The Second (Indianhead) Division Association is searching for anyone who served in the Army’s 2nd Infantry Division at any time. For information about the
association and our 95th annual reunion in Springfield, Missouri from September 20 – 24, 2016, contact secretary-treasurer, Bob Haynes, at or 224-225-1202;
or visit
2ID Reunion Update: MG(R) Morris Brady, who commanded the 2ID during Operation PAUL BUNYAN, will speak at the Grand Banquet on 9/23/2016. Also planning to attend the reunion, which will mark forty years since OPB, are two of the Panmunjom tree cutters, COL(R) George Deason and SGM(R) C.M. Twardzicki. The speaker at the Memorial Service on 9/23/2016 will be COL(R) Roger Donlon, who commanded the 2ID’s Advanced Combat Training Academy in Korea and was awarded the first Medal of Honor of the Vietnam War. All 2ID & JSA veterans are invited to the reunion, you do not have to be an association member to attend.
Second to None!
8 years ago
For those of you keeping score at home, this WEEK’s totals for the Dumbazz Germans Will Let Anyone Into Their Country contest are:
Syria: 2
Iran: 1
Pakistan: 1
This round’s bonus point is awarded to Iran for killing kids.
The double bonus multiplier goes to Syria for hacking a pregnant woman to death.
As we prepare for the semifinals, it’s going to take a lot more work by the German team to catch the French team where the North Africans are really excelling over the Middle Easterners in the local Dumbazz French Will Let Anyone Into Their Country contest.
The low-scoring nation is still Japan in thier verson, Sorry, We Control Our Borders and Don’t Allow Human Garbage to Immigrate for the Good of the Society We Have All Worked Hard to Build contest.
@Mike, it sounds like this is going to be a great event with some very interesting guest speakers. I wish I could attend, but there is no way I could do it this year. Maybe sometime in the future. Hopefully some other ROK Heads reading this will be able to attend.
@Chickenhead, what I find interesting is how the German government is quick to blame some of this on mental illness.
8 years ago
The big question the media has completely ignored is how the teenage Iranian got hold of a Glock and 300 rounds.
AKs left over from Balkin conflicts are all over Europe… available and affordable.
Surplus Glocks aren’t seen floating around frequently or cheaply.
The media has ignored this aspect of the case which could reveal anything from outside assistance to police incompetence.
I am likely to agree there is a bit of mental illness in the mix… which is easily expressed as violence when combined with the teachings, expectations, and propaganda of Islam… and then amplified by the deep personal frustrations in much of the Islamic world.
But it is insincere to fully blame mental illness when a crazy Muslim and a crazy Buddhist act very diffetently… and it is more insincere when the crazy Muslim is the tool of not-crazy Muslims promoting their agenda.
The citizens of Europe who have sacrificed and worked hard to build a peaceful and comfortable society since WWII need to rise up against their governments if they want to maintain the lifestyle the have earned.
If they refuse to do this and choose to cling to this perverse and nonsensical form of liberal idealism that does not reflect reality, they get exactly what they deserve.
8 years ago
Germany has found the perfect solution to stop terrorism.
More gun control!
Known for its lax gun laws, that should keep teenagers with already illegal guns from shooting the place up and solve 25% of the terrorism problems.
Knife control, axe control, and bomb control should complete the solution.
…though immigrant control would have worked, too… and without affecting all the innocent Germans who will never use a gun, knife, axe, or bomb to kill in the name of Allah.
“Before tonight’s attack senior German officials called for a review of gun laws and even stricter enforcement after Friday’s shooting in Munich.
German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said: ‘Gun control is an important issue. We must continue to do all we can to limit and strictly control access to deadly weapons.’
The German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere vowed to review German gun laws after studying an investigation into the attack, and to seek improvements where needed.”
Gun control seems to be a common idea to solve every problem… it almost seems to be a pattern… like the ruling elite are uncomfortable with normal people having any sort of power… especially if they get fed up as a group and wish to try a little direct democracy with votes that actually count.
The low-scoring nation is still Japan in thier verson, Sorry, We Control Our Borders and Don’t Allow Human Garbage to Immigrate for the Good of the Society We Have All Worked Hard to Build contest.
What you GOPer lovers had at the RNC is a bunch of has beens like Cha Chi from Happy Days(and GOP FREAK), while at the DNC you got big time happenings stars NOW. Actually you freaks are for the side that can’t get hardly anyone of significance to stand up for Drumpf with common sense or without freakish scary/yelling speech
8 years ago
I would trust a B-list star to know more about what the average American is facing than an A-lister.
The A-lister is most likely at a point in their life when they can live a lavish lifestyle and spend money with reckless abandon, all while protected by a personal security detail ensuring they will probably never be a victim of a Muslim refugee practicing his freedom of religion.
Side note: I didn’t hear any speakers at the DNC talking about bringing in Muslim refugees as a plus. Perhaps they fear the little people are opposed?
Anywho, I wonder what the national polls say right about now. Whose message is sticking with more people?
And by the way, where was Debbie Wasserman-Shultz? As DNC chair shouldn’t she have been the one to gavel the convention in? I can’t imagine she would miss out on one of her most important functions. Did something happen? Can somebody fill me in?
French President Francois Hollande said today’s attack and hostage situation at a church in Normandy was carried out by “terrorists who claimed allegiance to ISIS.”
Since it’s Yahoo, of course they don’t say where these fine, upstanding gentlemen came from, so we can’t add their points to the scoreboard just yet.
I came across an article saying the gun was sold as a prop, and rendered unable to fire. Can’t find it now, of course, but you would think it would take more than ordering parts off of eBay to get it firing again.
But this little tidbit caught my eye:
*Police chief says there was an ‘obvious’ link with Anders Breivik’s massacre exactly five years earlier in Norway
Really? German police can make an immediate link between the date Anders Breivik’s attack and this one, but Hillary can’t make the connection between an attack on 9/11 in Libya and the 9/11 attacks in New York? Strange how that works.
“Here’s the article about where they think the Glock came from”
That article is more full of shyt than a Christmas turkey in almost every “fact” it claimed… and it pushed a few very false conclusions based off those non-facts.
MTB Rider
8 years ago
CH: I never said I believed the article, I said this is what the Germans are saying at the moment.
I’ve seen weapons “rendered safe.” It’s not like he could just order a part or two off of eBay and be good to go. Usually they pour lead down the barrel, weld various parts together, and remove things like firing pins, etc. I don’t see this kid buying a prop gun then somehow getting it back in service without a machine shop.
MTB, I am certainly not blaming you for media bullshyt and I do appreciate the link.
As a Glock is somewhat different from most other guns, deactivating it would require a slightly different path… one which isn’t clear to me at the moment.
Its parts-replacible design means everything in it can be easily replaced without fitting… though those parts are not as easy to get in Europe as they are in the States… where only the frame is a controlled item.
Modifications to the serial-numbered polymer frame can be reversed (with various levels of quality) by using epoxy or polyester resin, a bit of finely chopped fiberglass, and printer toner for color. Any filler used for deactivation can be filed out in far fewer man-hours than welds in an all-metal gun.
Barrels and slides are also matching serial numbered… and, as they traced the “serial number” it means the gun is a complete set and was never properly deactivate by destroying the chamber and striker area of the slide… or those parts were replaced… at which point they will have different serial numbers which would reveal exciting new information.
It is likely this “deactivated” story is all bullshyt anyway.
Regardless, chasing how he “reactivated” it is an intentional diversion… as he didn’t also manufacture the bullets… with odds being they were a package deal that he somehow arranged and afforded… which likely is a really intetesting story… and likely will never honestly be revealed.
The Economist/YouGov poll (the only one favoring Clinton by any significant margin). It showed the participants overwhelmingly believed the direction the country, and by extension the government, is going is the wrong one. Yet they voted in favor of the status quo. Makes one wonder.
A man crashed his car into the head office of game firm Nexon on Sunday at around 7 a.m., claiming the company had “ruined his life.”
Lee is in Korea on a three-month visitor permit. The car he drove belonged to his older brother, who lives here.
Lee admitted to the wrongdoing and told the police that he had been angry that he had become addicted to games created by the company. He said he had committed the act on impulse, after drinking.
