Seoul Court Gives No Jail Time to British DJ Mark Lewis Who Smuggled Date Rape Drug Into Korea

The Grammy nominated British DJ Mark Lewis who arrested this past August for drug smuggling at Incheon International Airport ended up getting off with pretty much no punishment:

A Grammy-nominated British DJ was found guilty of smuggling drugs into South Korea last year. The Seoul Central District Court sentenced the DJ, 53, to a year in prison, suspended for two years. A Korean-American was fined 20 million won for buying and using the drugs.

The Briton was arrested at a customs checkpoint at Incheon International Airport last June. He had a 1.5-liter bottle of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), also known as the date-rape drug, in his baggage. The court said he smuggled GHB into the country four times — in January, March, April and June.  [Korea Times]

You can read the rest at the link, but Lewis admitted to smuggling GHB into the country four times, but the court said they took into consideration that he was not trying to profit from the drugs.  So what was he doing with them?  Using them to rape women?  If he wasn’t the one using them to rape women then he was giving them to someone else to help them rape women.

If people in Korea want to go protest something, then go protest this.

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8 years ago

Stay away from date rape drugs.

They will tear up your digestive system.

Every time I tried it recreationally with my buddies, after I woke up, my butthole hurt.

8 years ago

A 53 year old DJ? 😆

8 years ago

“A 53 year old DJ?”

He was a little too old to excuse as an “aspiring DJ”.

Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

Off with hiz head (pun intended)

7 years ago

you are an idiot if you believe this is only used to rape women.

Reply to  Steve
7 years ago

Animals? Children? Do tell.
I’m sure the multiple uses of GHB are known to all of the wisest and most astute.

7 years ago

“you are an idiot if you believe this is only used to rape women.”

I agree with Steve.

I primarily use it to rape men.

I find the bigger, stronger, tougher, and louder they are, the lower the reporting rate.

Ole Tanker
Ole Tanker
7 years ago

Bigger! Tougher!

I have found Chicken hHeads match. 😎

Reply to  Ole Tanker
7 years ago

The size of the feet on that thing… :hmm:

7 years ago

GIKOREA you are a dick and don’t know what you are talking about. In fact you are so far off this is slanderous and immoral reporting. There are always multiple sides to a the story so check your facts. As a women that has known Mark for over 20 years I guarantee he was not raping women or providing these drugs for someone else to rape women. Read up on the brothers that got fined the 20 Mil Won. Please check your facts before further damage is done to people.

7 years ago

“The value of GHB in his possession was worth approximately $336,148 – enough for 1,000 doses.”

That sounds like cop math. One liter is 1000 one milliliter doses… at $336.15 each?

You can buy a pretty decent prositiute for that if sex is your goal… though it would take 2 to 2.5 doses to put a girl down… so better get two prostitutes. Make ’em twins.

…or a gram of hash AND an ecstasy pill AND some Ritalin AND a bottle of whiskey at Korean street prices… with change left over… if you need some recreation.

“Police are claiming there have been four attempts by Lewis, between January and June, to bring the drug into the country. According to police, a chief at a Korean pharmaceutical company and his twin brother funded the DJ’s trip to Korea.”

Hey… just come to Korea. We will pay. Oh, and our friend will send a bottle of my favorite mineral water. Just throw that in your bag.

How does one get tricked into muling a liter of drugs into Korea?

All of this brings up the question…

Who smuggles GHB?

In Korea, you can buy the ingredients to make your own for about 2 bucks per liter wholesale or 50 bucks a liter retail.

The process for manufacture is pretty much mixing 2 chemicals, heating on the stove, and checking pH… not rocket science.

As he didn’t get serious punishment, and this whole story is odd, I am inclined to agree there is another side to this story.

…but we only have one side…

…a DJ smuggled date rape drug into Korea.

His friends call us names and say there is another side to the story… but don’t have the courtesy to explain what it is.

Rather rude… and not at all helpful to forming a better opinion about the DJ.

Reply to  LaGirl
7 years ago

Ok so what was he doing with them? At the very least he was facilitating something nefarious by providing the conduit.

And yea GI’s a d1ckk….. 😈 took him forever to lift the curse ban from the site. 🙁

7 years ago

“please enlighten us of all the benefits to Korean society Mr. Lewis was providing by bringing the date rape drug into Korea.”

What’s wrong, GI?

You don’t like easy sex with a passive girl on a first date?

MTB Rider
7 years ago

Ah, yes. The “Hit and Run” defense.

“You don’t know nuthin!”

“Well, fill us in. What are the facts missing from the article above?”

She won’t be back.

7 years ago

Your an absolute retard of a reporter. What a fking douche bag you are. Go get a job your good at fucktard.

7 years ago

“Your an absolute retard of a reporter. What a fking douche bag you are. Go get a job your good at fucktard.”

Symptoms of chronic GHB poisoning include excessive swearing, inability to use punctuation, and confusion over your and you’re.

Treatment includes not worrying about what others think and staying away from the internet after one too many pints.

Reply to  ChickenHead
7 years ago

Man I know you used that joke on here before. I’m too lazy to look it up but I know you used it before. 😛

Reply to  Smokes
7 years ago

Oh wait heh wth… I thought this was a new post on this subject. Apparently my remembrance of your former usage of said joke is in fact the initial one; I’m just seeing it again. Whoops. 😳

Reply to  Yourstupid
7 years ago

Mark Lewis I presume? 😆

Reply to  Smokes
7 years ago

My jokes are so fresh you can enjoy them twice.

7 years ago

“As GHB can have a negative impact on both society and the individual, the crime cannot be taken lightly,” the court said in a ruling statement. “However, we made the ruling after taking into consideration that the amount of GHB he smuggled in was not large and he had no intention of profiting from the GHB.”

The amount was not large? Four incidents of smuggling… seemingly around 15 liters total.

I could date rápe a fųcking blue whale with that much GHB.

Now I am curious what the real story is.

Did he blow the judges?

Did he get the GHB from Hillary’s server?

Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
7 years ago

Ahh since someone went and woke this old thing up…

I’m curious as to the grumpy tourist observations. They claim that GI is a *insert foul adjective* who doesn’t know poo from chocolate ice cream and ok we all agree that GI’s a bastard but so what. 😉

Seriously though look at what happened:
GI posted an except from a public news article.
GI credited and linked the story for further reading.
GI expressed some opinions and rhetorically posited questions.

So what are these Google Tourists so upset about? If the facts are wrong then attack the source, which in our case is the Korea Times. If they don’t like GI’s opinions then debate those rather than just retaliate with vague profane claims because that only serves to make you look more like what you claim GI to be.

At best Mark Lewis is a stupid man for violating South Korea’s clear law against the import of said substance for whatever non-rapey reason the intended recipient gave him.

At worst he’s a PoS who fully knew what this was going to be used for, said “F Korean law and F personal rights not to be raped cause I’m gonna get paid and laid!”

In either case the courts dealt with it and while I don’t feel the punishment was sufficient I’m not affected and any further violations that occur because of this lackluster justice’s inability to present proper deterrence is the fault of the RoK Justice system which is something for Korean’s to deal with, or not.

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