50 Dead and 50 More Wounded In Terror Attack On Orlando Nightclub

This is a horrible tragedy with so many dead and wounded caused by the terror attack on a Orlando nightclub.  I am actually amazed a terrorist has not tried to attack a packed night club sooner considering how crowded they can be and have few exits to escape:

A gunman opened fire inside at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla., early Sunday, killing 50 people and leaving 53 others hospitalized in the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.  Officials identified the gunman as Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old U.S. citizen. According to the Washington Post, Mateen’s family is from Afghanistan, while Mateen is believed to have been born in the United States. According to CBS News, Mateen had no apparent criminal history.

You can read much more at the link, but the FBI is treating this as an act of domestic terrorism despite not knowing if the shooter was inspired by radical Islam:

Orlando authorities said they consider the violence an act of domestic terror. The FBI is involved. While investigators are exploring all angles, they “have suggestions the individual has leanings towards (Islamic terrorism), but right now we can’t say definitely,” said Ron Hopper, assistant special agent in charge of the FBI’s Orlando bureau.  [CNN]

Also get this authorities according to the article are also investigating if this is a hate crime.  ABC News is reporting that Omar Mateen has been on the radar of authorities as a possible threat:

Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old U.S.-born citizen, has been identified as the suspect in Sunday’s mass shooting that left at least 50 dead and more than 50 others wounded at the Pulse Nightclub, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

Mateen’s parents were born in Afghanistan, and he was “on the radar” of U.S. officials for some time, but was not the target of a specific investigation, law enforcement officials told ABC News.  [ABC News]

TMZ is reporting that Omar Mateen was a security guard with proper fire arms licensing and they have a picture of the terrorist wearing an NYPD shirt:

The killer in the Orlando nightclub slaughter is 29-year-old Omar Mateen.  TMZ has done a records search and found he held a Florida security officer license and a state firearms license.  [TMZ]

His parents say the killings had nothing to do with religion and instead he just hated gay people.  NYPD also says that Mateen has nothing to do with the department.

How come I have a feeling that after this there will once again be an effort to restrict everyone’s right to own a firearm instead of finding ways to keep firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill and terrorists that commit just about every mass shooting in the US?

Coincidentally this weekend “The Voice” singer Christina Grime was gunned downed in an unrelated shooting in Orlando this weekend as well.

Condolences to everyone affected by both shootings.

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8 years ago

An important point to remember is that first generation Americans with immigrant parents frequently have values that align with their parents… and their parents don’t necessarily have values that align with America.

It is fashionable to label anchor babies and such as fully “American”… but this may not be as true as is being promoted.

The constant push for “diversity” and “acceptance” has further encouraged this division of culture and values.

8 years ago

American hatred of LBGT values pushed by conservatives sounds like a reason this nightclub was targeted and it’s already Obama’s fault for his lies to the American people, nothing about the “mentally ill.”

8 years ago

Reports: Orlando Blood Center Lifts Ban on Blood Donations from Gay Men

8 years ago

“American hatred of LBGT values pushed by conservatives sounds like a reason this nightclub was targeted”

Absolutely. It doesn’t get any more “conservative” than Islam… and conservative Islam, not American political conservatives, killed these LBGTs.

Can anyone explain what is up with all the American/European liberal love for Islam, the desire for importation of more Islam, and the general protection and promotion of Islam?

Are liberals simply so idealistic, anti-American, or anti-conservative they have become disconnected from reality?

Islam is in direct conflict with all of the big liberal issues… women’s rights, gay rights, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, gun ownership, separation of religion and politics, freedom to use drugs and alcohol, etc.

The only thing American liberals and Islam seem to agree on is abortion and lack of personal hygiene.

Honestly. WTF?

8 years ago

If we shame political conservatives and restrict guns will this type of thing stop?

There is a lack of both guns and conservatives in much of Europe and they suffered the same situations recently and likely will for the foreseeable future.

There must be a common factor. I just can’t put my finger on it.

8 years ago

“Absolutely” I did’t didn’t see anything absolute in what you said.

But in your own WTF admission conservatives and Islam are similar on the following issues… “women’s rights, gay rights, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, gun ownership, separation of religion and politics, freedom to use drugs and alcohol.” 😳

On abortion(only a conservative would raise the issue of abortion in connection with hatred), conservatives and Muslim scholars have held that the child of rape is a legitimate child and thus it would be sinful to kill this child.

” anyone explain what is up with all the American/European liberal love for Islam, the desire for importation of more Islam, and the general protection and promotion of Islam?”

Your question framework blows but you hit a bullseye with brewing more hatred ❗

8 years ago

Just read the shooter worked for our favorite security Contractor here, G4S. lol

“Security firm G4S confirmed he’d been an employee since September 2007. “

8 years ago

You heard it here folks — the LBGTQ (can we get a vowel, please?) community was slaughtered because of conservative views on the family unit, and its place in keeping an ordered society…not moslem scum living 5 or 6 centuries in the past.

8 years ago

At this point, it doesn’t appear as if the guy in LA was going to attempt to target gays for being gay as he is reportedly bisexual.