I’m thinking this guy “ruined his life” long before he ever downloaded his first game, but whatever…
@johnnyboy, that was quite the post-convention bounce that Trump received despite the negative media attention from his wife’s speech and the Ted Cruz snub:
I’m not convinced the bounce is attributable to the convention. I think Trump’s, Gary Johnson’s, and Jill Stein’s numbers will only go up in the next few weeks. The media is doing it’s best not to report or show the videos, but directly after Bernie nominated Hillary there were hundreds of his delegates who exited the convention in protest.
There were also reports of Bernie supporters’ signs being confiscated and people being threatened to have their credentials removed and escorted from the premises.
In other words, there is a sizable portion of Sanders supporters who are not planning on unifying the party by supporting Clinton. How big that portion ends up being remains to be seen.
Looking forward to seeing how the Clinton vs. Trump and the 3-way and 4-way polls end up looking in the next couple of weeks.
Also looking forward to the next Wikileak which I believe is scheduled for sometime after the convention wraps up.
8 years ago
Don’t feel sorry for me. I know most won’t; but that isn’t the meaning of this post. I assume most of us are friendly enough to share a seasonably-appropriate beverage and chat about stuff agreeably.
I now have proof that four straight days of 24-hour internet-free chemotherapy is more pleasant than reading tbone’s ravings. Including the part where your liver and kidneys almost die passing the poison into your bowels and bladder and everything burns like something CH might suggest with hot chiles… That last is getting under control finally. Haven’t lost my hair yet or all my white blood cells, either.
If it ever comes up and you want my opinion, don’t develop a sarcoma. If you do anyway (since those are still mostly of the “some people just get that” variety), “get thee hence” to MD Anderson in Houston post-haste, before any surgery, radiation, or chemo elsewhere. We’re talking about a 25-30 percent better shot of living past five years.
God-willing, I’ll make it back to Songtan to hear Nelson or Steve preach at SCBC, slug back some coffee at Blue Mountain or wherever, buy another leather jacket at Mike’s Arcade, and finally get certain custom jackets and scarves done at Mike’s All Season.
Nice how you conflate one mentally ill man with what’s happening all over Europe. Are all Muslim refugees mentally ill? Maybe. Do you ignore the raping of old women and young boys? And even if you don’t like a given priest, is it okay to behead him? This is something only a Hillary Supporter like Bernie would love.
Sure, an army of lone-wolf nutcases. My brother saw a couple a week in Baghdad when he was there. Just ran at the air base firing a pistol. Got the 62 grains of rest they apparently needed.
8 years ago
Clinton fought against George Washington…
8 years ago
The DNC this yesr is a bit if a train wreck on every level… from optics to action.
The best part of Trump running is how he exposed the dirty dealings and gross hypocrisy of the Democrats, fake Republicans, real Republicans, and media,
If he continues this as president, it will improve America… as straight talk and honest action is much needed.
An interesting aspect of this election is how the mainstream media marginalized itself by proving to be untrustworthy.
Between the large number of cellphones and witnesses recording real events counter to the approved narrative and a growing number of websites bringing this video and honest reporting/analysis to the public’s attention as a personal project rather than to satisfy ratings/advertizers/corporate interests, a new media paradigm was created this election cycle that will likely become the new normal.
This is a good thing.
8 years ago
Drumpf Wants Putin and Russia to hack America and all you agree with Drumpf because you’re all GOP united @ Rokdrop
Having been down Cancer Road, I feels ya. Make sure you eat a LOT as early as possible, for the inevitable weight loss. I went from 195 to 225 to 175… The 50 lbs drop took about a month and a half, and it wasn’t fun or sexy. At all.
And your hair will come back if it goes away. Wear a Head Rag, people will think you’re a pirate. 😉
Best of luck, best of prayers, best of science to you.
Cancer Free 7+ years now. Tongue Cancer. Don’t smoke, don’t dip, only drink socially. Did take the A Train Downtown though.
8 years ago
“Lenny Kravitz warms up DNC tonight…Awesome! Why can’t the RNC get shyte to perform for them???”
…because performing shyte is a Democrat thing.
What was the name of that rotten song? Sixty Cycle Hum?
Did you even watch the video?
Apart from something ungrounded that hummed its way through the song, it seemed only the guitar, hat, and snare were miked… making an unlistenable mess.
…a crap production of a crap song by a has-been.
And that’s why the RNC has no performing shyte.
Bonus: everybody lollygagging around on the stage trying to get things organized had the production values of a gradeschool event
So sorry to hear this, Setnaffa. Is there anything we can do to help?
8 years ago
I am wondering which network Russia would have to hack in order to procure the emails that were lost and not retrieved by the FBI. I doubt that it would be any sort of government network.
To be retrieved in totality, these emails would likely have to have been procured directly from her homebrew server prior to their deletion. In which case, I am very much interested in seeing if the Russians have any emails not uncovered by the criminal investigation. I am curious as to which part of the legal code Mr. Trump’s latest controversial comments might fall under as it potentially involves one private citizen asking for illegally acquired documents from another citizen’s private computer network illegally used to perform government functions. That’s a lot to wrap your head around.
I also find it interesting that Comey withheld comments when asked on whether there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation even after Hillary escaped indictment in the email case.
For anyone interested, A film adaptation of Peter Schweitzer’s “Clinton Cash” can be seen on youtuube right now. It was put up on 7-23 and is sitting at 800,000 views so I would say she has a slight problem. Not everything in the film is outright proof of wrongdoing on the part of the Clintons, but there is certainly enough there to garner attention and inquiry. There is a pattern of donations to the foundation and favorable actions from her as Secretary of State that is troubling.
Honestly, even if there is mass corruption uncovered at the Clinton Foundation, I doubt the FBI would be willing to further disrupt the election cycle in such a profound fashion.
As much as Assange has built up the next Wikileaks release, it had better be something important or they risk losing credibility at a time when they have the chance to capture a much wider audience.
Sorry for the wordy post. Hope somebody got something out of it.
I wasn’t a Mitt fan, but I do remember when he spoke about Russia during the 2012 campaign and noted they were recovering and could be a force to be reckoned with as a geopolitical foe. He was actually spot on.
But Obama’s response, “The 1980s are calling; they want their foreign policy back” was considered uber-clever at the time. Perhaps it was, on an emotional hit level to get votes, but it wasn’t accurate.
There is a funny kind of irony to this, which The Diplomad notes:
“The party that denied the existential threat from the USSR and its espionage, now sees Slavs under every slab.”
Cheerfully swiped from the interwebs: “Mockery is one weapon. Trump is the other. Plus, no reason not to have fun while driving your enemies before you and listening to the lamentations of their girlymen.”
8 years ago
Setnaffa, I said a sincere prayer for you…
…and I don’t pray.
So, if He is listening, a new voice certainly cut through the chatter.
I think I made a pretty good case that you are a good guy and it would be better for the world, and those of us in it, to have you around as long as possible.
8 years ago
Drumpf Again Threatens Violence against those(speakers at tonight’s DNC) he doesn’t like and he’ll hit them himself…
“Politics is the last place anyone with thin skin should play. I’m sure some have even tried to tell Trump that, but we all know he doesn’t listen. So now we are stuck with the visual in our heads of his tiny, little hands all clenched up into baby fists, ready to strike at people giving speeches he doesn’t approve of.”
8 years ago
President Drumpf, Tbone… get used to hearing that.
Prisoner 479632… get used to pronouncing Hillary that way.
…well, probably not… there are different rules for the Ruling Elite… and nobody else in the club, even if they hate each other, likes to break them…
…as they might be next.
8 years ago
I mean absolutely no snark or ill will in this post.
A serious question Tbone:
Were you a Bernie supporter while he was still in the race or were you pulling for Hillary?
As a Democrat voter, do the things found in the DNC Wikileaks bother you enough to consider Dr. Jill Stein or Gary Johnson as an alternative?
This isn’t a trick or trying to spark a debate. I am just trying to get a sense of how you feel as a Democrat.
I have been reading some of the tweets under #DemExit and there are a lot of pissed off people who truly believe Bernie would have won the nomination if not for the DNC actively sabotaging his campaign.
@setnaffa, all the best to you as well. You have been providing thoughtful comments on the site from near its inception and I hope it remains that way for many more years to come. If there is anything our little community can do for you please let me know.
Thanks, GI, I really do cherish your prayers at this time. God has provided good doctors, good hospitals, good insurance, etc.; and I need to provide a good patient. 🙂
Indiscriminate leaking of embarrassing information cuts both ways. Before this election cycle is over, I wouldn’t be surprised if the RNC or Trump campaign fall victim to an especially nasty October surprise.
