I guess it was only a matter of time before some sex scandal became part of the whole Choi Soon-shil mess in South Korea:
Ko Young-tae
The investigation by the prosecution on the influence-peddling scandal surrounding Choi Soon-sil, President Park Geun-hye’s confidant, shed light on Choi’s clandestine relationship with a host bar worker.
Ko Young-tae, 40, had voluntarily turned up at the prosecutor’s office for questioning late Thursday after entering the country earlier in the day. After a 40-hour prosecutorial investigation over how confidential documents including the President’s speeches reached Choi, he returned home around noon Saturday but was summoned again Sunday.
No details about the interrogation are available.
Ko is suspected of managing The Blue K and Widec Sports _ paper companies Choi set up in Korea and Germany allegedly to funnel money away from the Mir and K-Sports foundations.
Little is known about Ko.
He is a former member of the national saber team, winning a gold medal at the 1998 Asian Games in Bangkok.
Being through with sports, Ko worked at well-known host bars in Gangnam, southern Seoul, according to reports and witnesses. A host bar is an establishment where female customers are served by male hosts who engage in conversation as well as sometimes barter for sexual services. The two are believed to have met and become close at one such host bar, around 2006.
“Ko made a lot of money with his good looks,” said an anonymous man who introduced himself as Ko’s coworker at the bar during Kim Hyun-jung’s “NEWS SHOW” on Christian Broadcasting Service (CBS) Radio, Friday.
“I assume that Choi was one of Ko’s close customers as they are on friendly terms with each other despite the 20-year age gap between them,” he said. Choi is 60 years old, and the friendly terms despite a two-decade age difference can indicate an intimate relationship, according to reports. [Korea Times]
You can read more at the link, but like the Anthony Weiner mess causing ripples in the US Presidential election, the tablet found in the trash by cable news channel JTBC that contained the edited Presidential speeches may have belonged to Ko. If so this means that Ko may have been privy to classified information without a security clearance. What a mess.
“Being through with sports, Ko worked at well-known host bars in Gangnam”
😈 Hah holy **** look at how they threw that in there and just kept right on going like it’s the logical accepted life progression of sports entertainers. There’s an “only in Korea” for you.
Let’s try an Americanized version of that statement, and I’ll have to use Jenner because despite recent events she’s the most easily recognized Olympiad we’ve have that wasn’t stripped of medals for _____.
“Bruce Jenner being done with scoring gold at the 80-whatever Olympics has now moved on to smoking pole in the back alleys of LA. We wish him luck and success, now on to Jim with weather and sports.” 🙄
“Being through with sports, Ko worked at well-known host bars in Gangnam”
😈 Hah holy **** look at how they threw that in there and just kept right on going like it’s the logical accepted life progression of sports entertainers. There’s an “only in Korea” for you.
Let’s try an Americanized version of that statement, and I’ll have to use Jenner because despite recent events she’s the most easily recognized Olympiad we’ve have that wasn’t stripped of medals for _____.
“Bruce Jenner being done with scoring gold at the 80-whatever Olympics has now moved on to smoking pole in the back alleys of LA. We wish him luck and success, now on to Jim with weather and sports.” 🙄