Richard Marx Helps Take Down Unruly Passenger on Korean Air Flight

Richard Marx and Daisy Fuentes to the rescue?  Via a reader tip, that is what happened on a recent Korean Air flight:

Richard Marx heroically fought off and restrained an out-of-control passenger during a flight from Vietnam to South Korea … and his wife, Daisy Fuentes, captured the whole ordeal.

Daisy took a bunch of pics as Korean Air flight attendants and the ’80s hitmaker teamed up to take down the man. You can see Richard was throwing elbows and even holding the rope tied around the guy.

According to Daisy and Richard … the flight crew was “completely ill trained” for combat. One of the flight attendants had a taser, but had no clue how to use it … at least that’s how Daisy saw it.

She says they battled the attacker for 4 hours, and 2 passengers and a crew member were injured. Seoul police arrested the guy when they landed.  [TMZ]

You can read more at the link, but here is video of the altercation:

I would have to think this guy is either extremely drunk on drugs judging by his behavior which is absolutely ridiculous. I have to give credit to the passenger who was helping to restrain him and kept getting spit in the face. I think many people would have hit the guy in the face after getting spat on repeatedly like that passenger was.

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MTB Rider
MTB Rider
8 years ago

According to Daisy and Richard … the flight crew was “completely ill trained” for combat. One of the flight attendants had a taser, but had no clue how to use it … at least that’s how Daisy saw it.

Waif-fu works well enough in movies, but the reality of forcibly moving a drunk or drugged up, fully grown man is not something a skinny little stewardess is exactly trained for. Size, weight, grappling skills do count for a lot.

Had I been the one wrestling him into a seat I think I would have a sore shoulder, and he would be sporting a gap-toothed grin. Unfortunately, pain compliance techniques doesn’t work all that well when the other person can’t feel pain.

8 years ago

This video does not compute. A plane full of people put up with this for 4 hours?

Septemeber 11, 2001 taught the world all it needs to know about misbehavior on a plane.

As soon as this commotion started, I would be aware, present, and on the fringe of involvement. As soon as it was obvious the airplane crew was not able to control the situation, I would have hit that guy across the head with a bottle of duty free whisky or a sock full of coins until he calmed down long enough to hogtie him on the floor with his own sock in is mouth.

This action seems self-evident… as maintaining order in a cramped metal box way up in the sky is the most important issue to resolve.

Four hours? Seriously?

8 years ago

Obviously, their unruly passenger restrain training is ineffective. Seriously, what was she trying to do with that rope? They plastic tie strapped his hands … in front of his body?

Tie strap his hands behind his back and seatbelt him down. Done. He’s not getting up and can’t unbuckle his seat belt with his hands restrained behind him. Basic police transport method.

One more piece of equipment they might issue to the crews; gags, maybe even a ball-gags, to kept him from spitting and shouting.

BTW. I read that this passenger was another spoiled child of privilege. The son of a Korean company owner.

8 years ago

The real crime here is that Daisy Fuentes is married to Richard Marx.

8 years ago

The guy restraining him and getting spit at … I would NEVER have gotten that close to the crazy guy, especially leaning forward like that where you are face-to-face (almost nose-to-nose) and you can’t quickly maneuver away if need be. I’m shocked the crazy mofo didn’t start head butting the guy or biting the guy’s face.

And that stewardess … the guy is kicking away like a mule and she just stands there … and then big surprise … he nails her. A direct shot to the knee from the heel of a hard-soled shoe can cause a tremendous amount of damage and result in a long hospital stay, surgery, and then months of re-hab while humping around on crutches.

8 years ago


“I feel horrible for the abuse the staff had to endure but no one was prepared for this,” Fuentes wrote. “They never fully got control of him. They didn’t know how to use the Taser and they didn’t know how to secure the rope around him (he got loose from their rope restraints three times).”

Marx later tweeted, “Korean Air should be sanctioned for not knowing how to handle a situation like this without passenger interference.”

A police probe revealed that the offender, identified as Im, was returning from a business trip to Vietnam and was already drunk before boarding the flight, where he drank several more glasses of alcohol.

