North Korea’s former deputy ambassador to the UK has vowed to expose the “gruesome realities” of life under Kim Jong-un’s repressive dictatorship, in his first public appearance since defecting from its London embassy earlier this year.
Another round of exposing the abuses in North Korea, followed by the denials and counteraccusations by the DPRK (The norKs got ahead of this by accusing Thae of child raape and embezzlement), then… Well, honestly, nothing. No one is willing to go in and set Johnny Kim straight with a solid buffet upside the head.
Not sure what more he could say that would get a military force to drive a regime change.
The last several haven’t been very successful, overall.
8 years ago
Off-duty Turkish cop kills Russian ambassador.
The Russians know how to deal with this shyt and Putin isn’t afraid of the Islamics and their puzzy European apologists.
(In reality, WW IV pretty much has to come… unless Trump can pull an economic rabit out of his hat. Interest on the national debt is about to be America’s greatest expense… above defense and welfare programs. This is unsustainable… and must be corrected through industry or war. America’s industry is in ruins… but it is 15ish years ahead in big-ticket military equipment and 14ish months ahead in small items.
What starts out as another boring story complaining about USFK got interesting when at the bottom they threw this piece of golden poo in there:
“In 2000, the US 8th Army Command was found to have dumped untreated toxic waste into the Han River, a major source of drinking water for Seoul residents.”
We all know what that’s in reference to, holy F KoreaHerald, sensationalize much? š
8 years ago
“Well, you can tell from the way I use my Glock
Iām a Turkish Man, no time to talk.”
The Turkish assassin does seem to have a serious Travolta vibe going…
…dance moves from Saturday Night Fever… clothing from Pulp Fiction.
I guess Tagum City Tim is letting the rest of us have first dibs…
Anyways, standby to stand by:
Another round of exposing the abuses in North Korea, followed by the denials and counteraccusations by the DPRK (The norKs got ahead of this by accusing Thae of child raape and embezzlement), then… Well, honestly, nothing. No one is willing to go in and set Johnny Kim straight with a solid buffet upside the head.
Not sure what more he could say that would get a military force to drive a regime change.
The last several haven’t been very successful, overall.
Off-duty Turkish cop kills Russian ambassador.
The Russians know how to deal with this shyt and Putin isn’t afraid of the Islamics and their puzzy European apologists.
WW IV is coming, baby!
Keep your pantry stocked and your powder dry!
(In reality, WW IV pretty much has to come… unless Trump can pull an economic rabit out of his hat. Interest on the national debt is about to be America’s greatest expense… above defense and welfare programs. This is unsustainable… and must be corrected through industry or war. America’s industry is in ruins… but it is 15ish years ahead in big-ticket military equipment and 14ish months ahead in small items.
…well… hell… if we knew who to steike.
@MTB Rider – Yeah, I was a little distracted this week. Thanks for picking up the slack! Hehehe
Well, you can tell from the way I use my Glock, I’m a Turkish Man, no time to talk.
When you know you’re about to be shot, but triggee discipline is life.
Saw a scary but oddly humorous gif this morning. Photo of angry Putin. Caption read “Better order ham now. Might not be any Turkey by Christmas.”
Trump’s Secretary of Labor pick, Andrew Puzder, favors amnesty for illegals.
Underground water near US military base still contaminated
What starts out as another boring story complaining about USFK got interesting when at the bottom they threw this piece of golden poo in there:
“In 2000, the US 8th Army Command was found to have dumped untreated toxic waste into the Han River, a major source of drinking water for Seoul residents.”
We all know what that’s in reference to, holy F KoreaHerald, sensationalize much? š
“Well, you can tell from the way I use my Glock
Iām a Turkish Man, no time to talk.”
The Turkish assassin does seem to have a serious Travolta vibe going…
…dance moves from Saturday Night Fever… clothing from Pulp Fiction.
Ended up about the same, too.
Richard Marx to the rescue, lol. I wish he would of beat the sht of this passenger, lol.