North Korea Says It Has Invented an Obesity Cure and It Doesn’t Involve A State Sponsored Famine

North Korea’s researchers have obviously not tested their obesity cure on Kim Jong-un:

nk defector image

North Korean scientists have announced that they have invented a pill that cures obesity, in an article published by the country’s state media on Monday.

The article, entitled “Researchers in Metabolic Diseases,” outlines the ten-year research project which resulted in what’s described as “the Golden Pill Against Obesity.”

The new pill is supposedly superior to other treatments and allegedly works without lifestyle or diet changes.

“As it decreases the body-weight and the thickness of subcutaneous fat without applying any diet or exercise cure, the pill is believed to be superior to existing remedies of obesity or foreign pills or other means of treatment,” the article reads.  [NK News]

You can read more at the link.

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Tagum City Tim
8 years ago

So that’s why North Koreans are so skinny! I thought it was the famine! Silly American!

8 years ago

We say famine, they say state-sponsored-meal-plan.

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
8 years ago

We may make fun of them, but the cure to obesity seems to be: Don’t have McDonald’s every meal, don’t pour sugar into everything, and keep your portion sizes small.

Fatty Kim seems to have missed that entire list. I’m sure he somehow smuggles a few hundred Big Macs into the DPRK every chance he gets.

8 years ago

This is news?

Traditional Korean food without sugar, processed wheat, corn, potatoes, and all the artificial processed shyt Western people eat… well… obesity takes care of itself.

You can eat samkyupsal and soju/whisky every meal…

… but hit those french fries, beer, and baguettes… well… you be the fatboy.

Bonus: work out 30 minutes a day and keep the body of a 30 year-old

Oh… wait… that’s why the 60 year old ajuma in high heels can pass me going up the mountain… while singing.

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