South Korea’s History of Scandal Ridden Presidencies

The Associated Press has an article published which looks at how each President of the Republic of Korea since its founding has had scandals of some kind mar the end of their presidencies:

Former ROK Presidents Roh Tae-woo and Chun Doo-hwan in prison outfits.
Former ROK Presidents Roh Tae-woo and Chun Doo-hwan in prison outfits.

 If there’s one thing that South Korean presidents dread more than the looming threat of rival North Korea, it may be this: becoming an ex-president.

Nearly all former presidents, or their family members and key aides, have been embroiled in scandals at the close of their terms or after leaving office. There have been corruption allegations, coups — even a suicide and an assassination.

Now, South Korean prosecutors say they believe current President Park Geun-hye, facing historic levels of unpopularity as she approaches her last year in office, conspired in the criminal activities of a confidante who allegedly exploited her presidential ties to force businesses to donate money to two foundations she controlled.

Here’s a look at the troubles faced by South Korean presidents over the years:  [Associated Press]

What is probably the most disappointing thing about President Park Geun-hye for many Koreans is that they thought she would at least be a relatively scandal free Presidency since she had few immediate family members to create corruption scandals like past presidencies.  However, her lack of immediate families members were replaced by cult figures that went on to do the same things that got past South Korean presidents in trouble.

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