It is crappy if innocent people end up victim to the leaks. If that is the case, then I agree that Assange should have reviewed more carefully.
I feel that it’s important for Sanders supporters to know that there was a concerted effort to prevent their success by what is supposed to be a neutral organization during the primaries. After all that, the Sanders delegates from California and Oregon were treated less than friendly at the convention.
Though the only policy I really agreed with Sanders on is opposition to the TPP, I still think he was done wrong by Clinton and the DNC. She is a globalist. Wall Street owned through and through. If I had aligned with Sanders, I don’t think I could bring myself to vote for HRC. At least enough votes for Jill Stein might force the Democrat machine to make concessions to their base next go around.
It might even be nice if the 2 party system were broken up one of these days.
“Watch the flag fall and no one even try to save it.”
Many Democrats don’t love America. They blame it…
…for all their misfortunes… most of which are self-created.
A good example of this lack of love is how Obama does not show respect to the national anthem by placing his hand over his heart.
Sure, doing this can be an empty and meaningless gesture… but NOT doing it is very meaningful… especially when combined with all the other anti-American nonsense he and his repulsive wife spew…
…as they squander American good will and tax dollars to live the high life.
Sidenote: Many Republicans say they love America… but seem more interested in globalism with American leadership… perhaps good for “America” and its ruling elite… but not necessarily good for Americans.
I’ll keep you in my prayers. Question for you: Were you going to SCBC prior to September 2011? If so, then we do know each other. I was the guy in the back left, running the sound equipment every Sunday morning.
This article is interesting: “”There’s more than just jingoistic hysteria behind the many accusations that Trump is “Putin’s agent.” In a poetic way, this is true. The international interests that financially wrecked Russia in the ’90s are doing the same to the United States now. Putin stopped them in Russia and Trump is promising to stop them in America. They recognize Trump as the enemy and slander in the only style they know—the paranoid style.”
Hillary feigning surprise/excitement at balloons dropping from the ceiling of a Presidential Election year convention hall:
Funny how Hillary supporters (I won’t call them Democrats, that’s an insult to Democrats and some have stood against her) claim the joke about her missing e mails is “treasonous”. It’s not treason to post state secrets on an unsecure computer, but it’s treason to make a joke about it. Yes, Russians, please find Hillary’s missing unsecured e mails from her decommissioned computer that is no longer operational sitting in a closet somewhere. Might require some legwork. Or you could just collaborate with the Chinese I’m sure they still have it all.
Hillary Rotten Clinton. Okay, it’s a juvenile stab, but funny. And accurate. I’m kind of looking forward to a future president calling Vladimir “Poopin”, Angela “Merkin”, and Kim “Long spoon”. Beats the alternative anyway.
@johnnyboy, I am sure we will see some kind of October surprise against both candidates. If the Russians do in fact have Hillary’s emails it seems the potential is there for a more damaging October surprise against her. With Trump at this point what else could really be used against him that people don’t already know? Trump seems to get away with things that most politicians would be disgraced and marginalized for long ago anyway. I think that is a sign of how much of a protest candidate he is against the political establishment.
8 years ago
Peter Schweizer, the author of Clinton Cash, engaged in a Reddit AMA a few days ago. He claims that the Clinton Foundation is under FBI investigation (though he can’t reveal how he knows) and also claims that more information on the Clintons and their connection with selling uranium to the Russians will be forthcoming in the next few days. This is independent of the next Wikileaks release as Schweizer says he is unaware of what Assange or his organization have in their possession.
Pretty fascinating stuff if you have a few moments to peruse it.
@johnnyboy, thanks for sharing the link. Schweizer makes a comment on the thread that the reason the Democrats chose Hillary instead of a stronger candidate like Biden is that the Clinton’s control the DNC. The email leaks confirm this. After loosing to Obama it appears they were taking no chances this time around and made sure to have their crony controlling the DNC to sabotage Bernie Sanders as much as possible.
I think Biden has to be frustrated by this because I think he would be a much more difficult candidate to run against than Hillary.
The Clintons are shockingly dirty… but seemingly dirty only for the sake of being dirty.
Do they need more money? More power? It would seem they would become more powerful by NOT engaging in near-open corruption.
Hopefully, proof of their dirty dealing will not come out until closer to the election… where it can be used as (even more) ammunition by Trump to easily win the election from Crooked Hillary.
Further, after Trump is elected, the FBI and the DoJ should investigate the criminal aspects and, if the evidence leads to it, the Clintons should be arrested and tried for their crimes.
The danger is if this information comes out too early and there is clear evidence of Hillary’s criminality which forces her out of the race.
There is a big difference between Trump beating Hillary in an election and Trump becoming president by default when running against a Democratic party in disarray with no real candidate. This would cloud his legitimacy as president with about half of American voters… the non-productive and nonrealistic half… but also the shrillest, noisiest, and most demanding half.
While watching Hillary squirm as revelations of her dirty dealing trickle out is gleeful… and there is a faint hope she will end up further disgraced in a prison cell… the legitimacy of the election is very important.
…and this is likely the gift the head of the FBI gave to America when he clearly stated Hillary was guilty of serious crimes and then gave a lame reason why she wasn’t charged… and further set the stage for her to be charged if more evidence is found… which it presumably has been… but it waiting to come to light after the election.
Drumpf would spend much more than cheapskate ice rink time, so TIME….is”Michigan for”
8 years ago
“Pussy Drumpf is scared to debate Hillary”
That is how the media is trying to spin it…
…but, of course, the truth is that Trump will demolish Hillary on every level… from personal integrity to doing what is best for America (and, by extension, Americans).
Trump’s complaint about the debates is that two of the three are scheduled during NFL games… which will reduce the audience watching him demolish Hillary.
It seems perfectly reasonable to ask for important political decisions to be made without dilution by circuses. If Hillary is confident of her performance, she should be calling for the same thing.
As for the letter from the NFL that the NFL denies, just wait for it. Trump is setting them up, as he has so many… and when the hype has played out, Trump will produce the letter, the NFL will say, “Oh, THAT letter”, and the MSM will duly report it on page 90.
…and it will be spun as if the letter came from some low staffer and not the actual NFL.
Trump has all the ammunition he needs to destroy Hillary… and he has the ability and will to use it.
This is going to be really interesting and amusing… heightened by knowing that Tbone, and a bunch of people like him, are going to squirm in their own juice.
As an aside, I watched about two minutes of the news today where Hillary was interviewed and she mentioned how great her record is and how she believes Trump is conspiring with the Russians. It’s always a conspiracy, isn’t it? This woman seriously isn’t well. More salient observations from the Diplomad about Hillary and the DNC convention: “A general observation: Lot of lefty weirdness on view at the DNC convention. The final night, of course, the Dems tried to overcome the lack of patriotism manifest throughout the first three nights by flooding the arena with American flags. Didn’t work. Poor Leon Panetta, a leftover from the old party which still had some semblance of love of country, found that out. He got hooted for calling for the defeat of the terrorists. That’s all you need to know about the modern Democratic Party.
OK, then we had the execrable Chelsea Clinton. I know, I know, the standard wisdom is not to attack candidates’ kids. Sorry, but she’s an adult, and has put herself out there in the arena, so . . . Is this woman on Xanax? What was that speech-style she adopted? Sounded as if she had received diction lessons from Robbie the Robot or Siri. What a phony. She has vast wealth thanks to her corrupt parents, lives in a $10 million condo in Manhattan–yes, just like other young people–and has a somewhat shady hedge-fund manager husband. She launched a highly scripted and completely inauthentic paean to her corrupt mother, trying to make life in the dysfunctional crime- and scandal-ridden Clinton household seem normal. OK, enough of that.
Hillary’s speech. Look, I am biased against her, but have to recognize that she gave a good solid progressive-light speech. Lots of extravagant promises about social justice and inequality and, and . . . it almost made one forget that the Dems have been in power for years and all the problems she outlined have only gotten worse. She had the usual lefty nonsense about guns and racism and, and . . the usual. She seemed to forget that men also exist in America. I noticed her little stunt whereby she altered the standard phrase “Founding Fathers” to just Founders. Constant effort to erase men from American life.
