CSIS Expert Claims President-Elect Trump Has No North Korea Strategy

Here is what one expert thinks of President-Elect Trump’s North Korea strategy:

Bonnie Glaser from the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump appears to lack a plan on how to deal with North Korea even though his administration is set to take off in less than a month, a U.S. expert said Sunday.

Bonnie Glaser, senior adviser for Asia at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), also said in an interview with CBS television that the Trump foreign policy team doesn’t seem to have a full strategy yet on China.

North Korea is “not an issue that Trump knows a lot about,” Glaser said, adding that the concern for the United States is that the North Koreans could pose an existential threat to the homeland if they can make a nuclear warhead that can potentially reach U.S. territory.

“Do we have a strategy that focuses on defense? Do we take a much more aggressive posture against North Korea?” Glaser said, wondering about Trump’s plan. “Some people are raising the possibility of a pre-emptive strike on a missile, if it’s on a launch pad, because we don’t know what’s atop that missile, whether it’s a satellite or a nuclear warhead.

“There may be some discussions about whether we really need to try to cut off trade and harm North Korea’s economy, go beyond sanctions that are really focused on depriving North Korea of weapons of mass destruction,” she said.  [Yonhap]

You can read more at the link, but North Korea is not an “existential threat to the homeland”.  The Kim regime would need a huge stockpile of nuclear weapons along with the transport erector launchers (TELs) to launch them to be able to destroy a country the size of the United States.  Plus the DPRK’s warhead technology would have to be advanced enough to defeat the US’s Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system.  The Kim regime’s nukes are at best a deterrent that puts a handful of US cities at possible risk if military action is taken to remove the Kim regime.

As far as sanctions they obviously are not working to stop the Kim regime’s WMD programs because of China.  As North Korean diplomat turned defector Thae Yong-ho has already said, the Kim regime understands it can get away with nuclear development because the Chinese will do nothing to stop them.

It is pretty clear that the incoming Trump administration does have a plan, it is just that it is one that is going to focus on China instead of North Korea which Glaser has already pointed out:

“It looks to me like Trump is trying to keep China off balance, to try and signal that he’s not necessarily going to conduct business as usual in the same way that it has been conducted over the last eight years under Obama and that he thinks it can appear that he can gain some leverage by signaling a willingness to confront China,” Glaser said.

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8 years ago

and anyone else has?

8 years ago

Bonnie might be right. Or she may be a (pardon the expression) bitter clinger who cannot fathom why Trump hasn’t shared everything with her a month before he’s sworn in…

… Not to mention the country only has one President at a time and Barack Obama still has that role (as in perhaps Trump is behaving like a President and not leaking everything in order to curry favor with irrelevant and/or failed “centers” and their pet “journalists”…

I am sensing a lot of butthurt from CSIS and CBS.

Ole Tanker
Ole Tanker
8 years ago

How do you normally deal with a neighbor who has a rabid dog caged in their back yard?

Reply to  Ole Tanker
8 years ago

1 pound of hamburger laced with Drano took out our two non-rabid dogs (Weimaraners) back in the mid 80s. I guess that’s where you’re headed?

Ole Tanker
Ole Tanker
8 years ago

Too EZ! We can put Big Macs on balloons with radios.

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