A passenger who sat next to him told police that Im kept talking but he did not respond. “And some two hours later, he suddenly hit me in the face,” he added.

The unruly passenger had already been placed on a watchlist of dangerous fliers following a similar incident aboard a plane in September.

I wonder how long it will be before he does something like this again.

8 years ago

Fellow like that would get an American passenger a bit worked up. And on an American flight he might have been killed. “Rich” people have no more right to get drunk and endanger others than those others have to end the danger. There ought to be air marshals on all flights to save these [expletive deleted] from the just consequences of their actions..

Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

I would have applauded your actions and testified as to your restraint in the presence of a deranged person intent on potentially wrecking the aircraft. But you do sound a bit soft on crime… 😉

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
8 years ago

It looks like Korean Air has decided to not put up with ajushis getting liquored up and acting the fool on their planes:–finance.html
A few lines from the article:

GIMPO, South Korea (Reuters) – Korean Air Lines said it will allow crew members to “readily use stun guns” to manage violent passengers, and hire more male flight attendants, after coming in for criticism from U.S. singer Richard Marx over its handling of a recent incident.

Stun guns and stun gun training. Plus at least one male flight attendant per flight to make sure there is someone with enough upper body strength and weight to someone like Lim to the ground.

Korean culture may still allow drunk and “powerful” men to avoid responsibility though:

Lim, in his early 30s, appeared on Monday for questioning by police, wearing a mask, thick-rimmed glasses and a hat. He apologized for his behavior but said he could not remember what had happened, according to video shown by broadcaster SBS.

The old and time honored “I was drunk, and don’t recall my actions, but I am very sorry anyways” defense. So he’ll get a small fine and be let go.

Hate to use the “If I had been there, blah, blah, blah,” because far to many people are brave from behind the safety of a keyboard. But I think had there been more Americans, and especially more American Servicemen onboard, someone would have had their arse handed to them.


8 years ago


Every time before I fly, I tell myself that I will deal with any threat quickly, violently, and without hesitation.

In 15 years, nothing has happened.

But, like muscle memory, I am fully committed to solving these type of problems if they arise.

Actually, twice, I have solved lesser problems on a plane.

Incident 1:

Domestic flight in America.

I was asleep and the back of my seat was violently kicked. WTF? Before I could consider more, it happened again. And then again. I unbuckled my seatbelt, turned around with my knees on the seat and looked over the top. There was a 10ish year-old boy, a slightly younger girl, and a mom. The dad was across the aisle. The boy was behind me.

“Hello there. Please don’t kick my seat, OK?”

I said that with a big smile in a friendly voice. Pretty much everyone from my seat back saw me do that. The mother looked down at nothing. The father looked deeper into his magazine. The boy looked up with a mixture of fukk and you… real defiant and hateful.

I turned around and sat down.

Kick. Giggle. The little fukker kicked my seat intentionally and laughed about it. Then he did it again… then again.

I unbuckled my seatbelt, turned around with my knees on the seat and looked over the top again.

Sternly, “Please don’t kick my seat again.”

Mom looked at something below her. Dad looked deep into his magazine. Everybody else in every seat looked at me. The boy looked up and gave me a whatcha gonna do look.

I sat down and my seat got kicked. Giggle. OK.

Pissed, I was.

I turned around, looked over the seat and said rather loudly, “If you kick my seat again, I am going to kick your father’s azz.”

He gave me an unsure look.

“Come on. Do it.”

We looked at each other for a few seconds. I turned around and sat down. I heard the father and mother whispering frantically. Many people were giggling and snickering.
I waited for few minutes… tense… ready to get up, grab the father by the throat, put a thumb in his eye, tell him to resolve the problem or face consequences.

But whatever mom and dad had done in their frenzied whipers, the problem had been solved. I went back to sleep after some minutes.

If there is interest, I will detail Incident 2 on a Korean flight.

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

I’m interested.
Never had a problem on any flights, but I’ll be remembering your “Knock it off, or I’ll kick your Dad’s arse!” Technique for sure!

Reply to  GIKorea
8 years ago

Or did she… [insert ominous music here]

Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

I have a similar story.

One time, I was on a domestic flight in America also. I was flying with my family. I must have been around 10 or 11.