The whole woman schtick is tiresome. Other countries do not make a big deal about this. There have been lots of women politicians and national leaders, some excellent–e.g., Queen Elizabeth, Thatcher, Meir–others disasters–e.g., Ghandi, Merkel, Gillard, Bandaranaike–and most just forgettable or inconsequential–just like most male leaders. This is not a big deal.
I thought her foreign policy stuff was OK. It was standard, inside-the-beltway, American foreign policy prescriptions. Not bad . . . except for one thing, one little thing . . . the person giving the speech. She almost completely ignored her own time as SecState. Her foreign policy was a disaster. I have discussed that disaster in detail many times and won’t repeat, but she has an arguably unequaled record of failure. She, of course, did not mention her ambiguous role–at best–in the Benghazi disaster, nor, of course, did she mention her disregard for national secrets. She was a failure with Russia, Latin America, the Middle East, China, terrorism, and, and, and . . . . Not a word about how she and her boss have made the world a much more dangerous place than it was eight years ago.
One has to keep asking Hillary, “When YOU had the power, what did YOU do?” Not much, well at least not much positive for America.”
Hm…when I hit the “read more” button, my response looks as I intended it to. Before that is was jumbled and weird.
8 years ago
For anyone whose irony meter isn’t pegged for the day, a quote:
“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.
I know a pilot who has a vase in his house that was a wedding gift from Putin.
His wife is Russian, and her father is a businessman over there. When he went over to see the family back when they were engaged (about ten years ago…the ONLY time he went there) they met up at a restaurant. It was a big table and who should be sitting there as part of the party but Putin! (and a couple of other Prime Ministers from small countries). He said Putin mostly stared at him a great deal and it was unnerving. A few months after they returned home, following the wedding, he received a package in the mail. It was a vase from Putin! He was so freaked out he put the thing into a storage room and only took it out about two years ago. He figures if it was bugged somehow it probably isn’t much to worry about anymore.
Apparently watching the DNC can lower testosterone levels. So can watching romantic movies. But some movies can raise T levels (and men and women differ). Presumably from the findings, watching the DNC lowers male testosterone and raises female testosterone.
Not that this should suprise anyone but it’s always interesting when science confirms something that is pretty obvious to the casual observor, but has always been denied.
8 years ago
Troll quote from above: “Drumpf Wants Putin and Russia to hack America and all you agree with Drumpf because (blah blah)”
But…wait a minute, I thought those 30,000 deleted e mails were just “personal stuff” and had nothing whatsoever to do with national security. If that’s the case why wouldn’t everyone want Russia to try to find them? That’s just a bunch of wasted time and added trouble for them, right? RIGHT?! And her personal emails were probably really hard to hack and find. Her name being on the address and all.
Someone on another site brought this up and it’s interesting to consider:
He suggested that the “simple reason for the hack of the DNC and now the Clinton campaign could be that as SoS Clinton pushed for an investigation of Putin’s “rigged” election”.
I hadn’t thought of that one.
He thinks Russia probably has the E-mails from her server and I expect an October surprise.
8 years ago
Just thinking out loud. Because, why not? It’s still legal at present. Thought police are so 2017….and only if Hillary gets elected.
I wonder what will happen if and when Wiki releases the (likely unbelievably easily accessible) Benghazi mission emails that explain why we set up consulate 80 miles from a shooting war.
8 years ago
If I recall, previous arguments were about Snowden and whether or not his intentions were strictly noble.
I am happy he opened a lot of people’s eyes to the widespread security apparatus used on U.S. citizens.
Anything released about spying on foreign governments should probably have been kept mum as it is in the interest of the American people.
In the modern age, even the most inept and dimmest of spies (example Bradasschelsey) can gather and distribute more security information in a few minutes than the shrewdest could gather in three lifetimes just three decades ago. I’d prefer that wasn’t the case.
But since it is, I wonder what will happen if and when Wiki releases the (likely unbelievably easily accessible) Benghazi mission emails that explain why we set up consulate 80 miles from a shooting war.
Hillary might even be looking forward to it.
She’s probably bored with the simple challenge of lying about criminal investigations and rape, and eagerly anticipates the challenge of lying about covert, strategic activities.
8 years ago
“Why doesn’t Mr. Khan have the right to speak”
Does one have the “right” to make false and defamatory statements about someone in front of millions of people?
Perhaps… as slander is a matter of civil rather than criminal law.
So now that Tbone has cleared this up for us, I’d like to exercise my right by informing you all that Tbone’s first sexual experience was an act of child molestation.
..but unlike Kahn, my information is fact.
Isn’t that right, Tbone?
8 years ago
Yeah sure. Khan can speak. That doesn’t make what he said correct.
He has no idea if Trump has read the Constitution or not. He simply threw the accusation out without any substantive argument on which of Trump’s policies were unconstitutional.
Also interesting is that Mr. Khan appears to be an immigration lawyer specializing in Muslim clients. If true, that would mean trump’s policy of not allowing in people from Muslim nations would take a bite out of Khan’s business.
Ironic that Khan would support the candidate who voted for the Iraq war in which his son was killed. A lot of people were fooled into voting for that war. She just happens to be the only presidential candidate who was.
Libya however, is Clinton’s baby and she needs to own her interventionalist mistake that upended what precious little stability was in the region and opened a pathway for refugees to Europe. “We came. We saw. He died.”
He being Qkhaddaffiye (blended spelling based on the hundred or so different spellings in the press) who though he was a very bad person, was still cooperating with the international community and acting as a gatekeeper to the masses of people desiring entry into Europe.
Helping the rebels take him out really fuucked a lot of shiit up.
Hillary is closer to a modern republican than her supporters would like to admit.
Don’t fall for it, Tbone. The best bet for the left to make a difference or bring the Democrat platform closer to their positions is to vote Green or Libertarian. Let them know they can’t keep shoving a globalist, warhawk agenda down your throat.
8 years ago
I’m a bit confused about Trump University.
I have attended a few for-profit courses and siminars over the years and here are my observations:
1. Little information is presented that can’t be found in a book or on the internet. On the other hand, it offers a chance to practice new knowledge with a bit of guidance which builds comfort and confidence with the material.
2. People get out what they put in. Paying attention, asking good questions, completing all nightly reading assignments (with notes), and trying to exactly understand the material instead of sitting through classes and hoping it sinks in is important… as it is with all education.
3. These types of classes will make you more knowledgeable but won’t make you more smart.
Soooo… I wonder if Trump U taught useful information in an organized way (which they likely did) and why some of the people suing continued to pay for increasingly expensive classes if they weren’t getting anything from the previous classes.
I suspect it is more of Trump U selling an empty dream of being a real estate millionaire to people who do not posses the intelligence, life experience, general ability, or diligence regardless of how much training they are given…
…in a market saturated with smart and experienced people who worked daily in the industry for years… fighting over the relatively rare distressed properties that show up.
It may be a tad unethical to part a fool with their money knowing full-well they cannot apply the information you are selling them… or maybe that is just how the world works.
All it takes is one sharp former student to come forward and demonstrate the information and skills taught at Trump U made him money… meaning it’s the students and not the information.
NO universities offer 100% guaranteed graduation rates. NO universities offer 100% employment after graduation. Not even Harvard.
And there are always folks wanting to blame someone else when life teaches them the fair is the place with blue ribbon pigs, funnel cakes, and more expensive lessons in the arcade.
8 years ago
Drumpf will be in civil court for much of his presidency should he win which is highly unlikely. Are you ready for president Drumpf to spend his time with his many backlogged civil court cases which he cannot escape or ignore as president during his presidency? Drumpf U. vs. starts Nov. 28th, 2016 whether he wins or loses. 🙄
The Second (Indianhead) Division Association is searching for anyone who served in the Army’s 2nd Infantry Division at any time. For information about the
association and our 95th annual reunion in Springfield, Missouri from September 20 – 24, 2016, contact secretary-treasurer, Bob Haynes, at or 224-225-1202;
or visit
2ID Reunion Update: MG(R) Morris Brady, who commanded the 2ID during Operation PAUL BUNYAN, will speak at the Grand Banquet on 9/23/2016. Also planning to attend the reunion, which will mark forty years since OPB, are two of the Panmunjom tree cutters, COL(R) George Deason and SGM(R) C.M. Twardzicki. The speaker at the Memorial Service on 9/23/2016 will be COL(R) Roger Donlon, who commanded the 2ID’s Advanced Combat Training Academy in Korea and was awarded the first Medal of Honor of the Vietnam War. All 2ID & JSA veterans are invited to the reunion, you do not have to be an association member to attend.
