Some Tips to the South Korean National Assembly On How to Properly Show Dokdo Patriotism

It looks like some Korean politicians needed a bump in the polls by making a Dokdo trip:

Taean County head Han Sang-ki (2nd from L) delivers a stone from South Korea’s westernmost island to Ulleung County head Choi Soo-il (2nd from R) during their visit to the nation’s easternmost islets of Dokdo on Aug. 15, 2016. (Yonhap)

A group of South Korean lawmakers from the ruling and opposition parties visited their country’s easternmost islets of Dokdo on Monday as the nation celebrated the 71st anniversary of Korea’s liberation from Japan’s 1910-45 colonial rule.

The group of 10 lawmakers, led by Saenuri Party Rep. Na Kyung-won, said the trip was intended to reassert South Korea’s sovereignty of the islets and was an “inherent” part of their parliamentary activities.

It is the first such trip by South Korean lawmakers since Aug. 14, 2013, when another group of lawmakers traveled to the islets to counter Japan’s territorial claims to Dokdo.

“(I) hope that there will be more such visits in the future,” Na told Yonhap News Agency over the phone. “More attention and support (for Dokdo) on the part of the National Assembly is needed.”  [Yonhap]

You can read more at the link, but I think the assemblyman is right that they need to do more to show their support for Dokdo.  First of all they should have taken picture of all them trying to eat a Japanese flag.  After that one of them should have chopped their finger off,  while another stuck a knife in their gut, followed by drinking weed killer.  Finally one of them should have covered themselves in bees while holding a sign declaring Dokdo as Korean territory.

That is how real defenders of Dokdo show their patriotism!  This group of National Assemblymen are just amateurs with much to learn.

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8 years ago

Even better suggestion, they should all move there permanently. Don’t come back to Seoul. That’s patriotism.

8 years ago

What about Hammering Pheasants Day (note their bleeding on the Japanese flag), 17 July 2008?

8 years ago

Why can’t countries stop electing Joe Biden clones?

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