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
8 years ago

BONEHEAD: Your reports are wrong. No blood from gay men having sexual contact with other men in the past year.

Rutherz: For your Vowel Pleasure:

As for mass murder at a LGBT event attempt #2, I have to admit I would be curious how the Media would try to spin two nearly identical stories, but one with a Muslim star, while the other had a Biseexual.
Fortunately, we will never know.

8 years ago

The Orlando shooter was a Federal Contractor. He was probably using a weapom supplied by the government. Spin that.

8 years ago
8 years ago

Trump said:

The bottom line is that the only reason the killer was in America in the first place was because we allowed his family to come here,

Let’s see, the shooter was born in the USA and was 29 years old, so his family must have immigrated at least in the late 80’s. In the 80’s, Afghanistan was at war with the Soviet Union, we were supplying weapons and support to them and there was no Taliban.

Radicalism is not a genetic trait that can be used to sort them out. Keeping a body count metric on how many radical islamists we’ve killed is not an absolute way of measuring success in combating them. Fighting them ‘over there’ has not and will not ensure that we won’t have to fight them ‘over here.’ There is not a fixed number of radical islamists in the world. People aren’t born radicalized, they become radicalized.

8 years ago

Religion is a crutch for a lot of people.

Christianity attracts crazy like a light bulb attracts moths… and I dare anyone to argue this with me.

Islam attracts crazy like a big pile of day-old shyt attracts flies in the summer sun… and I dare anyone to argue that with me, too.

I have been dealing with Iranians for several months… and perhaps, when the time is right, I will give some insight on the matter…

…whatever you think you know… well… you are likely wrong… as everything I know something about is completely misrepresented in the news… so i have very very very little faith the news is right on anything I don’t know about…

,,,and neither should you…

…but right now, I am willing to clearly state that Iranians may be crazy because of Islam… but they are more likely crazy because they are Persians… or Iranians… or something. Islam must be their crutch,,, to solve the cultural dysfunction that seems to exist in most of them.

Fucckity fucckity fucck fucck fucck,,,, they are some crazy fuuckers… and I am dying to share some of the stuff I have gone through with anyone…

..but once you understand their thinking, they are so easy to deal with.

I was bugged by a guy who was doing the wrong thing (but, as a senior guy, nobody would tell him the error of his ways)… so, in frustration that the project was having problems because he was a screw-up, I took him aside and told him his faults directly… and then roughed him up a bit physically… a big shock to everyone… but a good shock…

I insulted him in the harshest way possible.. and he vanished for a week… though everyone else thanked me for my action,

Two weeks later, he was back on the project like nothing happened, He has improved about 50% rather than 100%… but I can manage that.

He is actually a really nice guy… and smart… and a bit geeky… but there can be no disruption on this.

There is a goal… and anyone not putting in 100% is going to get the biitch-smack.

Side note: I have some Iranian girls doing the makeup for the American and European girls… and… OMG… they are so good at it. Iranian girls are thick in the azz… but they are awesome from the tits up.

8 years ago

Chickenhead I look forward to hearing your complete Iranian story some day. I always figured you were helping them build ICBMs not juicy bars. 😉

8 years ago

This whole Iranian thing is not as thrilling or mysterious as it may seem. Perhaps I will share the entire amusing story in the future.

Anyway… it is amusing to watch some parts of the media run circles around itself on this terrorist event.

A Democrat-voting non-white gay anchor baby islamic terrorist kills a bunch of Hispanic homosexuals and the leftist media-political complex searches high and low for an acceptable villian… which becomes Guns/NRA, Trump’s Hate, and an occasional Christian.

The usual gang of self-serving politicians can’t bring themselves to speak honestly about this event… in great contrast to Trump. It’s almost like the Establishment WANTS him to get elected… as their weakness to even honestly talk about the problems of terrorism and immigration bring little faith that they can solve them… and even less faith when they openly promote immigration and indirectly excuse terrorists.

Side note: History will certainly show that Trump operatives are handing out Mexican flags and easy-to-burn American flags and pumping up the Mexican cockroaches infesting Trump rallies to spit profanities and burn cop cars. Politicians making excuses for these insects simply solidify what Trump is saying.

Nobody knows if Trump will be a good president… but honest speaking will be a refeshing new experience.

8 years ago

“The bottom line is that the only reason the killer was in America in the first place was because we allowed his family to come here,”

That is the bottom line.

There is very little that Islam can contribute to American society. There is nothing that unskilled and unvetted refugees can contribute to American society… as demonstrated by almost all of them being on perpetual welfare after they arrive.

Islam is in direct conflict with the Constitution and with many established American ideals that are shared by many/most American subcultures.

First generation “Americans” are responsible for around half of terrorist incidents in America… as their parents have great influence on their values and thinking… and many of their parents have not been propery investigated to see if they are thrilled to be Americans or if they are bringing and perpetuating the same cultural pollution they claimed to be escaping.

