Two Korean Men Acquitted of Manslaughter After Chasing Man Committing Sex Act Into A Pole

This guy has to be a Darwin Award candidate:

Police have cleared two civilians over a man’s death during a citizens’ arrest.

The civilians, surnamed Kim and Kwon, saw the man carrying out a sexual act near a villa in Suwon on Aug. 13, 2016.

They chased the man and caught him after he collided with a power pole.

They subdued him and handed him to the police, but he died en route to the police station.

The man’s family sued Kim and Kwon in October after the National Forensic Agency found that the death was related to physical impact during the arrest.

But on Saturday, Suwon Nambu police sent the case to the prosecutor, saying there was no evidence for an indictment.

“The police investigated the death and the manslaughter suit against the civilians,” a police official said.

“However, the prosecution concluded there was insufficient evidence to charge the civilians with manslaughter and ordered the case to be designated ‘clear from suspicion’.”  [Korea Times]

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8 years ago

“After Chasing Man Committing Sex Act Into A Pole”

How do you commit a sex act into a pole?

My Korean landlady from many years ago had the filthiest mouth I’ve ever heard in Korea. She was actually a very nice and generous person … but when her unemployed husband came home late at night drunk on his arse … she’d rip into him and really let him have it. One that I’ll never forget … 개새끼야 좆을 쇠 밖으라 ! (You SOB – go pound your dick into steel !).

So … as long as the steel to which she was referring was a steel pole … I guess it all makes sense.

8 years ago

I don’t get this post. Who’s the Darwin candidate? The guy who died? The police? The prosecutor? The phauk kind of reporting is this anyway? Was the guy raping someone? Was it just sex out in a field or something? Maybe just a quick rubNtug by his lonesome?

This is one HUGE thing I don’t miss about the RoK, the “concerned citizen” bull. Some guy out and about doing the hunka chunka? Call the police, let them handle it. No because of these two morons Keystone Cop hijinks ensued, property was damaged, and someone died as result. Thumbs up Ajeoshi! ❓

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