Second to None!
For those of you keeping score at home, this WEEK’s totals for the Dumbazz Germans Will Let Anyone Into Their Country contest are:
Syria: 2
Iran: 1
Pakistan: 1
This round’s bonus point is awarded to Iran for killing kids.
The double bonus multiplier goes to Syria for hacking a pregnant woman to death.
As we prepare for the semifinals, it’s going to take a lot more work by the German team to catch the French team where the North Africans are really excelling over the Middle Easterners in the local Dumbazz French Will Let Anyone Into Their Country contest.
The low-scoring nation is still Japan in thier verson, Sorry, We Control Our Borders and Don’t Allow Human Garbage to Immigrate for the Good of the Society We Have All Worked Hard to Build contest.
That’s all for today, sportsfans.
@Mike, it sounds like this is going to be a great event with some very interesting guest speakers. I wish I could attend, but there is no way I could do it this year. Maybe sometime in the future. Hopefully some other ROK Heads reading this will be able to attend.
@Chickenhead, what I find interesting is how the German government is quick to blame some of this on mental illness.
The big question the media has completely ignored is how the teenage Iranian got hold of a Glock and 300 rounds.
AKs left over from Balkin conflicts are all over Europe… available and affordable.
Surplus Glocks aren’t seen floating around frequently or cheaply.
The media has ignored this aspect of the case which could reveal anything from outside assistance to police incompetence.
I am likely to agree there is a bit of mental illness in the mix… which is easily expressed as violence when combined with the teachings, expectations, and propaganda of Islam… and then amplified by the deep personal frustrations in much of the Islamic world.
But it is insincere to fully blame mental illness when a crazy Muslim and a crazy Buddhist act very diffetently… and it is more insincere when the crazy Muslim is the tool of not-crazy Muslims promoting their agenda.
The citizens of Europe who have sacrificed and worked hard to build a peaceful and comfortable society since WWII need to rise up against their governments if they want to maintain the lifestyle the have earned.
If they refuse to do this and choose to cling to this perverse and nonsensical form of liberal idealism that does not reflect reality, they get exactly what they deserve.
Germany has found the perfect solution to stop terrorism.
More gun control!
Known for its lax gun laws, that should keep teenagers with already illegal guns from shooting the place up and solve 25% of the terrorism problems.
Knife control, axe control, and bomb control should complete the solution.
…though immigrant control would have worked, too… and without affecting all the innocent Germans who will never use a gun, knife, axe, or bomb to kill in the name of Allah.
“Before tonight’s attack senior German officials called for a review of gun laws and even stricter enforcement after Friday’s shooting in Munich.
German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said: ‘Gun control is an important issue. We must continue to do all we can to limit and strictly control access to deadly weapons.’
The German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere vowed to review German gun laws after studying an investigation into the attack, and to seek improvements where needed.”
Gun control seems to be a common idea to solve every problem… it almost seems to be a pattern… like the ruling elite are uncomfortable with normal people having any sort of power… especially if they get fed up as a group and wish to try a little direct democracy with votes that actually count.
Japan doesn’t need immigrants to do their mass killing Well, we don’t know if this guy was an immigrant or not, yet.
What you GOPer lovers had at the RNC is a bunch of has beens like Cha Chi from Happy Days(and GOP FREAK), while at the DNC you got big time happenings stars NOW. Actually you freaks are for the side that can’t get hardly anyone of significance to stand up for Drumpf with common sense or without freakish scary/yelling speech
I would trust a B-list star to know more about what the average American is facing than an A-lister.
The A-lister is most likely at a point in their life when they can live a lavish lifestyle and spend money with reckless abandon, all while protected by a personal security detail ensuring they will probably never be a victim of a Muslim refugee practicing his freedom of religion.
Side note: I didn’t hear any speakers at the DNC talking about bringing in Muslim refugees as a plus. Perhaps they fear the little people are opposed?
Anywho, I wonder what the national polls say right about now. Whose message is sticking with more people?
And by the way, where was Debbie Wasserman-Shultz? As DNC chair shouldn’t she have been the one to gavel the convention in? I can’t imagine she would miss out on one of her most important functions. Did something happen? Can somebody fill me in?
You know the drill. This time they attacked a Catholic church during mass and slit the priest’s throat.
And France comes back with a Vengeance!–abc-news-topstories.html
Since it’s Yahoo, of course they don’t say where these fine, upstanding gentlemen came from, so we can’t add their points to the scoreboard just yet.
I came across an article saying the gun was sold as a prop, and rendered unable to fire. Can’t find it now, of course, but you would think it would take more than ordering parts off of eBay to get it firing again.
But this little tidbit caught my eye:
*Police chief says there was an ‘obvious’ link with Anders Breivik’s massacre exactly five years earlier in Norway
Really? German police can make an immediate link between the date Anders Breivik’s attack and this one, but Hillary can’t make the connection between an attack on 9/11 in Libya and the 9/11 attacks in New York? Strange how that works.
Read more:
Here’s the article about where they think the Glock came from, and a score sheet for anyone following along:
“Here’s the article about where they think the Glock came from”
That article is more full of shyt than a Christmas turkey in almost every “fact” it claimed… and it pushed a few very false conclusions based off those non-facts.
CH: I never said I believed the article, I said this is what the Germans are saying at the moment.
I’ve seen weapons “rendered safe.” It’s not like he could just order a part or two off of eBay and be good to go. Usually they pour lead down the barrel, weld various parts together, and remove things like firing pins, etc. I don’t see this kid buying a prop gun then somehow getting it back in service without a machine shop.
Anyways, looks like the North is having problems with rain and mudslides. What if Fatty Kim took the money he spends on missiles he won’t actually fire, and put it into his infrastructure?
MTB, I am certainly not blaming you for media bullshyt and I do appreciate the link.
As a Glock is somewhat different from most other guns, deactivating it would require a slightly different path… one which isn’t clear to me at the moment.
Its parts-replacible design means everything in it can be easily replaced without fitting… though those parts are not as easy to get in Europe as they are in the States… where only the frame is a controlled item.
Modifications to the serial-numbered polymer frame can be reversed (with various levels of quality) by using epoxy or polyester resin, a bit of finely chopped fiberglass, and printer toner for color. Any filler used for deactivation can be filed out in far fewer man-hours than welds in an all-metal gun.
Barrels and slides are also matching serial numbered… and, as they traced the “serial number” it means the gun is a complete set and was never properly deactivate by destroying the chamber and striker area of the slide… or those parts were replaced… at which point they will have different serial numbers which would reveal exciting new information.
It is likely this “deactivated” story is all bullshyt anyway.
Regardless, chasing how he “reactivated” it is an intentional diversion… as he didn’t also manufacture the bullets… with odds being they were a package deal that he somehow arranged and afforded… which likely is a really intetesting story… and likely will never honestly be revealed.
This all reeks of misdirection on every level.
The Economist/YouGov poll (the only one favoring Clinton by any significant margin). It showed the participants overwhelmingly believed the direction the country, and by extension the government, is going is the wrong one. Yet they voted in favor of the status quo. Makes one wonder.
Some folks should not drink and play video games:
I’m thinking this guy “ruined his life” long before he ever downloaded his first game, but whatever…
Your best bet is to just click the thumbs down button and move on.
My favorite feature of the revamped website!
@johnnyboy, that was quite the post-convention bounce that Trump received despite the negative media attention from his wife’s speech and the Ted Cruz snub:
I’m not convinced the bounce is attributable to the convention. I think Trump’s, Gary Johnson’s, and Jill Stein’s numbers will only go up in the next few weeks. The media is doing it’s best not to report or show the videos, but directly after Bernie nominated Hillary there were hundreds of his delegates who exited the convention in protest.
There were also reports of Bernie supporters’ signs being confiscated and people being threatened to have their credentials removed and escorted from the premises.
In other words, there is a sizable portion of Sanders supporters who are not planning on unifying the party by supporting Clinton. How big that portion ends up being remains to be seen.
Looking forward to seeing how the Clinton vs. Trump and the 3-way and 4-way polls end up looking in the next couple of weeks.
Also looking forward to the next Wikileak which I believe is scheduled for sometime after the convention wraps up.
Don’t feel sorry for me. I know most won’t; but that isn’t the meaning of this post. I assume most of us are friendly enough to share a seasonably-appropriate beverage and chat about stuff agreeably.
