North Korea Announces that It Is Looking for Few Good English Teachers

Via a reader tip comes this news that North Korea is looking for English teachers willing to work for many years in the country, but there is a catch you can’t leave campus:

Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (PUST), North Korea’s first privately funded university, is recruiting English teachers.

The school is receiving applications from candidates in dozens of countries, many of which are ironically non-English speaking countries such as South Korea, China and Japan.

Preference is given to candidates who have a long-term mindset and are open to staying at PUST for a number of years,” the university says in its recruiting message on , a British recruiting website.

“English teachers are required to commit to an entire 15-week semester. The spring semester begins in early March and finishes in mid-June. The fall semester begins in early September and finishes in mid-December.”

Detailed working conditions such as salary and welfare are unknown.

The university says the ideal candidate will be an “energetic, responsible, and well-qualified professional teacher with relevant English teaching experience.” It It says an English teaching qualification (TEFL/ CELTA/ TESOL) is also highly preferred.

Successful applicants are supposed to have a campus-based lifestyle, meaning they may not be allowed to travel outside the campus.  [Korea Times]

This sounds more like a jail sentence then an English teaching job.


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Tagum City Tim
8 years ago

This gives me an idea. Sort of kill two birds with one stone type of thing. For all those unruly ESL teachers in Korea, make it part of their orientation package that if they run afoul of the law or otherwise embarrass their home country or employer while in South Korea, their punishment will be to be enrolled as teachers of English at PUST. Bet that would cut WAY down on the raucous behavior of the ESL teachers there. Hehehe

8 years ago

Detailed working conditions such as salary and welfare are unknown.

One working condition that can be assumed is that internet access will suck.

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
8 years ago

A friend of a friend applied, and got a response. Apparently, you’re working for room and board. No actual, you know, money. BUT! President Kim Jong Un apparently believes in love-ism… So you got THAT going for you, should you apply.

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