldg. 924 and ITT has moved or were we just looking at the wrong buildings on our maps?

8 years ago

The ITT office does share the southern third of that building.

8 years ago

Closest I’ve been is the little street of tailors outside the main gate… 😉

8 years ago

Would those be tailors that most of us would visit or the kind of “tailors” that CH frequents? 😈

8 years ago

“Would those be tailors that most of us would visit or the kind of “tailors” that CH frequents?”

That’s a good question. The answer depends on if you want a suit like mine or if you want your prostate poked by a lubed middle finger while getting a lazy handy from a middle aged former juicy like everyone else.

On the topic… I’d like to lodge a complaint about Checkertails.

This is quite obviously a misogynistic microagressive trigger codeword playing upon the phrase “check her tail”.

I’m not sure if I can make it out of my safe space long enough to actually see if she has a nice turd cutter backing up some defined beavage under a plush pair of joy bags.

Maybe PooperSnoopers is a better name… inclusive rather than sexist.

8 years ago

I was just wandering around the shops looking for a place that sold A-2 leather jackets and settled on Mike’s Arcade for some reason. I didn’t know the other kind existed.

I’m wondering about getting old patches recreated into MA-1 embroidered jackets by Mike’s All Season and wondered if anyone had any experience with that shop?

I’m also hoping to find some place that can provide cloth for scarfs (like the old pilot scarfs) in dark blue with irregularly-spaced stars of at least two sizes like the “stripe” behind the SAC emblem in this photo: http://photovalet.com/data/comps/MYF/MYFV07P06_05.1700.jpg

6 years ago

Wow such a thoughtful comment from a.. heyyy wait a second! 😛


6 years ago

I concur: #bringBackTheFinders

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