I now have proof that four straight days of 24-hour internet-free chemotherapy is more pleasant than reading tbone’s ravings. Including the part where your liver and kidneys almost die passing the poison into your bowels and bladder and everything burns like something CH might suggest with hot chiles… That last is getting under control finally. Haven’t lost my hair yet or all my white blood cells, either.
If it ever comes up and you want my opinion, don’t develop a sarcoma. If you do anyway (since those are still mostly of the “some people just get that” variety), “get thee hence” to MD Anderson in Houston post-haste, before any surgery, radiation, or chemo elsewhere. We’re talking about a 25-30 percent better shot of living past five years.
God-willing, I’ll make it back to Songtan to hear Nelson or Steve preach at SCBC, slug back some coffee at Blue Mountain or wherever, buy another leather jacket at Mike’s Arcade, and finally get certain custom jackets and scarves done at Mike’s All Season.
Nice how you conflate one mentally ill man with what’s happening all over Europe. Are all Muslim refugees mentally ill? Maybe. Do you ignore the raping of old women and young boys? And even if you don’t like a given priest, is it okay to behead him? This is something only a Hillary Supporter like Bernie would love.
Sure, an army of lone-wolf nutcases. My brother saw a couple a week in Baghdad when he was there. Just ran at the air base firing a pistol. Got the 62 grains of rest they apparently needed.
Clinton fought against George Washington…
The DNC this yesr is a bit if a train wreck on every level… from optics to action.
The best part of Trump running is how he exposed the dirty dealings and gross hypocrisy of the Democrats, fake Republicans, real Republicans, and media,
If he continues this as president, it will improve America… as straight talk and honest action is much needed.
An interesting aspect of this election is how the mainstream media marginalized itself by proving to be untrustworthy.
Between the large number of cellphones and witnesses recording real events counter to the approved narrative and a growing number of websites bringing this video and honest reporting/analysis to the public’s attention as a personal project rather than to satisfy ratings/advertizers/corporate interests, a new media paradigm was created this election cycle that will likely become the new normal.
This is a good thing.
Drumpf Wants Putin and Russia to hack America and all you agree with Drumpf because you’re all GOP united @ Rokdrop
Drumpf tells female reporter to shut up…(Video)
Lenny Kravitz warms up DNC tonight…Awesome! Why can’t the RNC get shyte to perform for them???
The Journolist. Democrat operatives with bylines:
Having been down Cancer Road, I feels ya. Make sure you eat a LOT as early as possible, for the inevitable weight loss. I went from 195 to 225 to 175… The 50 lbs drop took about a month and a half, and it wasn’t fun or sexy. At all.
And your hair will come back if it goes away. Wear a Head Rag, people will think you’re a pirate. 😉
Best of luck, best of prayers, best of science to you.
Cancer Free 7+ years now. Tongue Cancer. Don’t smoke, don’t dip, only drink socially. Did take the A Train Downtown though.
“Lenny Kravitz warms up DNC tonight…Awesome! Why can’t the RNC get shyte to perform for them???”
…because performing shyte is a Democrat thing.
What was the name of that rotten song? Sixty Cycle Hum?
Did you even watch the video?
Apart from something ungrounded that hummed its way through the song, it seemed only the guitar, hat, and snare were miked… making an unlistenable mess.
…a crap production of a crap song by a has-been.
And that’s why the RNC has no performing shyte.
Bonus: everybody lollygagging around on the stage trying to get things organized had the production values of a gradeschool event
So sorry to hear this, Setnaffa. Is there anything we can do to help?
I am wondering which network Russia would have to hack in order to procure the emails that were lost and not retrieved by the FBI. I doubt that it would be any sort of government network.
To be retrieved in totality, these emails would likely have to have been procured directly from her homebrew server prior to their deletion. In which case, I am very much interested in seeing if the Russians have any emails not uncovered by the criminal investigation. I am curious as to which part of the legal code Mr. Trump’s latest controversial comments might fall under as it potentially involves one private citizen asking for illegally acquired documents from another citizen’s private computer network illegally used to perform government functions. That’s a lot to wrap your head around.
I also find it interesting that Comey withheld comments when asked on whether there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation even after Hillary escaped indictment in the email case.
For anyone interested, A film adaptation of Peter Schweitzer’s “Clinton Cash” can be seen on youtuube right now. It was put up on 7-23 and is sitting at 800,000 views so I would say she has a slight problem. Not everything in the film is outright proof of wrongdoing on the part of the Clintons, but there is certainly enough there to garner attention and inquiry. There is a pattern of donations to the foundation and favorable actions from her as Secretary of State that is troubling.
Honestly, even if there is mass corruption uncovered at the Clinton Foundation, I doubt the FBI would be willing to further disrupt the election cycle in such a profound fashion.
As much as Assange has built up the next Wikileaks release, it had better be something important or they risk losing credibility at a time when they have the chance to capture a much wider audience.
Sorry for the wordy post. Hope somebody got something out of it.
I’m so sorry, Setnaffa. That is awful. And wow, sarcomas are pretty rare.
You’re in my prayers.
I wasn’t a Mitt fan, but I do remember when he spoke about Russia during the 2012 campaign and noted they were recovering and could be a force to be reckoned with as a geopolitical foe. He was actually spot on.
But Obama’s response, “The 1980s are calling; they want their foreign policy back” was considered uber-clever at the time. Perhaps it was, on an emotional hit level to get votes, but it wasn’t accurate.
There is a funny kind of irony to this, which The Diplomad notes:
“The party that denied the existential threat from the USSR and its espionage, now sees Slavs under every slab.”
Prayers mostly, as God will provide what I need. Thanks!!
Thanks for the advice!!
Cheerfully swiped from the interwebs: “Mockery is one weapon. Trump is the other. Plus, no reason not to have fun while driving your enemies before you and listening to the lamentations of their girlymen.”
Setnaffa, I said a sincere prayer for you…
…and I don’t pray.
So, if He is listening, a new voice certainly cut through the chatter.
I think I made a pretty good case that you are a good guy and it would be better for the world, and those of us in it, to have you around as long as possible.
Drumpf Again Threatens Violence against those(speakers at tonight’s DNC) he doesn’t like and he’ll hit them himself…
“Politics is the last place anyone with thin skin should play. I’m sure some have even tried to tell Trump that, but we all know he doesn’t listen. So now we are stuck with the visual in our heads of his tiny, little hands all clenched up into baby fists, ready to strike at people giving speeches he doesn’t approve of.”
President Drumpf, Tbone… get used to hearing that.
Prisoner 479632… get used to pronouncing Hillary that way.
…well, probably not… there are different rules for the Ruling Elite… and nobody else in the club, even if they hate each other, likes to break them…
…as they might be next.
I mean absolutely no snark or ill will in this post.
A serious question Tbone:
Were you a Bernie supporter while he was still in the race or were you pulling for Hillary?
As a Democrat voter, do the things found in the DNC Wikileaks bother you enough to consider Dr. Jill Stein or Gary Johnson as an alternative?
This isn’t a trick or trying to spark a debate. I am just trying to get a sense of how you feel as a Democrat.
I have been reading some of the tweets under #DemExit and there are a lot of pissed off people who truly believe Bernie would have won the nomination if not for the DNC actively sabotaging his campaign.
@setnaffa, all the best to you as well. You have been providing thoughtful comments on the site from near its inception and I hope it remains that way for many more years to come. If there is anything our little community can do for you please let me know.
“Religious beliefs have to be changed! Quit clinging to your Bibles and guns, you hicks! And why won’t you vote for us?”
Thanks, GI, I really do cherish your prayers at this time. God has provided good doctors, good hospitals, good insurance, etc.; and I need to provide a good patient. 🙂
Thanks, CH. You should keep praying. I’ll need it.
Hang in there setnaffa! God is not through with you yet. Work to be done.
Johnnyboy ~ First of all I’m not a democrat and here is the latest on Wikileaks…
Indiscriminate leaking of embarrassing information cuts both ways. Before this election cycle is over, I wouldn’t be surprised if the RNC or Trump campaign fall victim to an especially nasty October surprise.
It is crappy if innocent people end up victim to the leaks. If that is the case, then I agree that Assange should have reviewed more carefully.
