It looks like the Chinese are sending a message to South Korea once again that they don’t recognize their ownership of the Ieodo seamount and are still unhappy about the THAAD deployment:
The Chinese planes flew into the KADIZ near Ieodo, a submerged rock located off the southern coast of Jeju Island “several times” from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., according to the source. He said that South Korea countered by sending some 10 fighter jets including F-15Ks and KF-16s to the area.
The South Korean jets sent a warning signal to the Chinese planes, while its Air Force also delivered warning messages to the Chinese side, the source said. The Chinese planes were said to include bombers and early warning aircraft.
In 2013, South Korea expanded its own KADIZ to cover Ieodo on which it has scientific research facilities. China also includes it in its air defense identification zone. [Yonhap]