Former Minister Testifies that President Park Ordered Government Support for Chung Yoo-ra

If the testimony is true, you would think the President would have better things to do than spend time ordering her government minister to establish a program to help an equestrian athlete:

Kim Chong

President Park Geun-hye made a straightforward and specific order to offer systemic government support for her friend’s daughter’s athletic career, a former vice minister in charge of sports policy revealed Monday.

Kim Chong, former vice minister of culture, sports and tourism, testified in the morning at the Constitutional Court’s eighth hearing to determine whether to remove Park from office.

He said Park cited the need for government support for Chung Yoo-ra, the 20-year-old daughter of her longtime friend, Choi Soon-sil, during their meeting in January 2015. “It was shocking because the president outright mentioned her name,” Kim said.  [Joong Ang Ilbo]

You can read the rest at the link.

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Joseph Lee
Joseph Lee
8 years ago

” “Park said it is unfortunate that she was receiving negative reviews although she is an Asian game gold medalist,” Kim said. “She ordered the government to create an elite program for athletes with abilities and talents such as Chung.”

Which is an impeachable offense….. how? Maybe I’ll have read the coverage in Korean, but it sounds like she complained about negative criticism on Chung and ordered the government to create a special program for athletes LIKE Chung. The Winter Olympics is less than 2 years away.

Was this done in secret or something? I don’t understand why something like this isn’t recorded by government. Presidential orders aren’t made public in Korea?

Reply to  Joseph Lee
8 years ago

In most countries, this is not a problem. But in a country that’s trying to muster single specks dust as evidence, to find anything, and anything to be used against her to bring her down, it is a problem. It’s a matter of perception. Is it corruption to say something positive about someone you’re linked to? In Korea it is corruption. Outside Korea, it’s not. They say, if you keep beating a clean blanket, eventually the dust will kick up. And they call that dirt.

8 years ago

I’m pretty sure they have always had special benefits for national level athletes that allow them to do things like postpone military duty; and for Olympic medal winners – they get an exemption from military duty. I would be curious to know if Korean universities provide full-ride athletic scholarships the way American universities do? And if so – whether they allow students with less than stellar academic records to matriculate (the same way American universities do)?

Joseph Lee
Joseph Lee
Reply to  GIKorea
8 years ago

America (along with China) pretty much pwns the Olympic medal count, so I don’t think the Olympic performance was much of concern in the United States. I imagine it’s a bit different in Korea, where someone like Kim Yuna is adored like a generational talent.

Remember that the media’s assessment of the Clinton foundation (now on its death bed) was “potential ethical issues and conflicts of interests, but nothing outright criminal”. The public would surely raise their eyebrows at the president vouching for a single athlete who just happens to be her confidante’s daughter, but unless there’s some evidence that Chung received undue benefits at the president’s order, I see nothing impeachable.

I keep hearing that the president and Choi are guilty of peddling influence, but just about everyone involved in the controversy has denied it. OK, so what breaks the stalemate? Choi’s niece?

Reply to  Joseph Lee
8 years ago

No evidence, just accusations.

There’s no evidence.


Just accusations by butthurt leftists.

There’s no “stalemate”, just a bunch of whiny losers.

If someone produces evidence, that should be evaluated.

Right now it’s just a bunch of Nork sycophants acting like middle-school kids ganging up on an unpopular student.

The whole thing makes South Korea look weak and immature.

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