I feel that it’s important for Sanders supporters to know that there was a concerted effort to prevent their success by what is supposed to be a neutral organization during the primaries. After all that, the Sanders delegates from California and Oregon were treated less than friendly at the convention.
Though the only policy I really agreed with Sanders on is opposition to the TPP, I still think he was done wrong by Clinton and the DNC. She is a globalist. Wall Street owned through and through. If I had aligned with Sanders, I don’t think I could bring myself to vote for HRC. At least enough votes for Jill Stein might force the Democrat machine to make concessions to their base next go around.
It might even be nice if the 2 party system were broken up one of these days.
Watch the flag fall and no one even try to save it.
Truly “patriotic”…
“Watch the flag fall and no one even try to save it.”
Many Democrats don’t love America. They blame it…
…for all their misfortunes… most of which are self-created.
A good example of this lack of love is how Obama does not show respect to the national anthem by placing his hand over his heart.
Sure, doing this can be an empty and meaningless gesture… but NOT doing it is very meaningful… especially when combined with all the other anti-American nonsense he and his repulsive wife spew…
…as they squander American good will and tax dollars to live the high life.
Sidenote: Many Republicans say they love America… but seem more interested in globalism with American leadership… perhaps good for “America” and its ruling elite… but not necessarily good for Americans.
I’ll keep you in my prayers. Question for you: Were you going to SCBC prior to September 2011? If so, then we do know each other. I was the guy in the back left, running the sound equipment every Sunday morning.
This article is interesting:
“”There’s more than just jingoistic hysteria behind the many accusations that Trump is “Putin’s agent.” In a poetic way, this is true. The international interests that financially wrecked Russia in the ’90s are doing the same to the United States now. Putin stopped them in Russia and Trump is promising to stop them in America. They recognize Trump as the enemy and slander in the only style they know—the paranoid style.”
Hillary feigning surprise/excitement at balloons dropping from the ceiling of a Presidential Election year convention hall:
Funny how Hillary supporters (I won’t call them Democrats, that’s an insult to Democrats and some have stood against her) claim the joke about her missing e mails is “treasonous”. It’s not treason to post state secrets on an unsecure computer, but it’s treason to make a joke about it. Yes, Russians, please find Hillary’s missing unsecured e mails from her decommissioned computer that is no longer operational sitting in a closet somewhere. Might require some legwork. Or you could just collaborate with the Chinese I’m sure they still have it all.
Hillary Rotten Clinton. Okay, it’s a juvenile stab, but funny. And accurate. I’m kind of looking forward to a future president calling Vladimir “Poopin”, Angela “Merkin”, and Kim “Long spoon”. Beats the alternative anyway.
Steiner’s attack will free Berlin…
@Liz, the Takimag link was an interesting read that made some good points.
@johnnyboy, I am sure we will see some kind of October surprise against both candidates. If the Russians do in fact have Hillary’s emails it seems the potential is there for a more damaging October surprise against her. With Trump at this point what else could really be used against him that people don’t already know? Trump seems to get away with things that most politicians would be disgraced and marginalized for long ago anyway. I think that is a sign of how much of a protest candidate he is against the political establishment.
Peter Schweizer, the author of Clinton Cash, engaged in a Reddit AMA a few days ago. He claims that the Clinton Foundation is under FBI investigation (though he can’t reveal how he knows) and also claims that more information on the Clintons and their connection with selling uranium to the Russians will be forthcoming in the next few days. This is independent of the next Wikileaks release as Schweizer says he is unaware of what Assange or his organization have in their possession.
Pretty fascinating stuff if you have a few moments to peruse it.
@johnnyboy, thanks for sharing the link. Schweizer makes a comment on the thread that the reason the Democrats chose Hillary instead of a stronger candidate like Biden is that the Clinton’s control the DNC. The email leaks confirm this. After loosing to Obama it appears they were taking no chances this time around and made sure to have their crony controlling the DNC to sabotage Bernie Sanders as much as possible.
I think Biden has to be frustrated by this because I think he would be a much more difficult candidate to run against than Hillary.
By the way for those interested here is the link to Schweizer’s documentary that has been published on Youtube:
The Clintons are shockingly dirty… but seemingly dirty only for the sake of being dirty.
Do they need more money? More power? It would seem they would become more powerful by NOT engaging in near-open corruption.
Hopefully, proof of their dirty dealing will not come out until closer to the election… where it can be used as (even more) ammunition by Trump to easily win the election from Crooked Hillary.
Further, after Trump is elected, the FBI and the DoJ should investigate the criminal aspects and, if the evidence leads to it, the Clintons should be arrested and tried for their crimes.
The danger is if this information comes out too early and there is clear evidence of Hillary’s criminality which forces her out of the race.
There is a big difference between Trump beating Hillary in an election and Trump becoming president by default when running against a Democratic party in disarray with no real candidate. This would cloud his legitimacy as president with about half of American voters… the non-productive and nonrealistic half… but also the shrillest, noisiest, and most demanding half.
While watching Hillary squirm as revelations of her dirty dealing trickle out is gleeful… and there is a faint hope she will end up further disgraced in a prison cell… the legitimacy of the election is very important.
…and this is likely the gift the head of the FBI gave to America when he clearly stated Hillary was guilty of serious crimes and then gave a lame reason why she wasn’t charged… and further set the stage for her to be charged if more evidence is found… which it presumably has been… but it waiting to come to light after the election.
Intereating times.
NFL Slams Drumpf or his typical/regular/daily LIES…Pussy Drumpf is scared to debate Hillary so LIES in attempt to cover his whimsy AZZ LIES.
Drumpf would spend much more than cheapskate ice rink time, so TIME….is”Michigan for”
“Pussy Drumpf is scared to debate Hillary”
That is how the media is trying to spin it…
…but, of course, the truth is that Trump will demolish Hillary on every level… from personal integrity to doing what is best for America (and, by extension, Americans).
Trump’s complaint about the debates is that two of the three are scheduled during NFL games… which will reduce the audience watching him demolish Hillary.
It seems perfectly reasonable to ask for important political decisions to be made without dilution by circuses. If Hillary is confident of her performance, she should be calling for the same thing.
As for the letter from the NFL that the NFL denies, just wait for it. Trump is setting them up, as he has so many… and when the hype has played out, Trump will produce the letter, the NFL will say, “Oh, THAT letter”, and the MSM will duly report it on page 90.
…and it will be spun as if the letter came from some low staffer and not the actual NFL.
Trump has all the ammunition he needs to destroy Hillary… and he has the ability and will to use it.
This is going to be really interesting and amusing… heightened by knowing that Tbone, and a bunch of people like him, are going to squirm in their own juice.
Good writeup examining and dissecting the specific claims that Trump is a racist (by a former non-supporter of Trump):
As an aside, I watched about two minutes of the news today where Hillary was interviewed and she mentioned how great her record is and how she believes Trump is conspiring with the Russians. It’s always a conspiracy, isn’t it? This woman seriously isn’t well. More salient observations from the Diplomad about Hillary and the DNC convention:
“A general observation: Lot of lefty weirdness on view at the DNC convention. The final night, of course, the Dems tried to overcome the lack of patriotism manifest throughout the first three nights by flooding the arena with American flags. Didn’t work. Poor Leon Panetta, a leftover from the old party which still had some semblance of love of country, found that out. He got hooted for calling for the defeat of the terrorists. That’s all you need to know about the modern Democratic Party.
OK, then we had the execrable Chelsea Clinton. I know, I know, the standard wisdom is not to attack candidates’ kids. Sorry, but she’s an adult, and has put herself out there in the arena, so . . . Is this woman on Xanax? What was that speech-style she adopted? Sounded as if she had received diction lessons from Robbie the Robot or Siri. What a phony. She has vast wealth thanks to her corrupt parents, lives in a $10 million condo in Manhattan–yes, just like other young people–and has a somewhat shady hedge-fund manager husband. She launched a highly scripted and completely inauthentic paean to her corrupt mother, trying to make life in the dysfunctional crime- and scandal-ridden Clinton household seem normal. OK, enough of that.
Hillary’s speech. Look, I am biased against her, but have to recognize that she gave a good solid progressive-light speech. Lots of extravagant promises about social justice and inequality and, and . . . it almost made one forget that the Dems have been in power for years and all the problems she outlined have only gotten worse. She had the usual lefty nonsense about guns and racism and, and . . the usual. She seemed to forget that men also exist in America. I noticed her little stunt whereby she altered the standard phrase “Founding Fathers” to just Founders. Constant effort to erase men from American life.