This guy in front of me was snoring so loudly that everyone was visibly bothered. I made it my personal goal to rectify the situation. It all began when I politely –but sternly– kicked the back of his seat…………

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
Reply to  johnnyboy
8 years ago

😆 😆 😆 😆

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
8 years ago

Another bit of aircraft shenanigans:

Yeah, not Korean airlines, or even anything to do with Korea, but me wondering what the Hell people are thinking these days!

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
Reply to  GIKorea
8 years ago

OK, that’s weird that it changed the link. Let me make sure this link is correct:

It’s hard to get comfortable on a long plane flight, but please. Limit yourself to only removing your shoes, and then only f you don’t have stinky feet!

8 years ago

“One time, I was on a domestic flight in America also. I was flying with my family. I must have been around 10 or 11.

This guy in front of me was snoring so loudly that everyone was visibly bothered. I made it my personal goal to rectify the situation. It all began when I politely –but sternly– kicked the back of his seat…………”

Oh man… this so reminds me of the time I fell asleep on a plane with my head at a strange angle so i must have been snoring something fierce. I woke up with my seat being kicked. I wiped the spittle from my chin and turned around ready to blow my top… but when I saw this pathetic weak little gay-looking kid around 10 or 11, I just couldn’t get mad.

This woman in the next seat who must have been a stowaway crack ho fleeing her pimp said, “Johnnyboy, you be nice to that handsome man in front of you or I’m gonna let the bad man touch you again.”

The little guy looked up with wide eyes, “In the back of the van as we leave the airport?”

She nodded.

He kicked my seat over and over with a smile of anticipation.

Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

Are you going to share that “Air Incident 2” on the Korean air flight, CH?
Or is it too untoward? LOL

8 years ago

Air Incident 2

Flying back on a night flight from Bangkok to Incheon (or maybe Hong Kong), I was sleeping in an asile seat.

In a dreamlike state, I heard “dunk dunk dunk dunk dunk” then somebody banged into my arm and woke me up fully. My arm was on the armrest and not hanging over it… but somebody had managed to bang into rather hard as they walked loudly and quicky to the back of the plane.

Seconds later, “dunk dunk dunk dunk” from behind me… a Korean boy of around 5 comes running back down the asile persued by a girl perhaps a year or two older. With flailing arms he bounced from armrest to armrest banging into others.

They were giggling as well now.

Keep in mind, the plane was in the dim lighting sleep mode… and many people wrre asleep.

The mother was sitting maybe 10 rows ahead in the very front seats… so the kids ran back to her where they were noisy and jumped round in the larger space for a few minutes before noisily running back down the asile past me… banging my arm again.

I was dozing and hoping all this would go away… but, of course, the flight attendants did nothing.

Sometimes airplanes need overweight high school dropout bouncers rather than slinky waif attendants and prissy stewards.

They ran back past me to the front, were noisy and giggly… and then ran past me to the back. My arm got hit both times.

I had enough. Perhaps the solution lay in a splash of hot water or a mouthful of duty free whiskey spat in their eyes.

Dunk dunk dunk dunk… here they came again from behind.

As they passed, I stuck out my foot. The boy went sprawling forward, perhaps clipped his forehead on an armrest and faceplanted into the floor. The girl kicked into him and went azz over tea kettle. He screamed like an injured rabbit.

This really did force the flight attendants to do something. They came and returned the screaming boy and the deflated girl to mom with a firm lecture.

But that was not exactly the end.

Across the asile sat an old and rather distinctive Korean man with a thin gray mustache and a small pointy beard… and a very stern look. He quietly observed this whole thing. As the flight attendants were dealing with it all, he looked at me with narrowed eyes… and the thought crossed my mind that he might inform someone that the rond-eyed devil next to him had intentionally injured the chindren.

He looked at me for a moment…

…then gave the hint of a smile and without lifting his hand much above the armrest, he gave me a slow thumbs up.

I smiled back and went to sleep.

Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

Touch’e, el gato.

I’m starting to remember more though. The gentleman’s head was at a strange angle, but I’m not sure it was a snoring sound I heard. It was more of a gagging, coughing type sound.

Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

Thanks CH. That was another good one!

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