Picture of the Day: Guarding the Maritime Border
|A speed boat from the First Naval Fleet guards a group of boats catching fish in the country’s northernmost Jeodo fishery ground bordering North Korea in the East Sea on April 11, 2017. Located just 1 kilometer away from the inter-Korean border, the rich Jeodo area is opened only between April and December under the Navy’s strict protection against possible North Korean provocations. (Photo courtesy of First Naval Fleet) (Yonhap)
@GIKorea – I am sure you are aware and are just copying what Yonhap reported but the NLL (Northern Limit Line) is the boundary off west coast and is an unofficial boundary arbitrarily declared by the UN whereas off the East coast the official (in the armistice) name of the border line is the Military Demarcation Line-Extended (MDL-X). The South Koreans tend to call both boundaries by the same name but there is a legal difference. The NLL is not an internationally recognized boundary line where the MDL-X is officially recognized.
@289 , good catch you are right. I missed the East Sea reference in the caption. Correction made. Thanks.