So. The reason this scumbag was in America is because his scumbag family was allowed in America… and if you start looking into his father, you will see some serious scumbaggery… and it is not hard to imagine his crotchfruit being exactly what he became.

And that is the bottom line.

8 years ago


The gist of the news is that a gay Muslim wife-beater employed by the Government as an armed security guard relocating illegal aliens across the country killed 49 other gays and wounded 53 more before Florida police were given permission to kill him.

And the government again wants us to use the actions of their employee to take away our 2A rights. Remember the San Bernadino killer was also employed by the government.

Remember when it was just “Postal Workers”?

8 years ago

Correction 49 Dead and the GOPers answer is always to pray but do nothing, pray, do nothing, etc…Don’t them “Christians” read their James 2: 17 bible book verse?

“So too, faith by itself, if it is not complemented by action, is dead.”

Why do them GOPers pray but do nothing…hmmmmm, $$$$$ is more important to them than their bible.

Full Frontal

8 years ago

Islamic State Twitter accounts get a rainbow makeover from Anonymous hackers

Social media accounts associated with the group got an LGBT-friendly makeover courtesy of WachulaGhost

Thank You President Barack Obama!!!
“The loose hacking collective, which grew out of the infamous 4Chan forum in the late 2000s, announced its war on Isis in 2015, taking control of almost 100 twitter accounts following the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris that year.

Now, after the murder of 49 people in a gay club in Orlando, Florida, a hacker who goes by the name WauchulaGhost says he has taken control of more than 200 accounts belonging to Isis supporters. This time, rather than simply lock the users out of the accounts or report them to Twitter, the cybervigilante has given the accounts a gay-friendly makeover….”

8 years ago

Just as many in the nation have come down with Afrofatigue, I predict that people will also begin to suffer from Islamofatigue as well. I certainly hope this has opened people’s eyes to some of the very real problems that Europe has been facing and we are now beginning to face more frequently.

8 years ago

There will be a time in the near future when Trump’s proposal to put a temporary hold on Muslim immigrants until they can be properly vetted will seem like a very reasonable suggestion to a large percentage of Americans as opposed to right now when it only appeals to those with intelligence and foresight.

8 years ago

“Your own fanboy house speaker”

I don’t even know what that means.

Ryan is a piece of shyt of the highest order.

Hopefully he loses his next election and that will be the end of that.

8 years ago

Please stop calling the assault rifle used in Orlando & Newtown the”AR-15.” It is the M-16 weapon we used in Vietnam, modified for civilian use

Ammo used in AR-15/M-16 is banned by Geneva Convention. It enters the body, spins & explodes. Show the crime scene photos & the NRA is over.

173 mass shootings in the US in forts 163 days of 2016.

Just fold up your M-16 and tuck it up your jacket/down your baggy pants(extra ammo in pockets) and go clubbing/dancing, meet up with others doing same(for safety), clink clank clink clank on the dance floor.

Reply to  Tbonetylr
8 years ago

tbone, your depth of ignorance is unapproachable.

8 years ago

Orlando victims’ families and survivors will sue gunmaker Sig Sauer
“And an impending ruling by a Connecticut Superior Court judge in the Newtown, Connecticut, elementary school shooting case three-and-a-half years ago could give these victims and their families a pathway to retribution and compensation.

This week Connecticut Judge Barbara Bellis set a trial date for the civil suit naming gunmaker Remington, its wholesaler and the retailer of the gun used in the Newtown shooting — and ordered defendants to disclose marketing materials and internal documents.

The issue is known as “negligent entrustment,” the giving or selling of a gun to a person with a high risk of misusing it, for example, giving a loaded pistol to a child. The Newtown case takes it one step further by claiming that some semi-automatic weapons, because they fire multiple shots without reloading, are a weapon of war and therefore should never be sold to a civilian.”

8 years ago

“Orlando victims’ families and survivors will sue gunmaker Sig Sauer”

Suing involved mosques and Islamic organizations would likely be more correct.

8 years ago

I don’t recall any attempts to ban handguns after Virginia Tech, which was the highest death toll mass shooting until Orlando.

The fascination with banning “assault rifles” is baffling. If such a ban were successful, what would the argument be after the next mass shooting, when someone kills the same amount of people with pistols or any other type of rifle with the same caliber and capacity of rounds as the dreaded assault rifle? Undoubtedly there would be another class of firearm to ban.

I think we can all guess as to what the left’s ambitions really are. Give them a rifle and they take a whole amendment.

Out of curiosity, I wonder exactly how much of the gay vote is going to go for Trump after this. I don’t imagine it would be a huge number but you never know. Surely some can see that it is madness to try to take away one easily replaceable tool from the jihadists who would seek to slay them instead of trying to stop the importation of the jihadists themselves.

Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

Not to mention suing the Gov’t contractor that employed the dirtbag, the local police that apparently lost track of the shooter’s wife, and DHS for hiring him.

Reply to  johnnyboy
8 years ago

NBC, never the most trustworthy, threatens gays with violence if they “come out” for Trump… http://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/lgbtrump-gay-men-voting-donald-trump-n594691

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