Tweet of the Day: New Gwangju Uprising Evidence?

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8 years ago

“The National Forensic Service assumes the bullet marks on the outer walls came from either 5.56-millimeter bullets or 0.3-inch bullets.”

In follow-up news…

“The National Forensic Service added there also may have been some 76,200,000 angstrom bullets or .00000300216 nautical mile bullets.

This would be further determined after consulting with the Institute of Randomly Mixed Units and Standards.”

Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

In the next paragraph they call them “shells”. “Indiscriminately fired” at a building with .50cal machine guns on the roof…

Those “civilians” turned themselves into illegal combatants according to the Hague and Geneva Conventions, meaning they _deliberately_ chose to forego any protections by not wearing uniforms, etc…

8 years ago

“Those “civilians” turned themselves into illegal combatants according to the Hague and Geneva Conventions,”

Hmmm… I have some sympathy with those who stand up to the Man when the Man is wrong… and few things do that as well as a jacked .50 cal.

One has to wonder at what point we would support Americans civilians shooting at government assets from the rooftops.

A few different flavors of coup could bring about support for that.

No-knock warrants could be returned to good policing practices with a few .50 cal responses.

Branch Davidians fighting back (plus publicity of the lies/incompetence/illegal actions of government forces) kept that from happening again (at that scale).

The title of “illegal combatant” doesn’t hold so much weight when the other side is fighting illegally (or immorally) as well.

Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

So stop electing Democrats (i.e., those who appoint folks like Janet Reno or hold “beer summits” with “racist cops”). Problem solved. /sarc

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