Tweet of the Day: ROK Countryside Faces 40% Population Decline

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8 years ago

I haven’t read anything on this and my observations may not be representative but I’ve noticed more foreign national laborers working in some agricultural fields in my area. Koreans turning away from farm labor maybe creating a need for a new wave of 3D workers to do it.

Reply to  JoeC
8 years ago

It’s worked out so well for Germany, Sweden, and the US… 🙁

Reply to  JoeC
8 years ago

South Korea created a new work visa program last year that allowed migrant laborers to work in Korea, as seasonal farm workers. After each season is over, they must go back home. But in many cases, the same people will just hang around and work illegally in other industries. The number of illegals are soaring.

8 years ago

The Robot Revolution is coming!

The Thinking Machines will take your thinking job!

And the Working Machines will take their labor job.

Make a plan!

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

I’ve been saying this for years. Now they are estimating up to 50% unemployment due to jobs taken by machines.
Trucker? Cab Driver? Hit the bricks.
Shelf stocker? Burger Flipper? Your services are no longer required.
Doctor? Dentist? Attorney? Nope, machines can do most of the work, better and safer.

Snarky commenter? That will still be available, but hard to make a mortgage payment with that…

Reply to  MTB Rider
8 years ago

Also fighter pilots. Pilotless drones can do that. What about soldiers? Manless robots can do that as well.

Reply to  Tyson
8 years ago

It will be a while before pilotless drones can take over the fighter business. …the airliner pilot business though, is much closer.

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
Reply to  GIKorea
8 years ago

Humans Need Not Apply:

Interesting take on how machines will take over.
As for the truck drivers, there is a video out there where a Mercedes-Benz or Volvo truck goes autonomous. There is a driver, but once he is out on the road, he hits a button, his seat rolls back, and the truck runs the show unless something more complex than the truck can figure out calls the driver back up. The video showed heavy traffic ahead, but it seems rather shoehorned in.

There is a meme going around about the $15 minimum wage for fast food employees, showing a touch screen computer as their replacement. In back, the Burger Flipper 3000 cranks out the sandwiches. Hilarious, until you have to figure out what those folks with minimum skills and no money or aptitude for advanced education are going to do.

The machines are coming, and I’m 15 years from retirement. Between my 20 in the Navy, 25 as a GS, TSP, and properties, I should be able to roll around on my bikes, write novels and make comments on random websites. My son is going into the robotic field, so he should have work for a while. My daughter? Well, she’s in the ganja biz now, and making bank in Colorado. As more states legalize, the “Attorney Fees Penalty” to the price of the herb will go away, turning her into a small crops farmer. I’ve seen the folks at Farmer’s Markets, they’re not exactly rolling in the cash. (I could also link the video for the Farmbot, but I’m not sure how many video links I can add.)

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
Reply to  MTB Rider
8 years ago

As for the fighter jets, there have been a few… issues. 😉

Reply to  MTB Rider
8 years ago


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