The whole woman schtick is tiresome. Other countries do not make a big deal about this. There have been lots of women politicians and national leaders, some excellent–e.g., Queen Elizabeth, Thatcher, Meir–others disasters–e.g., Ghandi, Merkel, Gillard, Bandaranaike–and most just forgettable or inconsequential–just like most male leaders. This is not a big deal.
I thought her foreign policy stuff was OK. It was standard, inside-the-beltway, American foreign policy prescriptions. Not bad . . . except for one thing, one little thing . . . the person giving the speech. She almost completely ignored her own time as SecState. Her foreign policy was a disaster. I have discussed that disaster in detail many times and won’t repeat, but she has an arguably unequaled record of failure. She, of course, did not mention her ambiguous role–at best–in the Benghazi disaster, nor, of course, did she mention her disregard for national secrets. She was a failure with Russia, Latin America, the Middle East, China, terrorism, and, and, and . . . . Not a word about how she and her boss have made the world a much more dangerous place than it was eight years ago.
One has to keep asking Hillary, “When YOU had the power, what did YOU do?” Not much, well at least not much positive for America.”
Amen and Amen.
Hm…when I hit the “read more” button, my response looks as I intended it to. Before that is was jumbled and weird.
For anyone whose irony meter isn’t pegged for the day, a quote:
“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.
This is known as ‘bad luck.’”
— Robert Heinlein
Followed by a very related link:
“Venezuela calls for mandatory labor in the farming sector”
Seems like I’ve seen the luck quote more often lately.
“squirm in their own juice”
Sounds like what Roger Ailes is doing along with all those @ FoxNOTnews and its watchers like you have been/continue to be doing.
And then you got Drumpf the Biggest Liar of all time wannabees presidents.
“Donald Trump denied that he had any relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin”
Tbone, it seems that we have had far more communication than anyone claims Trump has had with Putin.
Does this mean… we… have… a relationship?
I am so touched right now.
I know a pilot who has a vase in his house that was a wedding gift from Putin.
His wife is Russian, and her father is a businessman over there. When he went over to see the family back when they were engaged (about ten years ago…the ONLY time he went there) they met up at a restaurant. It was a big table and who should be sitting there as part of the party but Putin! (and a couple of other Prime Ministers from small countries). He said Putin mostly stared at him a great deal and it was unnerving. A few months after they returned home, following the wedding, he received a package in the mail. It was a vase from Putin! He was so freaked out he put the thing into a storage room and only took it out about two years ago. He figures if it was bugged somehow it probably isn’t much to worry about anymore.
Here is an interesting piece.
Apparently watching the DNC can lower testosterone levels. So can watching romantic movies. But some movies can raise T levels (and men and women differ). Presumably from the findings, watching the DNC lowers male testosterone and raises female testosterone.
Not that this should suprise anyone but it’s always interesting when science confirms something that is pretty obvious to the casual observor, but has always been denied.
Troll quote from above: “Drumpf Wants Putin and Russia to hack America and all you agree with Drumpf because (blah blah)”
But…wait a minute, I thought those 30,000 deleted e mails were just “personal stuff” and had nothing whatsoever to do with national security. If that’s the case why wouldn’t everyone want Russia to try to find them? That’s just a bunch of wasted time and added trouble for them, right? RIGHT?! And her personal emails were probably really hard to hack and find. Her name being on the address and all.
Someone on another site brought this up and it’s interesting to consider:
He suggested that the “simple reason for the hack of the DNC and now the Clinton campaign could be that as SoS Clinton pushed for an investigation of Putin’s “rigged” election”.
I hadn’t thought of that one.
He thinks Russia probably has the E-mails from her server and I expect an October surprise.
Just thinking out loud. Because, why not? It’s still legal at present. Thought police are so 2017….and only if Hillary gets elected.
I wonder what will happen if and when Wiki releases the (likely unbelievably easily accessible) Benghazi mission emails that explain why we set up consulate 80 miles from a shooting war.
If I recall, previous arguments were about Snowden and whether or not his intentions were strictly noble.
I am happy he opened a lot of people’s eyes to the widespread security apparatus used on U.S. citizens.
Anything released about spying on foreign governments should probably have been kept mum as it is in the interest of the American people.
In the modern age, even the most inept and dimmest of spies (example Bradasschelsey) can gather and distribute more security information in a few minutes than the shrewdest could gather in three lifetimes just three decades ago. I’d prefer that wasn’t the case.
But since it is, I wonder what will happen if and when Wiki releases the (likely unbelievably easily accessible) Benghazi mission emails that explain why we set up consulate 80 miles from a shooting war.
Hillary might even be looking forward to it.
She’s probably bored with the simple challenge of lying about criminal investigations and rape, and eagerly anticipates the challenge of lying about covert, strategic activities.
“Why doesn’t Mr. Khan have the right to speak”
Does one have the “right” to make false and defamatory statements about someone in front of millions of people?
Perhaps… as slander is a matter of civil rather than criminal law.
So now that Tbone has cleared this up for us, I’d like to exercise my right by informing you all that Tbone’s first sexual experience was an act of child molestation.
..but unlike Kahn, my information is fact.
Isn’t that right, Tbone?
Yeah sure. Khan can speak. That doesn’t make what he said correct.
He has no idea if Trump has read the Constitution or not. He simply threw the accusation out without any substantive argument on which of Trump’s policies were unconstitutional.
Also interesting is that Mr. Khan appears to be an immigration lawyer specializing in Muslim clients. If true, that would mean trump’s policy of not allowing in people from Muslim nations would take a bite out of Khan’s business.
Ironic that Khan would support the candidate who voted for the Iraq war in which his son was killed. A lot of people were fooled into voting for that war. She just happens to be the only presidential candidate who was.
Libya however, is Clinton’s baby and she needs to own her interventionalist mistake that upended what precious little stability was in the region and opened a pathway for refugees to Europe. “We came. We saw. He died.”
He being Qkhaddaffiye (blended spelling based on the hundred or so different spellings in the press) who though he was a very bad person, was still cooperating with the international community and acting as a gatekeeper to the masses of people desiring entry into Europe.
Helping the rebels take him out really fuucked a lot of shiit up.
Hillary is closer to a modern republican than her supporters would like to admit.
Don’t fall for it, Tbone. The best bet for the left to make a difference or bring the Democrat platform closer to their positions is to vote Green or Libertarian. Let them know they can’t keep shoving a globalist, warhawk agenda down your throat.
I’m a bit confused about Trump University.
I have attended a few for-profit courses and siminars over the years and here are my observations:
1. Little information is presented that can’t be found in a book or on the internet. On the other hand, it offers a chance to practice new knowledge with a bit of guidance which builds comfort and confidence with the material.
2. People get out what they put in. Paying attention, asking good questions, completing all nightly reading assignments (with notes), and trying to exactly understand the material instead of sitting through classes and hoping it sinks in is important… as it is with all education.
3. These types of classes will make you more knowledgeable but won’t make you more smart.
Soooo… I wonder if Trump U taught useful information in an organized way (which they likely did) and why some of the people suing continued to pay for increasingly expensive classes if they weren’t getting anything from the previous classes.
I suspect it is more of Trump U selling an empty dream of being a real estate millionaire to people who do not posses the intelligence, life experience, general ability, or diligence regardless of how much training they are given…
…in a market saturated with smart and experienced people who worked daily in the industry for years… fighting over the relatively rare distressed properties that show up.
It may be a tad unethical to part a fool with their money knowing full-well they cannot apply the information you are selling them… or maybe that is just how the world works.
All it takes is one sharp former student to come forward and demonstrate the information and skills taught at Trump U made him money… meaning it’s the students and not the information.
We shall see.
Don’t gambling establishments essentially “part fools and their money”?
NO universities offer 100% guaranteed graduation rates. NO universities offer 100% employment after graduation. Not even Harvard.
And there are always folks wanting to blame someone else when life teaches them the fair is the place with blue ribbon pigs, funnel cakes, and more expensive lessons in the arcade.
Drumpf will be in civil court for much of his presidency should he win which is highly unlikely. Are you ready for president Drumpf to spend his time with his many backlogged civil court cases which he cannot escape or ignore as president during his presidency? Drumpf U. vs. starts Nov. 28th, 2016 whether he wins or loses. 🙄
Hillary by Ten points… 😎