Korean Students at UC-Berkley Hold Protest Against President Park

When you go to UC-Berkley I guess everyone is supposed to find something to protest, even if the protest means nothing to the vast majority of Americans; I did get a laugh out of the below sign though:

Korean students at the University of California, Berkeley, are furious at the political scandal involving President Park Geun-hye and her confidant Choi Soon-sil.

Thirty Korean students from the U.S. school on Tuesday denounced Park and her administration for not taking full responsibility for the deepening democratic crisis.

They are the first Korean students studying at American universities to hold a protest rally over the scandal.

The students read a statement in Korean and English that said: “As students of Korean heritage, we are furious to find out about the recent political scandal known as ‘Park-Choi Gate.’ To restore democracy in South Korea, we demand President Park, her administration and her party assume full responsibility.

“We are furious. We, as South Koreans, are furious to witness such a collection of criminal events taking place in a democratic country.”  [Korea Times]

You can read more at the link, but I have to wonder if they are concerned about “a collection of criminal events in a democratic country” have they been holding any protests against Hillary Clinton who’s passing of classified information over insecure email may not have been to a Shaman, but is the same issue, which also includes the issue of improper donations to each President’s respective foundations which is also both being investigated.

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8 years ago

Lazy rich kids who never took responsibility for anything…

8 years ago

They should have said #Trump? #Nukes?

8 years ago

take responsibility please

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