Ban Ki-Moon Poll Numbers Fail to Rise Due to Corruption Allegations

What gets me about the corruption allegations against Ban Ki-moon is that there is no evidence to prove them, but anonymous sources to the media:

Former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon put in an all-out effort to refute bribery allegations that he took $230,000 from a local businessman over two occasions in 2005 and 2007 as his approval rating remained in second place despite his return to the country and a promotion tour.

Former Saenuri lawmaker Park Min-sik, who acts as a virtual spokesman for the 72-year-old lifelong diplomat, held a press conference at the National Assembly on Monday, denying charges that Ban had taken the money from Park Yeon-cha, former chairman of the Taekwang Company who was convicted of bribery in a separate case.

In an attempt to prove Ban’s innocence, Park disclosed his diary, in which the former foreign minister harshly criticized the businessman for acting “so rude.”

Park first refuted a report by the Sisa Journal which said Ban and Park had met at Ban’s residence on May 3 in 2005 one hour before a scheduled welcome dinner for the Vietnamese foreign minister who was visiting Seoul at the time. The report said Ban received $200,000 in a shopping bag during that time prior to the dinner gathering.  [Joong Ang Ilbo]

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8 years ago

It works differently in Korea. Finding dirt on people for past times are a national past time.

PGH says she’s innocent and the pile of worthless ‘evidence’ against her doesn’t stand up to the truth for impeachment.

At this point, I haven’t seen a single thing that makes her guilty other than trusting her corrupt friend Choi. Yet everyone in Korea is convinced of her guilt by holding up the ‘pile of evidence’. And I look at them, and I wonder where are the evidence and I go “these are it?”

8 years ago

Can anyone expect differently?

Corruption and the UN go together like hitch-hikers and duct tape.

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