Choi Soon-sil Pastries Discontinued Due to Too Much Demand

If these pastries are such a hit you would think these bakers would want to keep selling them:

Choi Soon-sil pastries

Pastry parodying the jailed friend of President Park Geun-hye and central figure of the Choi-gate political scandal, Choi Soon-sil, has become a hit with consumers, but was discontinued on Dec. 23.

The creators of the duly called “Choi Soon-sil Kkam Bbang,” which is a play on words using the Korean slang term for prison (gambang) and bread (bbang), said they were forced to discontinue their hit product at their bakery in Daegu since they “didn’t have any time to bake any other breads” due to the pastry’s popularity.

While they originally sold 10 to 15 of the pastry per day when it was first offered for sale on Dec. 10, they were soon selling over 100 a day due to viral popularity on social media.  [Joong Ang Ilbo]

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