Picture of the Day: South Korean Activists Want to Scrap Comfort Women Deal

Calling for scrapping of Korea-Japan accord on comfort women deal

Participants to the decade-long weekly protest calling for Japan’s apology for the Japanese army’s forcible sexual slavery of Korean women during World War II in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul march toward the foreign ministry while holding up the portraits of the deceased sexual slaves, called “comfort women,” on Dec. 28, 2016. They called for the nullification of the Korea-Japan agreement on comfort women signed last year. (Yonhap)

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8 years ago

Those little buttercups were not even alive back then and probably not their mothers.
Is this ever going to end…

Reply to  Songtan1
8 years ago

Nope, it’s the perfect excuse for Koreans to keep their hate alive and to continue to live in their “tragic” past. I’ve said it before, the Japanese gov’t could give every victim (not just the Koreans) one million dollars and apologize every hour for a year and Koreans will never be satisfied. Again, it’s the perfect excuse to hate and Koreans have been teaching this to their children (“buttercups”) for a long time

Reply to  GIKorea
8 years ago


The simple fact of the matter is I’ve heard many Korean children in my classes over the years say how they hate the Japanese and some want to “kill the Japanese” for what they did to Korea.

These are children saying this. Why are are they saying this and why are they being taught to hate? Who is teaching them this? If the majority of Koreans are tired of this issue, their voices are the loudest and this should be a non-topic. Don’t those with the loudest voices in Korea win the argument? This reminds me of those loser KKK barbarians and other scum like them and what they preach to keep hate alive. Why else would an elementary kid want to murder a person for being Japanese, or whatever else for that matter?

If little kids are saying this, they are being taught to hate by the older generation who were also taught to hate by an older generation etc…

Maybe Koreans need to hate, someone, whether it be the Chinese, Japanese, Americans, English teacher etc… It seems without outsiders to hate, Koreans would probably tear themselves apart.

Sure not every Korean thinks like this and I could possibly be wrong, but I don’t think I am

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