Picture of the Day: Yakuza Bust In Korea
|This photo, taken on July 19, 2016, shows a pistol and bullets that the Busan Police Agency has confiscated from a high-ranking member of a major yakuza group known as Kudo-kai. The member smuggled himself into South Korea in January 2015 before being apprehended by police on July 7. The Kudo-kai crime syndicate is based in Kitakyushu, Japan’s Fukuoka Prefecture.(Yonhap)
If you absolutely, positively MUST chrome plate your crappy 1930s-era Chinese Type 54 Tokarev TT-30 knockoff, get a high-quality plating job done or don’t carry it next to your sweaty body so the chrome unattractively bubbles off.
Also, get some mother of pearl grips made for it.
Gotta second all that!
Even the brass looks corroded!
Those bullets are likely pre-80s (or pre-70s) manufacture. They have been sitting around doing nothing for a long, long time.
That is a Chinese Type 54 which is a copy of the Russian Tokarev TT-30… the defining characteristic being the slide grip groves which are much thinner… and it is not a modern version because there is no safety…
…and upon closer inspection, it might be (and likely is) an M20… which is the sanitized no-marking version which the Chinese sent to the Vietnamese (and other places) during times of conflict against Yankee imperialists and other anti-communist regimes.
There are shytloads of these all over Asia… as they didn’t just vanish after the conflicts were over… and they are all over Korea and Japan… brought back from the Vietnam War, sold by Philippines communist (who embraced capitalism when an offer was made for their unused pistol), and various other SE Asian communists rebels who eventually settled down and were happy to have an extra fifty bucks… etc.
They myth of “no guns in Asia” is so cute.
America needs guns to keep the human garbage at bay. Korean and Japanese doesn’t have as much human garbage and it is not as dangerous… so guns are not needed… but they are widespread.
Nonetheless… if you are going for the pimp look, polish your brass, chrome up your shyt, and pearl up your grips…
…and go full pimp like a man.